_~ ._.
<br />
<br />Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />{SW?tSE~} of Section One {?), in Township Eleven {ll}, Barth,.
<br />Rangy Nine (9), West of the Sixth P.M., more particularly
<br />described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the point of
<br />intersection of the Southerly right of way line of U.S.
<br />Highway Bo. 30, as aow constructed and located, with .the
<br />South boundary line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of said Section ?, running thence East along and upon
<br />the South boundary line of said Southwest Quarter of fife..
<br />Southeast Quarter of said Section i, for a distance cif 11:p4,9
<br />feet, turning thence Nortia at an angle of 9t7° and running
<br />North far a distance of 569.6 feet to the Southerly right of
<br />way line of said U.S Highway No. 30, as now constructed and
<br />located, and running, thence in a Southwesterly direction,
<br />along anal upon the Southerly right of way Iine of U,S.
<br />Highway No. 3C1, as now constructed and located, for a
<br />distance of 125$.55 feet, to the place of beginning; and
<br />A tract of land located an a part of the South half of the
<br />Southeast Quarter {S~SE~} of Secr_ion One {1}, in Tawnsiap
<br />Eleven {13} llortia, Range Nine {9), West of the 6th P.~i., more
<br />particularly described as follows; Beginning at a point on
<br />the South boundary line of r_he Southeast Quarter of said
<br />Section 1, which is the intersection o£ said South. boundary
<br />line with the East line of the tract conveyed to the Geer
<br />Company, a corparatian, by warranty deed recorded in Book 95
<br />at Page. 437, in the office of the Register of Heeds of Hall
<br />County, ?~ebraska; thence North along said east line of said
<br />Tract so conveyed, to the intersection a£ said East line with
<br />the South. right-of-way Iine of JniCed States :highway Na, 3Q,
<br />running thence Northeasterly upon said right-af-way line. a
<br />distance of 231.4 feet, running; thence Southwesterly at an
<br />angle of 128° 1'<<', to the rig:at, to a point an th.e South line
<br />of said Section i, which paint is 62.1 feet East of the place
<br />of beginning„ running thence zest along and ,apon the South
<br />Iine of said Section. l said distance of 62.1 feet to the
<br />point of beginning.;. being a tract of land 231.4 feet wide
<br />along the Socatis right-of-way line of United States Highway
<br />?~a, 3d and 62.3 feet wide along the South line. of said
<br />Section 1 immediately adjoining on the East the tract
<br />conveyed. to the Geez Company by the warranty deed
<br />hereinbafore referred ta; and
<br />A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />{SE~SE'~} of Section +3ne (1.), Township Eleven (ll) North,
<br />Range Nine (9), {lest of the 5th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a paint
<br />an the South line of sand Southeast Quarter o£ the Sautheast
<br />Quarter, said point being. 538.5 feet Wrest of the Svutheast
<br />comer of said Sautheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter;
<br />thence runr.iztg Westerly along the South line of staid
<br />Svutheas* `quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of
<br />?24 . ~~ fee. ... t~-,e Sautheast earner of a reef previously
<br />se:rti~eyed `a-, arad deeded to, tine Geer Company; thence
<br />de{~,ecti.r.a right 'QI° 33' 3t1'° and running Northeasterly along.
<br />the EasterT-y lire of a tract previously surveyed for and.
<br />deeded t^ clye a;eer Company, a distance of 71.9.9 feet to a
<br />paint an he ~~aaz~herly right-of-way line o£ J.S. Highway No.
<br />34; thence def'ectitzg right 51' 35~ and. running t~ortiaeasterly
<br />~1t?n~, paid right-of-why liras a distance of 597.35 feet;
<br />there c9ai eating right 13~ia 40' and running Southwesterly a
<br />~istarice ~t SI.~~B feet: thence deflecting left :.32d 52' and
<br />runz~~~2f, 'nor 4r,8<,sterl4~ s distance ,, `' ??x.15 feet; themc^e~
<br />;ier ec•Ci.a~u : if;ht I34~ 1€)' anti r+.~nn! n~ _~ ~a,.he3-1y snci pars': ~.:=i,
<br />~.: thF~ _,. r . _r,cs of said Southeast i?,.iar..€:r o£ fife Sr•~.2theas ~_
<br />:f~~~ ~^~ ~ t~a~r.e of ?88..22 feet *ra ~.~:e paint of bEf .,.....r,c,.
<br />a~•~ci -vrt_ ~;,•:ng a.2.~?f) acre<.;. moz'e nr i.ess.
<br />