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<br />__ _:~:.u_~....__~ a~__.._,_ <br />t~.kt-~CorP~>raUan 9urv3va r,~{t9p'Warcart'Cy 6a¢d~ <br />~.[~,~ Hoffman and 6elton 3 Wott. t1altnn: Ne. 6$46i ~ '~ <br />S1FOW A%S< MT.N BY'1'HES& 1'&NTS, "P3iat SRCkI; CABIt~'fi & BUILDIt3G P1~tUGTS':r ING.. <br />a corperurou or„saizeducta ezistsng-naadar and by virtue oJ` the laws of the State of NF=kzr"aS1ta <br />j! <br />in considerstiou of F.Ef~~"I"I F2SlE ~ AI~iLI ill?/0II'IE3.4 f$85r000.00} D(ILZAFS <br />reeeited firm l,~antee, dyes gs'$nt; bargain, sell, ennvey and confirm unto MIC~3e3EL D. J;t1C3C aatel` ~ <br />JODI k. ~~:, litisl~anri and. Wife, <br />ar; joint tetaants,tviith right of snrv~irorship, and not as tenants in camman, the fallax-ing described real prapertq is <br />k1a13. Cotpxtp, ~ . <br />7~e 5cxrth Fifteen Feet. {5 15' } of S:ot 'I'#iree (3} , and alI <br />of Z[3t Four {4} in laeRStrbdivison of Bloc3c Four f4} , in <br />Secu~i Addti~t to Hol.oatia' s Hi4Ea~aY FFaties St~dvison, <br />a Svbdivasi~t of a ;.art of the. lvesrtheast Quarter of thee. <br />i~iortheast Quarter f>'~.} attd a L-~t of Ix~t Four (9}, <br />k'9anlaud, ist ~eetiurt Tttiertty:Eight (28}, unship Eleven <br />{11} I'iox~th,, Ranr~ Nine ('3} blest of the 6th. P.M.F in <br />k3all ebtsnty, Nebraska., <br />Tip haFe and to hotel the ribare described premz~~c*> tc~„eater M1cith alk tenements, hereditamenta and. appur- <br />!~ t.•nauces thareto belongittg unto the grantreT aru9 to Chetr xsyitat:,~ tiMr to the hegres atnd tsssigns a£ the survivor of <br />! them foret'er. <br />3iud grantor $ar nekf and itx stteee!~,+tara toe,f: her bt co~.•enant Lritlz they ttrantees astti s-itlz their assigns; and <br />i i; 1. the hairs and assistt:s of th«~ aunci~-trrvf tht tr that. ura L yr i5 latx•fnSi}- .eisr,at aF satck pretnises, that t,hep are <br />..r~' £raraarrnepmDranee t easett~ttts and restrictions of reoard; <br />i <br />tt:a: ~rsntor tta~t ~ovd right aa~d lotu•fnl aat'hncis} tci ±•otttt~r t}te fiats+>: azuk t#tat i;raatztr itarraats atn4 crilk de#esnd k <br />,' :he tnie t<a said-Prexn4ses°ay,ainstt the tau-fLil rlaznts ctfi sIt ix ^sons ~hanxaaerrr. ! <br />Il is the intruti+an of alt parttws tte rata ti at ttt t ~ * uerat c,£ ttae. death al' either at the grantees; the •eatire } <br />,; fec ;rim~rle title io the real estate skean ~e ~ 'ez ' r,nrvti t t:: t;rantea~. <br />It u~itnrss nrhererr£, };raptor has .carat. , eat:.,•,i tt~c c•crlsartate uesnt W be ai£zxed easel thcKe prese„nts signed <br />lav its Yresis3ent. <br />i <br />1}aYeak I$rCIR ~ l9 82 <br />}fV <br />.:.. .. ... ... .:. . ..-- e51 ant i <br />s ~"'t~Tc' €1. ~~, .. _..._..~ he tutdersigned; a 1'Xot b c in axtd fo~swtd¢Cotent }} <br />GUurtty o£ Hall ~ d <br />~r_rs~naily~ate.. ;!~'.~...~!~..._,.: r'Cvsti:......_..__....._._............_.. _......,,Prasiden.~!F <br />Strai .^.abine/ t- 5 B , YSs~ ! <br />t1t1d1Iyy~ ,..,_ ._ ..._............. ..... _. _ ......._..........a cct_~xstation: <br />I ' <br />+ 'a xe nersc;n:lil icaavm :o ~ ttte Freaic#ettz rnx3 tt:e :zderitirat:pexsoxt vztose norza is ckfkxed +o the. shave trottvey- <br />once, W--xi ccia~w%e~?g~d the e~x~-u+at>~t 'hereo: to be his +soluntary tzci cr.d deed cos sucY: o;cer Duel She voluntary , <br />{ act w.d deeed of said cr_n_r:ction n,,~i : tdt tlse Corcx~zate seen ai L?xe scxid comortrEirn was lheselo csfixed by its t <br />11 t crLahority. <br />' Parard Tslantl <br />~ 'P[ts~ess._*.sy ~ct-d.,~:;_ai 3 crf:.:„....... ..:...._ .:.....:^ sr~~._.. art ~ z tten <br />~~ ~w~ ~ - <br />' ~1i tsp i ~'7 ~ ~+ P3otarr Rabkic. 1 <br />__ _. .,. ... i <br />w.: <br />t <br />r ! ~4'AI'F tz~'- :... ..~{ ~ <br />z ~~x ' <br />F,r.~~-rms. ,n _.t^;ermni infix sail f'alad £a~#^ r..,.-„-, r, aer <; U..~~, 1,Y:C'£i1~* ~£ :,3r:d C'c.t3nty :ae <br />;i-s~ of .. . .... . ......... i:`3, .....;. ~c€:,.. , ..... ~>io.,i: ;.v~.! ..... . uzinntez; ........ ~£~ <br />- arty` r.a.~utd~'.:f lc iSU«:.. .. ...,.~, .....,4'r.E_.. . ... ..... ....~ L1 ~ .... ... ... ..........- <br />seq. n ` 1,>rr ast <br />2:~ , . , ..... ~ ....... I)a~~tztr <br />_ .< , <br />