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_:. 1 _.. <br />3't'A'i`L t~l~? N~;$tJtBCiIA. (;aunty ai ........................................................: <br />FiEed for reoard and entered. in z'vtutaerical fades on <br />....:.......:........................._......................_ at .............._ o'clock ................ 14i., <br />and recatded is Mortgage Reaard ...._._..--.--..-._.-.. Page --_....._............ <br />_ .. Ey .....................................:._..-................ <br />- i~naty Gk+:rk~ or..~µ.-.- L?apvty County Cderk ar <br />Ai/~~teyyr ao~f Deeds pp,, Depnty Et~~ese~gi~~atrTe~r of D~~erredps~ /r'.~ ~~ ~~e <br />~~ ""V'' ~ 1.~ 1 ~' i~~ P~Q~riiw l Y 1R~~~.7L'>- <br />Greg Rice and 1Cztt Rice--------__,.Itercin e:tlle,l the mortgagor whether one or more,. <br />in conaideratian ofF.SG1-1TY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS fa87,Ca00.00)---------------- <br />racaiverl from mortgagee, does mortgage to C.zrcline Rice. Lot 12, i•3ottittghatn <br />Estate Subdivision i.n the City ctf Grand island, kiall County, <br />13~braska . <br />:tad the mortgagor sloes hera:lay covenant w°itk: tha rnortgagee and kith mortgagee's heirs and <br />assigns that utortgagar is lav:ful,ly seised. r.>f said preuaises, that they are free from encumbrance, that <br />mortgagor has gaud righk and Iatcful. authority to convey the snore, ant( that mortgagor warrants and <br />gvi}j- defend. the title ta. staid preanises against the lawful claim, of all per»ans whomsoever. <br />Thss, anartgapze is given to srsanre tksc payment of the pramiswary ante of this date made by <br />tuortgagar far ~ ~:.Dti}fJ.O,~ payxLlr in :-lar,t.;tly izt>tall.rtents i.n accordance <br />~rsth saLd SdOt'E d4'~cd '~`ct.otawr _" 5rs82. <br />~laaigagor shall p<ts all taAx~» anal Rsse stnentn;se•, ie«i llppn said rent k3ntpextY and all other t:aaes <br />lsvie'tl col tlri., tuartgra~*c ~xr the nc,te xn-hich this eucxrtgage i~ a;ivrar to secure hefarc~ rite same beeatrte deli.n- <br />c{steal star} ,ihail tusinzain fim, wain«Istaran anti extrtnlwtl +rot•eraga insurnnce ntitit R tnartgage clause on <br />the k,rnldingx ors raid ]rreauiscsl ua the vnua of ~ cr,, "v'CrO, JC1 If mortgagor fails to {say such taxes <br />azttl anst~aasau,ut» ra- {trocxu•x; staeh insuraure, n:nrt.RRt;re tata4 {ta.• such lases anti Itlarehaae sutsh utsuranee <br />alai( tia<. amcaattrt na arlvamr,.ed w~ttla itaterrst. Rt nue+^ {w^rrrnt Vac anmm~ xhsll h@ secnrert by this nrortgagc: <br />lu *~a:ve trf ~lnfanlt iu the payanrnt, r,f aVte {.rinrapal vent trr axty iaastsalkettertt thr.eeoE ar t>t any interest <br />therr=an wtta=n thrr satnw shsl4 lrecatut~ sue err in cave c,i the non-payattxsnt rtf any taxes ar aa*;esraments or of <br />the f.atlure to ntauvfaxn atrsnraaa<•c as (rarrdtt {-~rovi«lrxl, tttvrigagrr rvay at the option oY rrkortgagee, with- <br />. alit natree, St any ttmC 4ltarinR t.1[Y C~Oilttn77xtaD«.{C Gf tiEaCta drfaltlt tar lareaelt, lleclaPe tkYC iYlaalB rl4'ht 9eCU Fed <br />lib` tlailW FYta[tgajLe to br tntmedlately 41F1e Rxkil I'ARyR1Tle And may fareelaae tills{ tbrartjr,a{(e. <br />rn She ,•xrnt of ,'te.Fanlt iat the }cur#artux«nre o€ stay <,f tfrw ¢erans and t~s+nrlitians; rrf this mrorigRt;e ar <br />titer imt.~ ,r~rnretl by it, the mortgagoe s#aall ter +rattitked to irnmealiate pnsse+ari<tn elf the {trttperty ahtwta de- <br />~cribz~i nrrr2 Tali the retaty, revcnaeee and neatne rEcriz~ed therrfraan aluring each tiaur ass the anortgagc in- <br />rlel,t,•~lnr»ss rettaainx ttnpaiil shalt ka alrplied by the enartgagee is the payment of the note .and all other <br />saut+x, ,rcurktl IteraSlal«' aftxrr of any stev:eawry caxtx at +~oilrctiaat. <br />Bated"- l~;IczaC}f l ~' 1982 <br />f <br />~T.',iF taF tiEl;ft,i~:~K3„ {-'stra{{{y r.f ..... ._._.._il11IJ............ °......., <br />ffiefore one, a awttry putalic tlunlifi~ed for saiil eaunty, persanal;ly came <br />;reg :t:i.c~ `.ne3 E;rtt e?irwt'. <br />known= to sna to he- trite i+3etttaaal persatt ar ]sersamg x}ta signed the <br />foregoing ittatruaaeaet sad. aeknavtiedged the aseetatioa zhereaf to tre itrs, <br />lxrr ar thrir voluntary set and deed: <br />iRtitua: my (tend an«d notarial,,,~res} rn e ~" ~' ~` <br />--.-...o.a.~ ~,, <br />~alwat~swor_las. ,,.. ° .~~~..... i'~~'?7~ _. ;~utary 1'ttblic <br />rlMCet A. <br />trrr, Fem. ~ iri ~ }iy ,,.,;a iu+ifin . xpsrexa :. /^d- t!3 `~.: ~'._. <br />'~ .. , <br />l~'r,, ~~ ':.., r.p,. ,, ..: (. ;a« <:. •,_,,, _:,,s a°at~owmt c:.R, :smeas. ate, <br />