<br />PoWFR OF A'P`fitsRYV1Y FUR: Lot ZQ, Sloclc 15, Ashton
<br />~~,~, ~~ ~ i .n`a 9 ~ Place, City ut GranS Isls~nd,
<br />1 Fl S Hall County , NE
<br />':, A;a~:- ~. .'~laurex, of Grand Island, Nebraska, make, constitute
<br />and apF~o1rt ~~iarvi. ~'". Ma'trei,~ of Grand Island, ;Nebraska, my true and 2awfnl
<br />attoraeti~ in tact for ~ and: in my name, place and: stead, giving him full.
<br />rower aad aut~.ority to perfozm ali acts that I may legally do tilrougkx an
<br />attornc,v in fact, and every necessax~,r pracver to carry out thepurgoses for..
<br />u.~ich tY.is powez is granted:, with full power of subst%tution and revocation,
<br />ratii-,.:~ng grid affirming all acts which. he or his substitute shall lawfully
<br />do or cause to ae dare by iiims•a1f cr iris. substitute 2awfu1ly designated'
<br />7~~,* virt-_ue c•f tie power conferred upon Iiim, specifically including for
<br />clarii:tcation, but not for limitation, tiie fol2awing x~o~n*ersc.
<br />1. io deposit in my game. a,~rd for my account with a.'rv bank, trust cor-npany
<br />or ether financial institution all moneys payable csr belonging to me,
<br />incl,xxding.checks, drafts, notes, bills of exchange. and all other eommeroial
<br />instrun~nts, aaxd for tint purpose to sign my narme and endorse all documents
<br />for: deposit. or collection or any ot^~er purpose::: deemed necessary by irim.
<br />2. To wit3adravz alt moneys deposited v:itii any :sank, trust company... and
<br />other finanoal institutzors -raving moneys belonging to me and for that
<br />purpose to dzaw enecks in m~ name, sign wit`r~drawal slips and execute any,
<br />otlses instruments necessary far withdrawing moneys belonging to me.
<br />3. To sell, transfer, exchange, mortgage, e:nczunber bl> security agreement,.
<br />mortgage or any other form cf encumbrance, or others.ise disease of or
<br />en~cumkser any of my property, including real estate anal. personal propertyr
<br />and to execute and deliver deeds, including deeds of :~~arranty, contracts,
<br />bi~:ls of sale, mortgages, security agreements and other documents necessary
<br />to act i_xx carrying out t4iese pawera .
<br />§. ~'o rent, repair, maintain anti insure real estate and personal property..
<br />5. ~o collect, sue, compromise oz oti~en~ise dispose cf any olaim or deYst
<br />due oz payable to me, and to pay, compromise or ot;~ez-rise dscliasge and
<br />secure releases `rom any obligations or c2airiss owed by me.
<br />6,. To s:ald. manage, invest, reinvest, trade, exchange, bur and sell
<br />investment securities. :..o.c ;awned ay or acquired later by my attorney
<br />in Fii C't LOr :Ue.
<br />Unless re voxed Lr mE i:: writing, this 3?ourer of attorney and all
<br />rights, ~aowers and autYo,~~_tr gi~°en to "larvi.n U. r'~3aurer shall remain in
<br />fu2'L fcat'ce era effect ~.rti.l my death,..
<br />.;.
<br />5it~ned at. G~~and. Ls?ansi. idebxa~s~a, ou ~'ehxnaryw;_ ^'"', 296.
<br />'} ~ r ~: ,~.. r ~~, ,
<br />,.~b3a A. Maurer)
<br />STi~.%E Off' ?:FSRASr• =pir:2~"Y t7F N.,~3,L:
<br />xi.e cragong nstru.nt eras acisno~*iecZged before me tfiis February ~7
<br />1~ ~5 , L`r' ?iArg~ ~. Maurer, as --e~ ~ral:,:ntary act and aced.
<br />~~-CIF{ " -J
<br />=,aw,~ ~' Notart~ Fu ls.c
<br />L~ ~3
<br />
<br />