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<br />g~._..., ~u~}35 <br />Leader's written agreernentor appticalile law: Borrower stta}t pay the amount of a}i mortgage instvance premiums. in the <br />manmcr or'evidcd under paragraph 2 her+wf: <br />Any amaurrs disbursed by Gender pursuant to this. paragraph 7,. with intetesi.. thereon, shall become additional <br />inde~htedrzss of Borrower steered Icy Phis Mortgage:: Ilnless~.sorrower and: bender agree to other terms ofpayment;: such <br />amcvnis sha7F be payable upon notice from I.endertoBorrower requesfiogpayment thereof- andshall bear interestfrom t}te ~" <br />date. of di_cbursemrnt at the rate payable from tune tcs xitxte an outstanding principaF untkr the-'dote unless payment of <br />inte;~st at such rate wov[dsxc~trary toapplicabtelaw,. in wh}chive»t such amounts shat[ bear inttts:stat:the highest rata:.: <br />perntirsibie under applicable taw; hothittg sotttaiated'in this paragraph 7 sball require [xnder to incur any expense--or take <br />an}• action hereuttti~: <br />S. Ittt Lender may motet or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that [.ender shaA give Borrovrer natitx prior to any such ins},tctson specifying reasonabdc cause therefor rt}ated to Lender's <br />interest in tare property. <br />tl. Coeieerwudoe. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar cocuequential, in connection. wish :any <br />contiemttation or ottitr taking of Fl€e property; or part thereof, orfor eonveyant:e in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assfgtted <br />and slit be paid toLcndes. <br />In the went of a ttttaF. [siting of the Property, the proceeds shat} be. applied [e the sums secured by ehis -Mortgage. <br />with the cxL'exYi, if any, paid to Borrower. fn the event of a partial taking of the property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />othrxsvise agtYe..inavriting, there shat[ be appkitd to the sums secured by this Mortgagesuch proportion of fha proceeds <br />ar ie equa} to than proportion which the .amount of the sums secured by this. '.fortgagc immediately prior to 4hc date: r,€ <br />taking bears to tlae,fsirmazkervadueof the property itnmtdiateiy prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paled ro Aorrow•tr. <br />if the Prapet'ty is abandoned by Borrower. ar if, after noose by L.cnder to Borrower that the condem»or offers to make. <br />an award er settle a ctaurt for damages, Harrower fat}s to respond to Lender within 3fl days after the date. such: notice is <br />mailed. Lrnda is aufhoriacd to collect and apply the pmcads, at tender"s option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Prolftrty cv to tt+t aunts secured by this Mt,rtgage. <br />Llnieu Lindtt and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postportc tiie due date of the manth}y ittstallmtats referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or cftange the amount of <br />strcki ittsislimentx. <br />19. ioerornrIslot Releared. Extensiaa of [tae time for payment ar modification of amortization. of thr sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granta~c} by i-ender Fo any succestar in interest of Borrower shad! oat operate to release; in any manner, <br />the liability -ot the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence <br />procseedings agaiatst suds successor ar retnu to extend time far payment ar osfaerwise modify amortization of the sums <br />ueured by-this Mortgage by reason of any remand made by the <rriginal Borrower and Botrawer'x successors in interest. <br />11 Fier7Yttarawce by [xadec ;~€M a Waver. Any forbearance by Lender }n exercising any right or remedy hereunder„ or <br />otherwise af[t+rded ~ applicable law. shat} not be a a^.aiver of or pea}ude the exorcise of any such right or remedy. <br />The psucnrtnte»t of itssurantx or the payment of taxes or other liens ar charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Leader's <br />right t~ accelerate the tttatuxitg of Ehe indebtedness secured by t[aix !vortgage. <br />IL ltenrtilas ~:arwietJva...All remedies provided in this Mortgage are distittca and rumnlative to any oihtr right ar <br />retttetly ttuder this"Mortgagear afforded by law os cquny. and may be exercised ccrttcurrently, independently or successively. <br />13. 5)•ea'eessea and A~Rsa :BOrad: Joist asd 5tveral #-eaiw~ity; Geptbtts. Tlto covenants arn] agrecntents herein <br />cotusitted shat} l:ind; attd the rights ltsrcunder shal} inure ta, the respcctsvc succtssars and as4igns of I.cnder attd Borrower. <br />subjKCt to flat provis}ons of paragraph 1? hereof. All cavenxnu and agmetttents of Borrower shall be faint. and several. <br />Tht:sap[iottx atad htadings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage arc far convettiencc on}y and alt not to Itc used to <br />lntorprct or de£ate xhe proy~tsioat ttercaf. <br />14. Tle4iee. Eatceltt for arty notxe required under applicable law tp be given in another manner. {al any notice to <br />Botrmwsr provtdaf for in this. Mortgage shall etc given by mailing srncb natict by ccrtifttd mail addresstd to Borrower at <br />the Property Address or at saclt [her address as Bttrmwer may designate by notice to Linder as provided herein, and <br />(b) any notice to [.ender shaJ3 }ae given lay certified mat}. mom receipt regtteseed, to t.endet's address stated herein ar to <br />such athtr adtlrcss as Leader may ditsignate fly norict to Barrcnver as provided herein. Any notice pmvidtd for in tilts <br />Mortgageshall be deet»ul rohavelxen. given [o Ilorrov+er nr t..endtr when grven in. tfit manner des}gnatedherein <br />f'J; UaBanw:Mart~e Gmeafiit`f Y:aer s3evrra6Wty. "Ibis [arm of mortgage catnisittes uniform covenants for national <br />toot atsdtw».unifnrt»covenants with }it»ixed variations by jnrisdictitan to ronstintre a unifotrta security instrument covering <br />txa! property. ?his Aftsrtga;c<shall be governed by the Sav" of the jurixdictiotr in svlsich t7s¢ property is 6oca€td. }» the <br />e+tene that anypraYieionarclouse-ofthis.Martgagcorthc: hate rnnflietswtt:44, such conflict sltatf not affect. <br />other ptmisit+nx of this MongaBC or the }r'ott which can be given effect without the conflicting pravisio»- and to this <br />erd .he prmisions of the Mnrtgag¢ a»d the t3ote ast decL~-xf to He stvtrable. <br />ltli, )prewe:y C,~`: Burrower alto[[ rte furnished a conformed copy of the 2Jate and of ibis Mortgage at t}re time <br />of execvtian oc after=natortiit~n:heraof: <br />I T. TstilMier td: YR tr~}~t~!; auwt~tisu, If ail us any goer of the Prt~terly ar an interest therein is so}d or transferred <br />by }lorrnwer without t.trtdZr's:priar written constnt..:excittdirtg. a} tl~ cmttian of a }ten or e»tximbranet <br />ibis Mangage, rbl the crtifion nt a purchase tnciney stct:rity inttrest fan household appliaatcta, tc) a rra»sfer by doviae; <br />destxnt er by operation ad ]aw vpoa the death of a ;clot xenantar -td! tlae grant of any leaaeho}d merest of three years ar !~ <br />nar ~otvaining an option eo putxltrae; Ltadcr may. at Le»dtr's optics, declare al} the sva»s steered by this Mortgage to be <br />itttmediateiy due xnd payable..Lender shat} ltavewaived such optianto acreluatt. ir, prior. to. thesale or tra»afer; Lender <br />and the perm ro whom the lsrcptrt+ into lee sold er ttra~tsftrredteuh agrcetrterat in writing tha€ else credit of such perso» <br />es satis;Factory to Itnder and that cite intercatpayable.onthe sums steered by this ;Nottgages~hallbe at attch. rate as. I:tttder <br />stall regtxc, tf t ender etas waived the: optics to atxxlerau provided in this paragraph l?, and -` Borrower's sitccestor in <br />interest has cxccYat,xi x written a~vaeptieun agrtement atxepttcl in writing by Lender. Lendtt sha}l reEease Borrower from a13 <br />obit=otiose andet this Mortgattt and the Wars; <br />If Lender cscrcises such optic a to acxxkrate, Lender shalt rnat~ Harrower ttotitx of actxferation in accordance with <br />paragraph tt Ftetcot. Such naiict shalt provide a ptriad of eta }qs than 35) days from the date. the notice ix mailed. within <br />which Banosver ntsY l'aY the sutra deciartd due. if Borrower faits ropaysvch sums.prioi to Yhc expiration of attchpcriod. <br />Leader may. witlfauT further reottce nr tkanartd on 7orrower, invoke arty retntdfes permiutd Icy paragraph tg hereof <br />Nair-U:Ntt=aat~Crnrx;sr: rs. Borrow^rraredLcnder furtther-cove+rant andagaex-as [olkavrx: <br />it#. Aecderetdarx lis~ediet Eactp aw prei-iwdei is para€€r>ral, IT~taetrcot. ups:'Rartawer°s brncesaf ay taveetestor <br />a$tee~er al ~errsrwer is t>Its Morgprpe, Sueptiteq tits cusrtviatx to pay wft~a doe awv trtsu aeuraesd by tint llgbrt~t. <br />[.setae reiw h tieoaieaa8eu sLsi >*ei rwNice to 6orrorrer ae provigei en paritRrayit 14 bta+ee[ tepeeitj6t~,€; !1) tom, Mtatb; <br />fll the tttetiea t to cote stet Eeinr-: (?) ^ drte. cot Fete than 1d da}x hoes the dell tlw.aafldt la mtiaki to 8nrtttwer. <br />tt°1' wllici asst keel resat ftc t:eate,~ soli {l) tlut rttYrrr to care steep tttvarb os or before tiietlatk apeeiliei in ifia:nalicc <br />r}" ews~ilt 4 eetestwee~ee of ere ~ iet:rtei b. tilts MerrtKaRe, rttrecMteatre (rr ivdicid ptoeeetB,aig ass sde. of the:. J'roperq.. <br />TM scales atteY (rettlser Idaraa ^urirwer of tYe rflit to reiaaWe artier acztdJeratitsa and [lac ria3e to ittaeert ~ the totwclaaur <br />aesseeittq gr tterKateleree d a ttle%tti or ttrr otbicr t€eheee ar Isorrctwer to a,ecei+erattaa asd fdeaneiarsa+e:rC-.tlll.beeaeh <br />h tMt cesatF oe ar biderr tYe dose s!'r'~ tw tLe tsatJ•'ct. tender at Ltttder's !rptiow ttnY declatrz ap artt>Nt:.aataattertvd:Dy <br />diJa 3Merr~r~r M its iaassaiieeeiy ire aai p{yaiie .rltk.>rt frr€4r des€rted and may 1®reelasr by !v'~t^ta! pt+bcaltili'~ilg:. [:ctd2s <br />tieM t~ trs~lla+i b awMci is seek pnatvila4 aM taperutes or /oret€osxtn, iaclu~lse. Dint oat [tattled ta. eroaaa ar-dorteeteerauy <br />+n9irscse aiswaittw ettL fstie reports. <br />i4. lwvwsst'a ltl~ s» r' `--- ',`tintwu,tastandisg ?.endaz'< ~cc:;lzt- a , rd ti . ;aaaA sxsra^d hy~ thnt lti4txrtgagc, <br />~itM'~'i sha}I ttiw' r`ae site fo S,avr nay israceeciengs ?~eg:~n 'r< ,. _nv3rr ~:; i°nf r'r t',~ ~.'f s,,r.~c1'1s~eotzt2nites3 3t a~'y rit43~ <br />