<br />82-- i~ CE (1 J 9 ~
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />Part of the Sautltwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SW3~SE4) of Section On:e (1}, in Township Eleven (31}, North,
<br />Range ~izne (9) , Giese of the Sixth P.M. , r.~ore particularly
<br />described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the point of
<br />intersection of the Southerly right of way line of U.S.
<br />Highway No. 30, as now constructed and located, with the
<br />South boundary Tine of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of said Section I, running thence East along. and upon
<br />the South boundary line of said Sauthwest Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarter of said Section 1, for a distance of l1d4.9
<br />feet, turning thence '3orth at an angle of 90° and running
<br />North for a distance of 5b9.6 `eat to the Southerly right o£
<br />way line of said v.S. Highway Na. 34, as now constructed and
<br />located, and. rennin;; thence in a Southwesterly direction,
<br />along and upan the Southerly right of wav Iine of U.S.
<br />Highway No. 3~J, as yaw constructed and located, for a
<br />distance of 125$.55 `eet, to t?:e place of beginning; and
<br />:~ tract of land 3acated on a ua:t of the South Half of t2:e
<br />Sautheast Quarter (SASE?;,} of Section Ore (I), in Township
<br />Eleven (ll? tiarth, Range Nine f~), idest of the bth P.i~i., more
<br />particularly described as fnllaws: Beginning at a point on
<br />the South baundarv Tine nf. the Sautheast ~?uarter of said
<br />Section. which is the i^tersect:c>n of said South boundary
<br />line with the East Iine of *he tract canveved to the weer
<br />Cosupany, a corporation, by warranty deed. recorded in Book 45
<br />at Page G37, in the-office of the Register of T~eeds of Hall
<br />Count;, Nebraska; thence tiarth n3ang said East line of said
<br />Tract so eonveyed, to the intersection of said East line with
<br />the South right-af-way line ~f x>nited States ?highway h'o. 3fl,
<br />running thence Nartneaster3~• ,ncn said right-of-way line a
<br />distance of 23i.6 feet, run^in~ t3;enee Soe~thwesterl.y at an
<br />angle of ,28° ?~', to ,,*_he right, to a point on the South 1i:te
<br />of said Section 1, -w~hir.h point is ~.1 feet East of the place
<br />of ~aeginning, running thence ''vlest along and upon the South
<br />line of said Section 3 said distance of 62.1: feet to the
<br />point of beginning, being x tract of land ?31 . ra fear wide
<br />along t'he Sauth right-c+f-way Sine =3f United States Highway
<br />Na. 3{l and fi?.1 feat wider alone; the South line of said
<br />Section I irnaediately adjoi..ing c±n the East the tract
<br />canueyed to the. Leer C:otrpany by the warranty deed
<br />3tere.anbefare referred to; and
<br />A Bart of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />CS~3SE~) of Section ©ne C3}, Tawnship Eleven (31) North,
<br />Range Pine (~3}, i~test of the 6th P.M., Hall County, ~debraska,
<br />more particularly descrihed as follows; Beginning at a paint
<br />an the South line of said Southeast. Quarter of the Southeast
<br />f~uarr.er, said paint being 538.5 feet GTest of the ..°,outheast
<br />corer of said: Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter;
<br />'hence,- runnltrg i+iestsrly along the South Snenf said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of
<br />7c~,J feet to the Satxtheast earner of a tract previously
<br />=urreved for, and. deeded to, the Geer Canpany; then cc.
<br />dei3ertirxg right 14i° 33' 3{)`" and running ~;arth:easterly aionQ
<br />`?:e asterl.:• Iine of a tract previously surveyed `err and
<br />~ueede_~ r,~ `he Geier vozapany, a distance of 739.4 feet r_o a
<br />rain.. on r!~e Sour3ierly right-af-wav line of ti.5. kighway No.
<br />3i?i =hee~cc deflecting right 51° 35' and. running z3ortheasterly
<br />ae.r~ng sai~a ri,~itt-af-way line a distance of 597',15 feet;
<br />t~encEs de '_,.^ctin~ rati;ht 1.3~° 4~' and running Southwesterly a
<br />:si<;r ~~~. .>__ ,'S1 Jr_, ~eet;. thence defl,ectirng eft 33L° 52' and
<br />_.,krttt!- `~^-[1-.a.<Gri:'r ~'t +3 d2 ''€i i?. t~E' ~'.~.~ 1~~.J ~' r
<br />z.eet; - k'SL'nce
<br />d*~ c~. r:fns vy±. 14~ 1fI' a ,~; . tin :i-xg Southerly and par:zllel
<br />• ~~ rx ~ i.r=e caf said. Sc u' ` ~t ~Juarter of the SoutheasC.,
<br />z~~.z--r.nr ;-t;e:ar•;o of 758.': ? ~t to the paint of beginning,.
<br />,;,, ~,..,, .~ ,,; .• _ I?.~33 acre more -rr ?.e;~s
<br />