<br />~2--~~t~1095`:
<br />fender'!rwrittta agtat~t or sppiicahle iaw. Harrower shall pay the amount of aii mortgage. insurance gremiums in the
<br />meaner ptovir3eti tmder~paragraph 2-hereof:
<br />Anp ainatrr>;,a dtsbnrsed by Leads' pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon; shall become additional
<br />itttlebietin~s of Borrower securtd:bylhisMortgage. Unless Harrower and Lander agree to other terms of payment; such
<br />amount. shell be payable upon' notice from Lernkr to Harrower requesting payment thereof; and sha[f bear intense from the
<br />date'of :.isbt?rsement st theratc..payablt from lime to tithe on ontstanding:.principat under the Note unless paytnenr o€
<br />interest at such rate wot:)d btcontraay to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />pixfnxsihle under applicahlelaw: Nothing enntainal in this paragraph ?shah require Lender to lotto any expense-or take
<br />say action horeuntkr.
<br />S. Ltas~etios. Ltndtr may make ar taros. [o he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that d:ertder shall give Borrower nortct prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />inletest in the: Property.
<br />g. Catnieates~ntt. The pratteds of airy award nr claim for damages. direct ar consegnentiai, in connection with any
<br />condemaatioa or other taklag of the Property, ar part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu. of condemnation, are hemhy assigned
<br />and shall 1Se paid to Ixndta:
<br />Tn the steer of a total taking of the Property.. the proceeds shall be apptied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with tfitcxtxss. if any, paid to Borrower. In rho event of a partial taking of rho Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwi~:eagtY;e in. writing; there s}o-all tx applied m the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that. proportion which the amoum of the sums second by this ?~4nrtgagt immediately prier to the date of
<br />taking ~itarsta the fair market valets of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, wish the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid rn-Borrower.. _
<br />If the Property is abantioeted by Harrower. ar if. after notice by Lender io 8nrrowcr that the condemnor otfers to make:
<br />an awat'd or stole a claim for damagra. Sarrtrser fai)s to respond to Lender within 3Q days after the date such notice is
<br />malted.. Len~r is. authorized zo colirci and ayp3y the proceeds. ac Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of !ht
<br />Property or to the stems sxnred by this Mortz~age.
<br />Unls.t Lender attd B®rmwer otherwise agrce in N-riting, any such application of proceeds to principal. shall net extend
<br />or pustiwne flit fine does azf slit monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 3 and 2 hereof ar change the amount of
<br />stash imttplEtxtents.
<br />16t: >sossown Naf Rekuad. Fxttrtsian of the time far payment ar madificaiian of amortization of the sums- secured
<br />byzhis Mortgage gtantttf by Let:dsr to env successor in inteicst of Borrower shalt not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />tlx liability of tht original Borrower and '8orrawer's successors in inicrest. Lender shall not tx required. tc commence
<br />proetrodfmgs agaimt stx:h sttecessar ar referee to extend time far payment ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Iv4ortgage lrv reason of any demand made try the original Borrower and Harrowers successors in interest.
<br />Il. ForLeanece h9' Laydtr ?+iat a Watrer. .An; farhearance t?y I_cnder in czercising aay right nr remedy hereunder. ar
<br />atherv.isc aHmded by,applicab1e law, shaft net be a waiuer aT ar preclnde the exercise a€ any such right ar remedy.
<br />The prtxurentent afmatranse at the payment t*( taxes or ether liens or charges by Lender shall not 1>c a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity a€ the indr_trtedttess cccured by this Mortgage.
<br />I2. Reirdies Gmadsdee. Ali remedies pmwidtd is this lflaxzgage olio distinct and cumniative to any other fight or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage ar afforded by taw ar equity. and may tee exercised coneurt'ently, independently or successively.
<br />I].: gaeeceoa: sad Attsi~es Aotmd: 3aia1 and ,5ievard t.isbHTtyt Captlar~. `ilte covenants and agreements herein
<br />rxtmaine<R shall lrind: and the rights het'ettr shalE inure ta. tree respective successors and assigns of i.endtr and Harrower,
<br />subject: to the. provisions of paragraph t? hereof. .Ali covenants and agreetrtents of Borrower shall tat joint and several.
<br />Ti'fe options and htadingx of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are fat coinenience only and are trot io he nerd to
<br />iitttrprt4or define theprnvisions hereoF.
<br />t4. Notkx. Except for any notice required under applicable }aw to he given in another manner, fat an}' notice to
<br />Btsrrow~er 'provided for izf this Mortgage shat) l+e gavot by mailing st:ch a+atice t:y certified mail addressed to Hnrrowar ar
<br />the Property Address ar at such ether address as Harrower mar' desittnate by notice to Ixniler as provided herein. and
<br />(b)aay notice to Letsder shat! he given by etriificd matt rerun rcccrpt rcgctcstcd. to Lender"s address stated herein ar to
<br />such ether address as Ltrtdez may designate ley notice to Borrower as prm~idtsd herein.. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Mnrtgagt shall he ttttmed to have l+etrt given to Borrower or Lcrtdcr when given in the mariner designated herein.
<br />tS. U~ttts MottpKet dorernagt T err: Se+rcraty. f~his farm of mnrt}tagc amthints uniform. cavennnt4 far national
<br />txie and mutt-uniform ~uvtnanzr, with lirttittsl vat4atians by lurtsArc'zion to constitute a nnifnznt security instrument covering
<br />tralprnpert}'. T)tis Mongageshall. be governed by the:. law ~?f the jurisdicticxi in which the Pmparty is ;orated: In the.
<br />event that any prtrvision or cranes of this Mortgage ar slit Nnte canNicas with applicable law. such conflict shalt list aSeet
<br />other l+rovisiuas of Phis Mnngage or the Ntrzr wlzit:h cats i/ geven effect without the conflicting provision, and to this
<br />end: the provisions of the Mortgage and the ',true arc dtclartd m be stverabk.
<br />1& Seerarwsr°s Cdr. Horrawor shall be furnished a conformed copy a€ the ivote assd at this Mortgage at the tint
<br />of txecutia: ur:after recardatiott hereof;
<br />!3. '1'raaetftr of tlsirPee~tsatrt _~twa~6aat. tf alt ar arty Part of the Prtaptrty ar an (merest therein is sold or transferred.
<br />by BotrtYwer without Ltnekr"s pricer written :ansont, czcfuding tai the creation of a Fitn ar enetrmbraiace subardinatt to
<br />this INongtge, Rfl the creation of a purchase-money security intertat for hotxsehokl apphantcs, fc) a transfer by devise:.
<br />i~,SCtnt ar by operation. of law uptm the death of a :joint trnant or Ed1 thegrant of any kastholdintttcat of three ytazs arlesa
<br />awe coiasining an option ua purchase: Leader may, st Lender's opttan, declare all the sumo atoured by this Mortgage to tee
<br />imtrttafiateiy due atati patya6le: Ltntler shalt have waived such option to accticrate if, prier m the sate ar transfer; Lender
<br />sort the prison to wlnxtt. the. Pmpertyis to besaldrar transferred reach agreement in writing. that the creditaf such person
<br />i5 sntixfuaar;, in ixstder aced ttratahe.iatertst psyabk nn the sums securced by this Motgage sha(1 br :d such raft as Lezaler
<br />ahafl rruucat. tf I.trttier hats waivtd'tI'it option to anrefaratc prox~ideii in this paragraph t?, and' if Borrower's Successor in
<br />inremt has cucetcd a avrittea aaatrmp tan agetxuteart accepted in writing by Letnks, Lender st:a9l release. Harrower Erma akl
<br />trbiy,atioisa under this hSmtFagt.sa,d th.t Mott.
<br />L Lc:ttks cxcrc$sei such option. to aecckratc. Lender shall mail Borrower notice of ai:celeration in accordance with
<br />OtraRaP^ ; a SscrvY~f. Stitch tiatict slta#l grravide a perod.of oat less than: I•B days- frsxtt the date the. ncnice `.s mailed. within
<br />~hietr Borm+vcr rosy pay alts striae declared dtx. if $orrawer fails io pay Stich sums prior to the expirelion of such period;
<br />Leader may. ~» ithuvs fuetkrer satire or demuxi on &rrntsrer. invoke any remt$ies ptrruittedby paragraph. I ki hector.
<br />1tcr+-lJxtrvaaa Coveterears: Bntxowtsr oral l:eoder furtttercavettarnt and egret as follows:
<br />18. atcelecatiatt: Rtaa~lrr. Fat'ept as pro.idedis tia-'aCr4b l7ba'saE. ttpat.Bettarrear'! beseech at arty ctwttuet.nr
<br />' d)rsatrsraer le lisle hSortttaRe, inclyddttR t6e• covenants Co pay vrAta fist aaty serest. aectuved by tl~ ilfotlgaR®...
<br />feteder /sloe teatcekaatiaa e;-aY mail u...tsee to 1lnrrasrtr as psovl~d is pisal[ia/~ E4: hereeaC xpecifylrgf; (f} the breech:
<br />(1l tYe aelirn tttasind to ewe srrci Wtacts; !:t) a date, cut tes+r thaw J(t fin's from the den the twtlae ~ tootled' to Aarrpvrtr:
<br />ley wb8t4 seek 6reati toast lee r+rred; sad f~f that faitwe to Tarr seu;h breach oa orbdats t6ethta tpetfAed'ta tht.ttorieo
<br />twq teWlt lac accderatbw off tlw sitaae secerrd !r4 this µl+xtaaRe, fioa~ealtrgnre by ptdicbtla.~ std salt std', tttt.Ptaperlq.
<br />T'twa aNlter siaY frrlMi idarwt :~ra~cr ht the rlltltt to reinstate otter m el~rratipe: wed. tbcrrighis io-rooter ~t tptdo~Msure
<br />M+s'ta~f Hte nse~aiisMesro rf s defwit n; any ether dtfettee ..f Avrruwrr to ~ wrd''f+~ibame. d! flat breach
<br />b taq cocci w as hefttse tYr Zate „>reclNei ire the nutlet, i.etadrr xt l,e a+ltr• uptibs m9Y' ilecbtee ,rtB; of thee 8ttatt atc`etrtd by
<br />tM1s b ht irxnsedittat/r diet and. pnyabk ,<nlseatf farther drmatrcd rout utav fnrtzfnrt bY..:~a+il¢krt;~.: Leader
<br />sieltlea telllls! ro codtaet Fw reel pzareeidpt all rsptrerea of fwxclosvar, sttcf.edittR, teat tattBatlttatf Ro: eoaasoddoeatnentarv
<br />r.;tiietx~. itttteUarte •ts1 tGle rt*ntta.
<br />tf. ~Ybrrrs's R~ is Rfiwtate. -"-: otwrtits; ,teed=rip 1.cK&r'° we ~4crs±; n '. ri.. s:,e»s securetd by then; ?.1aa'fg~e,
<br />`Jixxttie+att sha}i heat sUc righa t~ kra~:c aexe.E,c=rscdea;~t. t"„T, n -< l ;.:.~:+,iec +_- cra`ua~ ;h•~. 4rsr+g.u u#aK'~x»t3ntred ax aaty tistkr
<br />