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<br /> <br />$2=`st~1019 <br />M®Tt'~'GAGE <br />TH![S~OFCTGAGEiamsdethra l5th day of .Marche <br />I9..~,'4etweenthe 3Sori:asaor, JAMES L. BRJD~kA6`i~ A!d[i C4T1iY. J , ,t3i20ISHA.GEN,. husband, and .. , <br />wi ~~ (herete "Borro+~er' ?, and the ;4tortgagee; Name Federal <br />Sa~.~imgs and Loan r+essociatson, a tnrporation organized and exisGdng under the Iuw•a of The ITnited. States of <br />Ptmerca, whose address is 221 Suu4h I.ocustSLteaG, Grand'Island, Nebxnska (hereia'•Lender") <br />wti~~ee~ws 8nrrmwwcc is indebied'to Lender in the prindpal sum of. TVIENTY, FIVE THOUSAND. NINE. HUNDRED <br />liNtl NIA/ 1 Q{3_ s_ _ -_- ---Sjolfars, which indebtedness is evidetced by Borrower's note <br />dated. INart:tt 15 , 19~,r2..:.... . (}~~~ Note"I, providing for monthly instaEltnenis of rincipal and tnterest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if rtat sooner paid, dtre and payable an... Agri 1„I ~ .D[Ol 1.. , , , „, , , , . . <br />To BECUxe to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the T3ote; with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums. with interest thereon,. advanced in accordance. herewith to pzotect the security of this' <br />Mc; [gage., and the ncrfotatance of the covenants and agzeements of Borrower herein contaixted; and (b) [tie repayment <br />of any furur_ advartccs, cvitit irsterrst thereon,. raarIc ao Borrower by Lender putsnant to paragraph 2I hereof (herein. <br />"Fntttre ,4dvartces"7, &irtower does hereby saartgage, grant and convey to Lender the following: described property <br />Eocated iu th:: Ct~unty af .......... . .... .~-.. ..........., State of I~Iebraska: <br />LOT SI=YEN (7} IN' 6~5TROADS ESTATES. FOURTH SUBDIVISION, :N HRl_t GOiJNTY, NEBRASKA <br />whictr hue ttr sd;llress af....., 4Z22' S rtn ichir ...., .. ~lrand. Tsland <br />.. ._. . <br />tssr+o+7 tatty[ <br />Nebraska 661301. {h~traitt"Praperty?A,ddress?'I; <br />............ <br />. , .. .. ~st,n n,a z;y cao.t <br />'foc+k~rrttax vti,th atl tlx arquvvrments Hoar er betraftcr erected on-the propert~r, arm3.al1 easetttcn2s, :rights, ~'-_ <br />:tppart«naraccs, rents, royalties, mineral, oil a:sd gas rights and profits. water. watt: ri.~ltfis, and. water stick, suet aiI <br />.'tztttrfrs Hour at hereafter atuGtrt~ tip ttte progx:rty, alt of which.r:tcErrtifng repfacemr;as and adt6tiotts thereto, shalt be <br />d~eemrsl ti± br arx3 remain a patt at the prape~y .ove-red h~; thix ?4fort~xge : sad aik of the fc,*4~aing. Cz~gcfhe~t with saad <br />~(vtta(3crty {ar the isa~tetrold ester[ if this ~titottgage is un a Ycascho[dt arc herein referred to ax tt~. "P~rperty" <br />IWamwer catst~3rets that I3c~rrowrr is tawiuEEy seisx! o€ the c~tate ixrebr^ v nnveyed artd lie tree r{Sltt'e~ mortgage, <br />gesso arec!r:?nvcy nc~ Praperep. [tsar tk Yris~rrc is ~nensamt~red, a~ that Bc rotircr ~;~ill warrant :sal defend ,_,- <br />~s.~rrally tl~ tit#i` tts the Property amunnz a!? rlairu zard detnandt~. subi~rt ter any tl~:larasicr~q. ttrtrs~ts or resttictiatts <br />i~sRC~t in a ~lacd~'ri ,x' ixix,*rtittis ;y c~vt>ragr i ; eery tale po#ic~; e!rstttIiki; i.c<<dpr's ;^trr~st i^ the Pmncrty. <br />~__~ ~nags4ty-a: ~..RtsN[~ artAratlM ssstfMtst[K[ <br />