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<br />82--i}c~as~s <br />Ei;Ntt'ttT.M CaVENAM75. Ilorrower and Letnfer cavenarxt and agree as follows: <br />L.. Ptyaaaafat`Prhscfpal.:and 1pleresl. Horrower shalt pramptiy pay when due the principal of and intetst an the <br />ieadthtedtxrsa. evidepsxd by the blots, prepayment and late charges as provided in the No[e_ and the principal of and interest <br />art say Fitktrre Advances secured ;by thin Mortgage.. <br />2.. [~i for 7>an sod Iprafaaee. Subj~t to applicable taw ar #a a wrixten waiver by Leader, Harrower shalt pay <br />to Lepskr pn thta day mopahty itvualtments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note es :paid in full, <br />a sttm (hereur "Futtsir") equal to one-iweffth of the yoarIy taxes and asssrssmenu which may attain priority over #his <br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents oothe t'mperty, if any, plus one-iw'etfth of yearly premium installments far hazard insurance, <br />plrta rnie-twelftts pf yearhr premium enstailmems far mprtgage insurnnce, if any, sit as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />timt so titvre. by I.ena~r. on the basis of assessments and hills anti reasannkslc rsxemates thereof. <br />The Rands shad be held In an institueion the deposits ar accounts of which are insured ar guaranteed b}• a Federal or <br />state agency (ittcirxtfng Lender if Ixnder is such an institution). Lender steal! apply the Funds to pap said razes, assessments, <br />ittstiratace premit»ns and ground rents. tinder may not charge for so balding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />ptveri:fying.and competing said. assessments and hills. unless Lender gays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicable Saw <br />ptrmita Linder ea make such ea charge. Hormwer and Leader may agree in writing at the time of exewtion of this <br />kfartgags Chat interest en the Funds snail be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made ar applicable taw <br />re~uinFS atich: znierest to be paid. Lendec shall not he cequired u+ pay Horranver arty enterest or comings an the Funds. L.endex <br />slmtl give to $prrawer, withcrrE charge, an annual aceaunting of the Funds chewing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />pttrpase for-whch each debit to the I•'unds was made. Tate Funds are pledged as additional sea urety for the sums si-cured <br />by ttai't Mortgage. <br />If the amrxttnt of tlx Fuosls held by Londsr, tpgcrncr with the future mnnttaFy uxcttltments of Funds payable prior tcv <br />the. duedates pf lazes, assessments, itmirance premtums and graund rents, shall ex~Y.ed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />asswraxnu, nsurancx preatiutnc roil ground ..*enis as they fall due, such cscc~ss .hail tx., at Barrpwer',s spoon, either <br />promptly repaid fo Harrower or credited to &?rrawcr on rnartthfy ,mtal-ments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held Ewy L.epder chaLt not he sufTtsdent to pa~, taxes, assessaxcnta, ms,xr-tnce pmmnsms noel graund reins as they tali due, <br />Borrrra'er shelf pay to tender any ansount necrsaarv to snake up ttte defecienev w,then 30 dal s irom the date nr>nce is mailed <br />by L.onder to Bnr:ower tegtasatuxg payment thereat. <br />i3pan px~tpem in folk of all stuns cccttred by this 1f+ rtgage, tinder shall pramptl}' refimd to tlormwer any Fends <br />held. ~ Leridu. if under paragraph IR irerex>t the 1'mpertti , ~a?kd cr the I'ropen}~ ;s othcrwtsx; acquired by i.ender, Lender <br />slzaiL:appIy, xxn rater than immediatciy grror m rtes sale oaf the Property or its acgatsuian by i.endec any Funds held by <br />I.etadcr at the time at applieatiop as a . redet again-st the sumo accuses h} than c'tortgage. <br />3i. a#lgllefpipE sd Pa)rmtrptt. iJnlccs apptic.abie taw pmvisles s thcrw-tst, atf payments ret~ivcd ray Lcrxder under the <br />Hare-.apd paragraphs i slid 2 txrepf shall hrc agghts3 bw I ender first +.ra gas=meat :if amounts payable to Fender h}• Harrower <br />under paragraph 2 hetcai; then to xnterest payable on the \iate. then tc, leis prittc,pal of tkre Nate, ;zed }hen to interest and <br />pristcipsl on any Future Advances. <br />4. C.fElrtr>ER.eC'hitra. Bprrpvicer chail pay all s.,c.-s. a.,n~ntents .mrd c,ihet thare~es. frttes soli ,mpasitipns atnibutable~ to <br />the 1"roperty whsch tnay awip a prison` lever t3tis viartgagc. and icasch<?Id payments c>r gratmd re,rtc. if an}', in the manner <br />pmviskd xrndar pazagrsph ~ tterexxi er.:^ ncx pard :n c+xh axanncr. Pcv Hnrrewer making pay°mcnt. when due, directly to the <br />pska thereat, Hcrrpwsr slisdf prsasnptdp f+irras,}x to i.etxder all nisuces of :tmaunts duo azrxdcr tttzs parag,raptx. and i^ the eveui <br />Harrower slaati make payment directly, Aurrxv~r sh_~:, pramptiti tuzmsh tc? l~ndcr zacciPis cvtdenc+ng sus:h payments. <br />Harrasvcr sltadl prsxpptiy .tisxhsrgc any lisp arha`h 'n:+x r, *+arrn• „vec this lWcutgage: ;7ravrcied. [haft Harmwar shall not be <br />arquieeri W dnchaa'~ any cuch ttcn >at It+n,g as St. [.;,a,.r sha.i agree m ~.+rzuag to the gayment ~at tht trhhgation secured by <br />such Bien t'a a rnanxrer acupxahie tt. Isndtr, car air .:, :., :.,r,b e=,rrrv such lour. tr}•. uz~ defend cnttarcernent of such lip in, <br />legal pixxeetitngs which cxperate to prevem the C rk, cement ak the i+en <?r forfcrtttre of the Prope[ty or any part thereof. <br />S. HraetdhewrrMCC. Horrowcr shalt keep the unprat~t^.mcnts r.+•« es+sttng nr hcreattrr erected an ttac Property insured <br />a-,nittst Ipss by 4lrc, hazAads included wxtltxn the trrni "txrendeet cavrra~e` and such eatttcr ha2ards a,, f crxder rnav regnfre <br />apse in aaxh anx>vnts and for xucdh iatncxfa xa tinder n,ay, rrqurrr. p:=?-•,+fcd, that 'tender vha-1 nut retinae that the amount at <br />sixeh gave€age cxcectl that amount rf co•czxge requ,rcc4 n: Pao ['u• • ns acC~nred try tbrc 14lartgage <br />the itiwratxsx causer pspviding the tnsxu.aace sha-3 t,r ~"kC*sen t+v Porrawcr sctbjcct ro approval lay I.crder; praverled. <br />titer ax~lt approve! shall oat #v: tentcasstriabdy ,.°sthine3d. •'ski i^nmrums nn :nsuruotc p+?itctas ,,half Ac paid in the manner <br />prar~ed uttdet paragraphs 2 Ixerratf :>r, tt runt paid :tt .cute manner, hro tSrzrrower rnakrnf parmtnt. w§rc-n due. directly tp the <br />iosurarxe CaTr'ier. <br />,"+ll nsuratce prriis:its and: nruew als tttGrttix9 chili to rn loon .,crrptatske te? ;sari shall :nt$u(ic a srandard murtgaga <br />clause to favor of arxd in form atti+:eptaiafc to txixster. l.crtder }saki have. the :fight to hcttif t'rte pols;:tcs :end rerxewals thefeaf. <br />anal $t#rCtwer stroll prumptl}' futttish ttx Lerzder alt rcrtcwa( +ttr~.•s and tall receipts at paid I`remiuniv. In zfie event of loss, <br />llasrvra°er shal- gave prompt notice txx tlxe insurararc ~arrtcr .end Lander Lender maq make peons e,f loss if not made prompity <br />by B,xrrtxwer. <br />'Liisless Lencteratxl Harrsrw•er tritttrw'isc agre>< to writing, tnsuranse pzcxceexas s~hnlE be apptrfd tc+ rextovatipn ar repair ax' <br />the. Prapea'ty damaged, laravaded such restotatx~;n ur repau is ccansxmcalfy tc^asibfa: and the seriuit}• at thss Mortgage „ <br />riot thcrssbp impaired. It xu:h restoraston s;r r:patx is nx?t es-c'+xaramrv.atiY' fcasettfe ur ,' the secur[ty of this !afartguge would <br />be :aiFaued,..ttae rnsttxapcc ;.r~xaxr•-as .bait tx aYpfatd tc, the sums secizted iav tiers.4fartgage. w.rth the excess.. if' any. paid <br />to J3:.,rmw¢r. if thepropctt± ,~, aiYendptx+:d tav ftrarrowet. az rt $arrpwer r.+ils tv7 res{°and tsa [.,ender wtthra :rL3 days cram the <br />date nsance ~ mailed by i.ettttttr tp }lorrosver shat this rnsaxrazac~c c:uxracr ca#ier s kis seti-e a ccstm U~+r irrsuranec kaenetits, fender <br />is-atrt9osintsd toersflect: anL .+pply#lu xasuratrse g?rrxeeds at I:cncler~E. option erther to r~aratean or re.pazr al the Ptops,.rtp <br />or tea tie sums seeszred by obis S.SOrtR~tc- <br />tipktas dt, adcr and $arravres o[scr.a [,c agrrx xn wrarrng, .xxtk stacfr appdicatwn axf proceeds to pons:+pal ,halt nut extend <br />ar prrscprxate alas ussc date of the tnanthi. :tstallntcros reiez-ed ke ;ri garagrapha ,:ad ' itereaf or change tree aencxunt of <br />such atmtaiirxicpis,.. If tinder psragrap a ri herepf ttte Prapern° is :acquired by i..nadez. elk right.';+rWe and interest ui Harrower <br />in: eta? ta. soy tasuranecpotasses and ~n an '.~ tktc pras.•ecds thxereel tesuiting'from damage to the Yrcxperty prior to the sale <br />r,,r r:riutsiaarx s?zuil passto teaclsxr to the extent irf the surn5 sc'4•urea lay [i%s titartgage immcdiateiy error t„ > s+ach >atc e3t- <br />;tCgUistts:Ma, <br />h. PrnMVsriasr ~i At~tNearuter of PC•sepralr; Ltaicehnhda; £`rzadaotinipms: Planted ts`sdt 9'feveiopswexxts. Hatrawer <br />seml, lice ttae..1'rapxm-spgaxl. regale a*xd stzall not commit waste ar perpxst impaerrstent car deterr<+rasion of the pragerrV <br />sect :tali cntrpiv .A sib 'I**-r emt•viyi•.,ns t'f env ras; :; ti^. ,, t4:,rtgage n tv~t a ic~asehofd. ff khtc wiart¢aRc it ark ;t unit ins <br />ecspdcannawnx „= a pi~r,rtd unrt,:e~ciap'rtxent. i3asrrrtwn .hail. geri [m ~:fl t+f Hprmwct's abiat-anons atnder the dCCiaration <br />or roaena~nis •arszlt , ,~;n'xzr?=n ,... .:,~nC r -norm , _ ,^sstwd. +xnn devefttpment, the bw••lawtt and rtrgWiatras>.c of efts <br />=.:c•avLxrsnivm_ ~a ~dst,.;>esz ,.,,.. .z .pmcna_ ...::rnr clxwncntr, tf a comiarniatium ,;ar giannid rttni a:a:velapnxeni <br />=mar ,x 4FCSUrcd cy ;3c_ e .ace ~rcnrd,:d a he~,,. .,- .,, ?Martgagc, kne cixveaanta artcf agrcemertt v4 stteh~ rider <br />xbu~l `~ [,;a',u ;rnsa:ca ui•. .i ~Y,.3i', ,sat:na .t;.+s „, .t r, ~,c.n .rte c+-venat+.ta and. agrcerrrents ai this .'atsrrtgage as it. thtc rider <br />wur a. p'°n hsrcaf, <br />~. Prsaxr5na ni Lc»i~cF's 4arnrih'. St R -.. ~r .a:!. t,~. lur!ntrlx. ahc envenoms .:=,f agt'.eemen,ts ::.,. act to alias <br />~trr tpagr., _ ~? :+a-•.` .- ;~rocenl~.r,.• :-:nine: ~c~± „ra,n materaallt, afEz~ts Letn;aa'y aateses[ ., id °rtrpettw, <br />A <br />sr,<:}uuw'~. .. +~,e I:nuartii z ,. ~.'trtr--^.t dromain....,,,,. enti , :-1r ~._ n:;atstn:, ~ ; a,rrsrtrn.:nt~. css Drrc-_.-i,n> oi,u~g a <br />:^ankne~ vsr s_"s-'s^,~c+.YC,xt. :..,.'a i crri~r a i.cnder : sv,..-;. -.%;.xt~n fl.:~ce = ih,.vr?nwrr- nine `.,arc :r.F.:.c s nn,~,-.. ;~~ aut°.h <br />t';tzrts acvt Naar a,x3a ::et tr .. ,c- .a r ~~r• #s f.ende~r s ;r ^re?t- n... , n._ '... -, :nay •., , . ~- _, -;:c[:= --. <br />~~; r: ~ ..... • ,. .. <br />,.°~xxs:xt7te ~?•.r,ifys :aR a^ti =_,n+tg asr7r the i'rupatky kv rrar:a pc.. ;,._. .~ac,i . , ~ .,. _ x <br />.i+rlrtoe;vk of m ks^sq tf,e r+ §rcxrdralti t~ 4~hta iM#'G*l7Ji:R$C. tenets ~ `s,i p, '*e - ~ s r~"Y = :.rx ,c:,:b <br />i~~e,=~.rmu.' rr, .8,..t .- . .,_._ :.out a tkxc :re<loz+tctnev&a tt>r x~ ~- asza~s H: ^ : ,tcv _ •rda.-aaxx - t9 'n ~. ~ •- attx: <br />