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;.. _ <br />ItE.iL EsrnTE MIURTGAt;E - rr~B>:AS[tA $ `~ -- i? U ®9 ~i t <br />xNOw ALL MEAL s~i' TxES£ pat's: a'txat Marlin G. & I^ac~22n K~ Quarng, Htashats8:t~ wide <br />hereinafter called ntortgagnrls), in conaideistron of u'ta sam cf _ '~~` ~ • ~~- 31o1}aas in fiend paid', <br />does hvrebv GR.~NT; HA_TZGAtN, SI LL, and C'ONVF.Y" to HOTJSEHr~LD Fii\?uxiCE;Cf3RPORATI(31~F, hereinafter catIed <br />mortgagee, tau following described real property located :n $9.L~ County, State of 1VePSraska, to wit: <br />~ctt Tt.teo~y~Gne (2Z}, ia- Sleek "Phr®tse r3~ ita Morris Seaond <br />Ad:dlt3ott t0 ti18 C1;y dla' GP'apd Islv,fl~~, dell. Cou>aty, l~t?~P88I58s; <br />It is martgs~r`s intention to conreSr tale in fee simpit including ati rights of homestead. and dower.. <br />PROVIDED; howevrvrr, thax dtia mortgage is made on the ex condition. that..i£ the martgagar(s~ pays an full tkte <br />ptartataory sate payai~e to the martgptge4 dated $I~PCCt t3 19 d31_? .:far an amotmt financed of <br />5 3tlv"9'I ; payatde irr iastailmetets according to the tewms thereof, together with interest tharean at the <br />agreed rate aF ~utrge prowttfied in the Hate, in tiae amount of S_N,,,~,,,,(,~ if the Hate: is paid according. to <br />stethde and of msxtgag~or(s} gays all taxes and.: asgarmertts levied an said property and maintains adequate the insurance on <br />aid taai,propei'ty, ehstt this rnvrtgagle snail be vain. <br />7ttis mcv tgttgt may Hat be armed witttaut rite wrttters canaent of rho m~t~gee. <br />;f t.}.e murtgag.,r Fade to pay any s<xnt of money, eitkter principal orinterest, when. due, ar falls to romgiy with any of the <br />abaw; agterrrantt, the tnartg~ese has the option to declare the whole of saxdindetxedness due artd, payable at once and to <br />:rmuataut arty action at Fsw ar ,zyuity to res:oyer theses: <br />Ia 1Yitnass iVhereot,.tnurt~ur(s}axes:ttted ttais.suattga~e ttsiv y#e~l ~y of AI8TC13' A.D. l9 ~2 <br />in the prrscnx uf~. .... ~ .'Jna. ... {~ .....,e... .........,..... <br />_~etr<sRho]~d Fittratsc~_ CorgorafiS,nn.,,.,., ??a"' <br />~--~~, v~'~ • <br />``IA1'F, OF `7EB1tA$kA } ~ <br />___~___.__~i~~ COL'I3TY' ) <br />Qn this _, 3th _____ day of I~f4rr'~~3 ~ AS}: 19 ~~ , ?Jefare one, uhc <br />urxlersigned l~t?Rf4;r EA :.;,fa.__~_ei'297~_.._:,,. _ a Natarv Ribii_. <br />ifu'ryctamxxilssironcdand~uaGfiedfia~andrestdurginsai~Jc~nraay.persoeeily_carnq ?~,ePlin ~r~V,tAt'.it1~, 2nd. . <br />_ Ltaali~,s K, a¢~,itt~_..__..._..._.___,.._,._._:_. _ _ _ _ <br />to ti?t ynrrrm w tx rite ident;.:a3 perrtm_8 w'nast name D__.___ (is} (are tTxed to tae "or~ltaing iaxstrpn.ant as mc,rtgagor> <br />anal a~tcnmrledged ih< sxnw; to be thshc ~~ _ ~, hrrtar~ ace ar r#efld, <br />Witarsg my trend and harsrixi Seal t*te :ta} ;u~d year las4:atsit+re urittzat. <br />..~.'h_sbd~x' ~~.: __,. I~~,1C~ s.4.GL_r °n, tarn }Rit,iic::: ~~ ~, ..r.; ~~ti, r.~~ -kp:r~, .,... <br />f-" <br />~e <br />