<br />~2-^- C~UO'~9~'
<br />rh:: sums sourer! bytl•is DeeiiofTtttsfshail:continue:unimpaired. Upon such payment andcure 6y Horrowex, this IIeedof
<br />Trust and the ob[igatioos scented heretsysha7P-remamia full force andeffect as fno acceleration had occurred.
<br />SD..!lssignmeat of Renter AFpainreatot of Receives;I.enderaPvas~e~ion.: r1saddifianalsecurityhereunder, Borrower
<br />hcrebt+ assigns to 1..-r.der the rents of the:.fROpert}. provided that Borrower shah, priorto acceleration under paragraph 18
<br />here<i ,r abandonmem of the Prop~em, have the right ro .:oliect aad retain such rentsas they become dueand payable..
<br />l pen accclcraiion under paragraph !R hereof or aktandonm¢nt of theProperty, Lender, in-person, by agent or h~'
<br />;udzcially' appointed receiver, shall to entitled ;.o enter upon, take possession. of andmanagt the-i?;operty and-tv coFlcct the
<br />- rents of the Propea}' inciudin3 tho~~c pst due: Alt rents collected by Lender or the:receiver shallbeappiied fiat w payment
<br />of the casts of management of the Property and.ccllectiai} of rents; mcludmg„ but not~Iimited to, recetvers fees, premiums
<br />nn receiver's Sonds and reruonable attcrttcy's fees;: andihcn -to: the sums:-secured-by this: I]eed' of T[usi.. Lender aad-the-
<br />receiver sha11 be liable to account only iur thase-rrnts aetuaNv received.
<br />2i. Pattire Ad,rnacec. Upon reyuest.ofHorrower, L:eudar,.at Lander'soption, priorta fuii reconveyanceoftlic Property
<br />ov Tntstec to F,orrower, mac make Future Advances to Borrower. Such. Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall be
<br />secured by [his Teed of Trtrsi when e. idenced b}r promissory tto~s staung that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall
<br />the prnc-ipal amount of the indeheedtiess secured by this I7aed of Trust:: not including stuns advanced in accordance herewith
<br />m protect *.he s_curity of this f]eadof Tiust,exceed<the:orginae amount. of ttte. Nate plus. [IS 3....._..Z{lflfi...Q(1-.. - .•
<br />- 22. Recanreyance. Upon:payment-of.ali sums secured by this Deedof Trust,. Lendershall request Trus[eeto reeonvey
<br />She Property and shall su:reinter-this Deed ,-,f Trust and all notes evidencing int4ebtcdness se^~ured by this i)eed o€ Trust
<br />to Tnc~,tee. Trustee >ha!t. reconveythe. Properly withoutwarranty and without charge to the person arpeesons legally
<br />eetti:fed thereto. Such person or persons shall pay all: cosu of tecardation, if any.
<br />' 23. Sabcthnte 'Ts>m~. Lender, ai Lender's option, anay frtrm time to time remove. Trustee. and appoint a ..successor
<br />tr;rste~e: to an Tn,streappointtdhcreuaderbyan instnimaat recorded. lathe county in which this heed ofTrnst is recazded,
<br />14'ithnut conveYance.of the Property, ehesuccessor zretsiee shalt. succeed to alt the title, power andtluties: con€erre;d~:upon
<br />the Trustee herc:n znd byapplieable taw.
<br />23. rZegacu for ~Totica. Borrower requests tltat copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sentto Borrower s
<br />sddress wY,ict, is the Propt:iij' Aiidt'ess..
<br />I~ WtTV£ss WI{~RSOF, Borrower hay execaated this Dead of Trust.
<br />Frank 1. Maxner -scrrowe=
<br />~,
<br />Edna V. riaixner -EOrruwer
<br />STATE of 1vaBtustur.... . . .. . . . .......... T~ai1 .. ..... Counter ss:
<br />C?et this ..... ~;?tl?:.....day of.. i+lztrch ........, 39 ~~ ., before me, the undersigned, a Nogry Public
<br />duly comtnissionad`itnd quai$+~i for said county. personal:y coma ................. . ................ . .... .
<br />frank,,:~.:.i$a1~3r~G.3R$,~4~i~a, Vs.'2aixtter,,husSand_.and.wifea ............. tome known-to be the
<br />ialenticai person(s) whcxsa namefs) ara~ subscribed to the foregoing instrutricne and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be+.~hg~F: , ........voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witness my hatsd and itatariat seal at ..... Grand T_slan3 g;etrrASka . - - _ _ , . , .. in said. county. the
<br />.............. .s...
<br />date aforesaid:
<br />113y Commssion.expires: ,%y
<br />.% -,
<br />~~•~~. NNary vuct;c
<br />~~~
<br />r-~w.6a0at 1L lf~ REQUEST F{}R RECUNI'RYANCF.
<br />To Tkt;s: e;::
<br />1-he uodersigned is the. holder of the note or notes secured by xitis Deed of Ttvst. Said note or notes., together
<br />with all ahcr tndebtedtz~s secured by this Daeti of Trust. have Ixen paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />said peke or txitcs attd this Dced'af Trust, whtth are delivered hereby, and to raconvey, without. warranty, ail the
<br />estate now held 6y yote:under thiS:Deed of Trost to the person or .persons legally etttt3ed thereto,
<br />.!?ate: ,... ...... ......................................................
<br />15nace secs.. Thi~, one naser,rea.6o. tanner an4 Rect,.e}ex",
<br />
<br />W@ are a;n Egissty. ~p>lo',Ytz~ t?~[sp+3rt~tmS,tylAff.f:rmse[.iv~ r`,,cC.lota k;crplcryzr "4/i.
<br />