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~..__ . <br /> <br />Ltmttiss written agreetnentar applicable law. Borrower shalE pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />maemer provided uoderptuagtaph 2 ?te:.rtof: <br />Any amounts disbursed `by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall Become additeontit <br />indch+edness or Bormv er secured'By thin ivJortgage. Unless Borrower and Linder agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shale ere payable open natter €rom I:ender to Bormwer requesting payment thereof, and shalt bear interest fTOm the <br />date of dishursem:nt ut thtrate_payable from rime to time on of+tstanding principal under the Note unless paymentof <br />intert~t at such rate ,voutdbe contrary to applicable law, in which event such atnouats shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable iaw~ Nothing captained in this paragraph 7 shaif require Lender to incur any txgense ur take <br />any azzion hereunder, <br />.3. ~uspectien. Lender may make or vault to Bt made rersonahlz entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shat! give Bormwer mice prier to any such inspection specify}ng reasonabit cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inicnst in the Property: <br />-_ '9- Coadxtnttatlon.. The proceeds of am; award. ur claim far damages, direct or consequentiah in conrrectian with any <br />condemnaNer. ur cuter taking of Lhe-Property, or part thereat. or fw canvea^ance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and s?tadl be paid to Lender. <br />' to the.-went of a:iota3 taking of the Frapeny. the praceeels shall h applittt to the cams secured By ibis bfoetgage. <br />. ^ with the excess. if artys~~paid to Borcawer. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there sha11 bz applied to the sums szctrred by this l4fortgage Bach proportion of the proceeds <br />as-is equal-to that: proportion which the amount of the sums ,geared by this :ytortgaee immediatety prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair' market value of the Propeny° immediatety prier to the date of taking. with the oalance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if'the Property is abandoned by Borrower. ar if. after notice by 1~er+der to Barrawcr thak the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or softie a claim for damages. Sorrawer faits to rtspand tc> Lender within 3fi days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lctukr is authorized to rnilect and nppiy the proceeds. st tender's option, zither to restotatian or repair of the <br />Prapcrty 6r tb the Snma stet/red by 2htS ML rt Cagt. <br />Flnltss Lender and Borrawe<aihcrwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal skald not extend <br />or pttsipottt the due date of the manthiy installments refzrmd to in paragraph: ! an3 ? heree€ ar change the amount of <br />such ikcstailtnttrts. <br />10.. 8orrawer tat Released. Extcnsian ai the time foe paymtrt or modification of amurii7atian of the stems secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Barraw~tr sha11 not apzratz to redzase, in any manner, <br />iheliability of iht or%ginal Borrower and 8utrowtrt successors in interest. Levdzr shall not be required to commence <br />pronxdings against stteh successor er refuse to extend time for payment er otherwise modify amartizatictn of rite sums <br />secvrtd by rhos Mortgage by reason of any demand made fiy the aricsnal Barrow^cr and Bermwer's successors in interest. <br />lt. irtrr6earastrbY LetNkr 7v}ot a TVaiver. r1r+y farbtaranee by Lender in exercising any tight or xemedy hereunder, or <br />afhrrwise afforded by applicable taw, ,halt nut ht a waiver of or przctudz the exzrrixz of anq such right ur remedy. <br />Tits. Procurttnent afrnsuranct or the payment of tales ar atltar liens ar charges by Lender s1ra11 pat he a waiver of Lender's <br />rig}erto acctltrate the maturity of the indebtedness cecttrrd by this ~fortgagz. <br />12. RsettdiesCanta~tfrt. Ail rcmzdits pros~~rdtd m tests 4fartgage ore distinct and cumvEasive to any other right or <br />ntmedy under [his Mpngage or aflordtd By law or tquitt. ;and max 1*e exzrcise<l cancurrtmty, indtxndentty ar successively. <br />13. 5trcceasas and Ataigtts Bound: Jatnl and Sea~rral l,iabifity: faptkrtts, 7'hc covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shaifBind, and the right ltzreunder shall murz ta, ;;te respeeti1°e succezosrs and assirns of I.endcr snd Bormwer. <br />subject fq the provisitms of paragraph 17 hertuf. .4e1 uwenant<s and agnemtctts of Boru~wer sha11 be jtrtnt and several. <br />Thet:apiiomand headings of the paragraphs of thin tlortgagt arz f,rr cum•tnicnce imly and arz net to ire used to <br />interpret or dcfint the. pmvisians hereof. <br />14. Natke. '£xcept for any rwticc required under appiieahte law to l+t given in another manner. Cal any notice to <br />Bbttowet provided for in this Marigagc Shall 1+e given by ma+ling ,txh notice by e:crttfied mail addressed u> Rorrowtr at <br />the Property Addmsx or at such ether address ac Sctrrowtr m:n designate by notice to Lender as providtd herein. and <br />Fb} anY notit:c'ta I;endet shall ht };ivcn by 4ensficd ntai. tetttrr, rwccipt requested, tc Lender" addrecv stated herein ar to <br />stscEt. other address as. S.tnder may designate t?V nett, r tsa Borrower as prcrridtd herein. Any native provided fnr in this <br />MoriEagtshatl Ere dot-rntd to have tretn given u+ Btn;rowzr or - ender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />15. t;}ttifortmKottttctpte: ~orrtalttg Lan: Severai~ltv'. 'l'hx: tc>*.:m a?f mortgage combines urefarm iavenants far nakional <br />' use..and. non-uniform ertvenanis with limikcd variatianx By jatra zti~tott to cat¢stitute a unifean sc-curtly inatnirntnt cav'triog <br />isal.'proptrty. This Mottgago sha11 let govzrntd by the !aw of reel suns~diaietn in which zht Property is itxated. In the <br />event retell any. provision or clatnse ,af this ?vdongage c±r the time cotttliats with applicable taw, such contl3et shalt nut affect <br />okhtr provisions of this Mottgagc ur thz Mutt: whzcA can bt given s:tfec[ without khz eanflictiag prevision. and to this <br />end the pmvisians of the ofortgafec and ttte Noie .err <itciatad to ltz stvzrable. <br />2f, Eosrun+rr't Cody, Btsrn~wcr she}F iu furnislttd a conformed eapv of Ylte Natc and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution ut .~fttr recordation hcrtof. <br />f7. 'Fnu+drral tMrJ~rupert}•.t A,pfion. If ail s>t as~ty part of the property ar an interest thzrein is coed ar transferftd <br />b}~ FSrs[co%wcr u'ithouk T;.endt~s pricer weapon ctm:,ena_ rvciuditxg ta:) t1te eteationaf a I'scn or encumhraneo subordinate to <br />tbis Martgag^_. mt thecrtation of a purchase money security inltrzst Cor houselxo7d appliances, {cl a trans#tt by devise, <br />~dtscent er try apcraLt'una# taw upset t1x deakhofa {oini tenant ar tdpthe grant of any fzasehold interest of three years or leas <br />not containing an olttian to purchase,.l:.ttacier spay, at. Lender's aptian, dtelare ail the sums sts:-tired by this Morigagt to Be <br />imnrtdiatziy due znd pa+'ahle,. Isndzr shall have ~+vaixed such option to ac•tierate if, prior to the salt oz transfer, I.endtr <br />and the perscr.::~ wham she Property is ka be said or transfertedrtacl; agrttment in writing that the credit of sash person <br />es sxiisfactor} to i ender and :hat thtinttresi payable ate the stunsstcured by this Mortgage shalt6e at such rate as Lender <br /> feglleal. If lender has waived tlae aptiati koaccelzrate providtd in ibis paragraph17, and .f Bornowtr°s successor in <br />interest has cxt~uxd a written assurtprionagreement accepted. in writing by Lender, Lender shall redease Bnrrower from a31. <br />oMiQxions uncitr this Rtertgagt and lac. Note. <br />If fsnder axtrcis~ such rpaion to acctlcratt, Ltndnr akail mail Borrower trotter of acctferation in atYOrdanee. with <br />paragraph t: hereof. Such ro:;a;q shall..protadt a ptrind of trot leas than 3q days from the daft the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower map pa3~ th>ystmts dixlartd. dot, If 7Jtmrewtr fatiSs to ply such sums prior to the zxpiration of stt¢h~ period, <br />C.endtr tray, without ftnthcr nt7dice or dtmattdon'8rprra+n^tr, inyokeany remedies permitted by paragraph IR hereof. <br />Nara-L3'~rauer.t t,'yv>rswHTS. Bermsvtr and [_ettdtr further covtnantand ague as to}Sows: <br />73. Mcekralbw; Rr~eAiee., Ei€ept as prev&1ed 4u paraltraph,77 htttrof, upon-Borrower"s breachofany-coreusM-or <br />;rstsesttd iorrower is ihit tfaxfXaKt, eacitedittR the covrrauls to pay whendue any sarsts.:secartd hytlds -4lortpge, <br />i..erolrr prior to txreirrafioa shag rtrul twtict t.>*aKrapR: 14 hrtrtof' sptrifying:fl) the..,breack: <br />i1} l6r attiaa rravjrei to ewe crcb breach: !3- a t-atr, sort k~s than u) days from~the-date the-potter ia: rosikd to:.Barrower, <br />hT wiielrsek M:aek s~ let cored; sad f4) that fi~lure to tare such ktrbacb onor~bel€+xt tfiedat+e eapui$¢ i1se -Mrtk"e <br />L otrp rrttatt is aredarar}aa nl Nee ovate srcure i by ihk. 1Aorkgava, fortrkasivx b. jndiclftl...proe~.ewllryt aad'c+de of fire Prtrpertt7^. <br />t'-r awlire rYaM Earlier itd'ana Itlorrewrr of the ritShr to rrittstatt often ae[Pieratf•Un and tbr. right to atbtrl in tell fareclaaurt <br />ttrseaglirfB tort iqa-esiMtwce ttf a ddaali oc env nttetc siefeease of Rorrcrwer f[. aei^rderstitrrr :rt+d' Pertriusttn'. !f the brttch <br />~ wet erwid eta ar 6afaer the drte vpec6''-td. iw tit ncduv. }.ender at Lt~ler's rspikln rmy t5eela-e alt of tfir Y4sN-s ~.+enrrd by <br />AYIs M m Le F~irtrlpdrt and plyaMc witbna¢ turfhtr r&rnand and ntag fortrktu 1~ iudsrea! pratsdt4lMg. J.end4r <br />derMNe e=atlUerl fo t»IiwtY !a writ practaBte[ ~ rxprreaty of foreckscue>•.., inrtodlatt, but slot titnitcd ¢tr,. goats.-of documtutary <br />eviitwtt, sirMract. sad tulle reptant. <br />f.~. Nurrrwet+a 11liRlrt fy Iieraiurii. ''tcawifltatand+:eg~ i;;,endcn's,..vf the strmssecttrdd fly 41tis Mortgage, <br />Herr'ztswwaer shall }sag=e L~ r~ht ±rs base any pre>{:r_rdinXa tngust by „cYAflrr to veto: to thrs MottE discoatinaaf~ at any rime <br />