<br />~~ ~ - d t10 4'93
<br />tINAFC/ahr Coverrnrrrs, Borrower and ixnder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Paymentof':Priaripdaad-lntercat. Borrower shalt promptly pay when doe the principal of and: interest an the
<br />ieuleirttdness tvidtnced by the Nutt, prepayment and tare charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />an an?• FFrtum Advars~ces secured lyy this teed of Trust.
<br />Z. F'far 1`>xea lend ia>mmarce. Subjttt to- applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender; Borrower shalt pay
<br />to d.tnder an lhcdaymrrntlify ittstallmenis of principal and. interest are payable tender the Note, until the Tvote is .paid in foil,.
<br />x-stmt tlacrein "Funds"} equal to ane-twelfth of the yearly rases and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />Decd. of Triter; and ground. rents on eht Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard. insurance,
<br />plus otx-twelfth of yearly pumiitm installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasarsabiy estimated initially and from
<br />rJne to time by {..ender on fhe:bast^s of assessments and hills and rcasoaable estimates: thereof.
<br />The Funds s1ta1E he held:in an institution tfie deposits or acenunts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state ~getteyfintlud'trngl:etider if Lender is such an institution?• Lender shalt apply the Fonds to pay said. taxes, assessments,
<br />insteranat pteminms and ground tents. Lender may not charge far sty holding and. applying the Fiords; analyzing said account
<br />ar verifyingatsdtomgifing:said assessments and hills, unless txndcr pays &irrawer emerest on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />peemfts I•endu to make such a charge. Borrarver and Lender tnay agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Trtast that inferrer an the Funds shall he petal to Borrower, and antler such agreement is made ar applicable !aw
<br />requiressuchinfiereattabe.paid. Lender shall notce required 3a pay Borrower env interest or earnings an the Fonds.Lender
<br />shaii'gitnetoH>:rrawer, without cirargt, 2n annr,al atarn+ntng of the Funds showing credits and. debits io the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />try this Heed of `frost:
<br />ff tfae amottntaf tkre Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />thcduc dausof taxes; assessments, inzurancs premiums and ground ren[.s, steal{ exceed the amotmt required to pay said tares.
<br />assessments, insurance prcmiurns and ground rents as then t:tl! due, arch excess shall he, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or rredssed to Harrower rat monthly instalments of Ftmds. 1f Cite amount of the Funds
<br />ttei;i.6y Lander- shall not he sufficient to pay taxes, assn,.-+smenis. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />9errewer shad{ pap to tender any amount nurscarv to make up the deficiency within 3Q days from the date notice a mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment the ~f.
<br />Upon payrneat in full of all sums secured 'ry this Decd of "Crust, lender shalt promptly refund in Borrower any Funds
<br />held ley 4Rnder. if under paragraph 1 R hereof the Pmf tm~ ,v said «r .he Property +s ottserw[sa acquired by lender, {,ender
<br />shall apply, no 3ater than immediately prior so the salt x?f tint: Property or its acquisition by !.,ender. any Fiords held by
<br />[.ender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured b}• this Deed of Trost.
<br />3. Appiicafioa of Payments. Unless appficable law provides otherwise, alt paytrtems receirtd by t_endrr under the
<br />Nate anti:paragraphs 1 and hereof shalt tic appfied try Ixndcr first in paymtni of amounts payable to I.,endcr by Harrower
<br />under paragraph ? lrereaf, then to interest. payable an the Notc, then is the principal of theNote, and then to interest and
<br />priticipai an any Future Advances.
<br />d, (=barges; i.kas, Borrower shall pat xl3 saxes.. assacsmenis :+nd .^~ttacr charges. fines and impositions auributabie Co
<br />the Ptoptttp which rttay attain a pri••arity suer This Deed of Trust, a»d 9easchakd payments ar ground rents. if any, in the
<br />manner provided undo paragraph 2 hartxrf or. if oar paid in such manner, by Burrower making payment, when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall irromptiy furnish Ca Ltncler ail natrces of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Btmtowcr shall make paymcm ditxtly, Barrawrr shelf pramptfy furnish to !.ender utripu cvidcncing such payments.
<br />Borrtnver shah promptly discharge sav lien °+hich has priority Duty th,s i3erxi of Trust; provided. ziiai Borrower shall not ht
<br />ret;uirtd to discharge env such lien so sang as Borrower shalt agree in writing to the paymem of the otrligatian secured by
<br />such lien in a manner acceptablt~ is l.rndtr. rrr slixtl in good frith contest such lien hy, ar defend tninrcemtrt of such lien in,
<br />legal ppixxxedingc- whitli operate io prevent the cafarctment of the Iicn or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. I:/aard 3aawarce. Harrrnwcr shai8 kelp rho impravemrnts rapes extsung ar hert~fter erected an the Property insured
<br />agaiitstlass by tree: hazards inctzided within Che terns "cxundcd coverage". and sucia other faazards as I_tndcr may require
<br />acrd in such atrtaunts acid far such pettads ac f.endct may require: purwedtd, chat lender shat{ oat require that iht amount of
<br />retch coverage exceed brat amount of cavtrage required to pat the sums see urea iav this Dctd of Trirst.
<br />"lire insutatxct carrier prar~dettg the iraurancc ,.hall M .hosctr by B<rrrawcr suhftt t to appmvai try {,ender: provided.
<br />that stxdr approval sbaH not lx unreasonably withheld. A{1 premiums on itsurance policies shall be paid iu the manner
<br />provides under paragaphi 3, hereof ar, if trot paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment., when due. directly to the
<br />itssoral~e carrier,
<br />All insurance poiitits grid renewals rhrrcaf shall br en term acctptabie ur lxnder and shall include a standard mortgage
<br />ctattse in favor of attd in foam aet:eptahlts ra !collet. !.corky shall have the right to bald the policies and renewals thereof,
<br />and Hartawex slraH prasrrpitp furoish to i..tndrr atl rtnrwaf notices aanr3 alt rtetipts of paid premiums. In the event of loss,
<br />Borrower shall gfve prompt nettle to the insurarxt sentry :rod l.tndrr. !.ender ma}• make proof of loss if trot made promptly
<br />ba_ Bocrcrvvice,
<br />Unku Lender alai Borrower otherwise agree in unung, msurancc proceeds shaft tee applicti to restoration ar repair of
<br />the Propttty dsttragcd, provided such restaratian or repair er ecc:usmicatl} feasible arrd ttre security of this Deed of Tnrst rs
<br />ootiherclry impaired. lF such r~toraewa ar repair 4s not txanomicallu ftasetrtt or ai the security of this Died of 'Crust would
<br />ire impaired, the uwrattcc prsKeeda shah be applied to [err scans srxuztd lrY this herd of Trust. with the castes; tf any, paid
<br />to kloermwer; if the Property is abanr~ttctf try Borruwtr. or 4f NYrrrawcr fails to respond to Lcndcr within 30 days tram the
<br />date realer is mailed by Leni~r to Borrower that. the insurance correct aifezs to settle a claim foe insurance lreneflts, !.ender
<br />is authorized to coll«t aadsappiy the irtsuratice proct~ds at f.tndtt"s option either to restoratinet ar repair of iht Propttty
<br />or to: the. stems. secreted by this I7ee^cl. of Trust,
<br />Uitl~ss Ixttder aitd-Borrower otherwise agree in writing; any sur+r applitatian of proceeds to principal shat! not extend
<br />ar .the dot date of the ttwnthig uvsutllmerets refcrrtd to in paragraphs 7 and 2 hereof ar change the amount of
<br />sctchlmenia. If'tttedtt° paragraph kEt hereof- the Propert} rs acquirtG tr}^ fsttder, atl righF, Hilt and interest of Borrawrr
<br />n;arad to any irrstxrante poticits and in sad to tits pn'rteeds iltereat resulting from damage to tht Property prior to the sale
<br />or aegtpaititm shall.pass to Lcadtr to ibe ttttent of the soars aocurrxl by ibis f>etd of 'freest immediately prior zo sexhsale or
<br />atquitritioa,
<br />6. , asd ~ of Pm~erty; lppeitoidst f; Planned Unit De~da~tneaRS. Borrower
<br />shall kap the Properly in.goau report and. slroall rn+9 cammct waste ,+e pcrmet impairment ar dctcrioration of the Property
<br />:~rrd shall comply wieh:the provisions of any kaacif xhm tyvztxi ofTztest is an a leastttoid. if tiers f7ecdof Trost is ono tmi[in a
<br />caodonanium ar a planneil~:unit development, Banowet slta3l perform ati of Borrower's atiligaiions reader the-declaraeion
<br />ar wvenatttt. ttxatting,or governing tlxr cnrKlamiltittm ar planned unit devciapment, the bylaws and rcgulatians of the
<br />condomirrians or planned'unt developtt+enE, oral cotntiitrtns documents, 1f a ctxrdaminium or planned rsnit deveiapment
<br />rider as eaactt6td by Barratver atul_reco dcd together with this 17ctti t?t 'frost- the rovenatsts and ag[ctmtnts aE such rider
<br />shall lx i:x;txp7tnted ante and shall atnead and suppkmetti tic covenants oral agreerntnts of this feted of Trust as if tint rider
<br />tretca 'part hvmtof.
<br />7. Ti'rteesioa o€ I;tnitn+s.Setr~y. It Harrower fails to ptrfarm the covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />i7oed of Trust, .rr if soy action or proceoding-is camrricnatd which tnatuiaUy afteets l.,tntite's intrust in the Property.
<br />ioetttdmR, but rat t;m#tead to,..ttuirpert.domain, irasoluettery. jade cnicrrrtrrrteae, or arrangamtnis ar practtdings rnualving a
<br />t>atritupt e?r tiecr~,fcnt, tlrcn ~i.Jetfdri st I.tttder's option, upon rmr+ce to Borrrnvtr; may make sueh appearances, disburse such
<br />vutrct and robe such oaten as is netrasnry td protect l.emdes s ie3{erts't, itxcluding, tent oat tiazited to. disburscmcnt c?t
<br />rrasnrrahfc aitorrar'r Ires and entn• upr+n thy. Praperfv ±„ mskc repairs. if I,endrr rtquirtd martgagt insurance as a
<br />rendition of rrriking ttre tarn secured trv ihix Lyted:af Truss. Becn~wer shaf# pay thy. lsremtums required to maintain sorb
<br />tasurarxx in i-dect uutit such time as lire rr7gttirelreent far stub insararece ttrmirtaits in accareiancc with Horr,rver':s end
<br />l,earAct'a wntien agreement or applicable saw. Bottorher shall pay zht. arnotant of ail mortgage rnsut'atat;r premiums in the ..
<br />tmnrier provp3eJ urrdrr para~•aph 2 hereof.
<br />Any arsrawrrs dislwrsal by Lerrdrr ptrr~uam to this paragraph 7, w?th interest llrettt'tii, shalt bctxstrrr at3ditit+nat
<br />indaMeu~rrete of 13orrawtr .a-r:rebt by this llecri of Truest. t.?ntns Brrrt»rrtrandi,ertdrr agreeta other tcrmsof payntcnt, surt+
<br />anaautrta. s3sail bt payable upon. na?tit^c frc^m l.er?dtt t.. Borrower :*~ea++c-:tarsg..payrrrrsri tfsereof,. attd shtli. ?+ear interr,.yt from +ht
<br />dart of dinc~arsemcnt at six rate gayatrk from time to rime r,n oirtstarslins r+iincipai under the Hatt untcss paymttti af'ierttrrst
<br />at weir rake >arotild tx t:;mtrar}, 'f, appicc;tble !aw, in txhicn tvrnt ~,•.~th ama~ats shall Eecar interest at the highest raft
<br />ptrmrsarhic isxtdcr 3ppli;;ars 'srw~, ^ otbing.+:ancairttd :tr liars para~ra.l;is ?shalt rtgilitt. Lender to ascot env eaptrrse or Cakc
<br />arr_v rctiwa.».rrtursier,
<br />~. l..zodcr FnaY malts rte . ease to tst made. reavscaatairk entries upon and :+~:;aecl;ans of the ~Prreperiy, provided
<br />i rani '..~ndlar s)+xl;. gave i3cxrrzravr :to3irx prior m any aucix irrrpte:t.i<rn slrtciipitxg rc tea., hlc ,;::,.rst ihrcrtitr refattd te+ I,.ctxJer's
<br />~~tscest izx the F'tc+trritr
<br />