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___ <br />$~~i~v094 <br />L•eatkr's written agreement ar agpiitable taw. Harrower snail pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manzter provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ?, with interest thereon, shad become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower seeumd by this hiartgage. C;niess Borrower and Lender agree to other ttrztts of payment, such <br />aiitrxtnts shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />ditto of-disburstmectt at the rate payable from time 4o time an outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />intEmat at stzciz;rate wotttd be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shalt bear interest at the highest rate <br />penrtrsaibk under applicable law. Nothing contaitted in this paragraph "7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any aatian herouttder. <br />g: tttspeethSoa. Lender may make or cause to be made rea,onahle entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shaft give Borrsmtr notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to L.ender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9!_ Gotsdeassriios. The proceeds of an7 award ar claim Far damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />cotdemnation or atizer taking of the Property. ar part thereof. ar far conveyance in lieu of condemnation., are hereby assigned <br />and sitati be paid to Lbndtr. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage., <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Harrower. Irr the even; of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />atiztrsvisr, agree in writing, there shall be applied to zhe sums scettred by ibis Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal ttz that proportion which the amoum o€ the sums s„^ctarcd by this Mortgage immedistety prior to the date of <br />taleinf; hears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prier to the date of talons, with the balance of the ptoceetis <br />paid to Borrawtr. <br />If the Prtsptrtr is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after r,aticc h:• Lander zo Harrower that the condetanor offers to make <br />an award nr settle a claim far damages, Harrower fails to respond to i.ender within 3(1 daps after the date such native is <br />matted, Leander is authorised zo a~tteci and :, ply zhe proceeds, at Lenders option, either 4a restoration ar repair o€ the <br />Property ar to the earns secured. by this Marzgage. <br />I.tnlass I.tnder and Borrou•cr otherwise agree in writirw. any such application of praccesis to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the dzu date of the monthly insta~lmtntx referred to in paragraphs I and ?hereof ar change the amount of <br />each instaiirtnetris. <br />11Q, Borsvwer i4ot iYeirrasod. I•:xtenssan of zhe t=rue far pavrncnt or modification of amartiratian of the sums secured <br />fry this Mortgage granted by Lender za ant stxcessor ,n interest of Harrower shall not operate to ,-elease. in any manner, <br />the li:abiiity of the arigitrai Horrow~er and Herrnwtr's sauctssars in interest_ i.ender shall nzx be required to commence <br />pent©tdings against stxh stsecessrr cr refuse to exttnti time for payment or otherwise madity amortization of the sums <br />securs:d try axis Mortgage trs• reason of any demand made by the original &irrawer aed Banawer s ssrctessurs in interest. <br />fl t. Pa~rbearprtt hS I,endtr \ot rat Waiver. :\ny`arfxarance by Lensier in exercising atrv right or remedy herezmder, or <br />uthes+asise afl'trrded key appiieahle taw, sha$ not he a waiver nt` or precttrde the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The pvretcttrttnsm of insuratrcc or ctrl payment a?f taxes t:r otfter hens or charges br• t_ender snail not be a waiver of i.,ender's <br />right to as:ctterste she maturity of the imieMcdntss sxrzrrrci by this ':torteare. <br />t2 Rlwe2Kea Cttatrtiafise, .41i remcdoes pnrvrdcd :n tbs. siartGagc art distinct and cumulative to a»y attar rigfst ar <br />comedy tsndtr this Mari}tagt ar aHarded by law nr equity, aeui may 7•u: exec«_astd c mcurrtntly. indeptndcntly a'?r successively. <br />83. Saetmtrrts sad Avrges i3aaodt 7oiat artd Sc••erai i3abiUlw ('aptlona. The ; avenants and agreements herein <br />wntained stroll bind, and the regirts harcr.ersdor shelf 'enure ice. ttrt respectavt x=tcccstenn and assigns of Lender end $orrawer. <br />rubjertt. to ttse paavisiorxs art pars&raph 1' hercai 4ti cavcnams and agreemenfs of Borravvtr shad tee jaunt and several. <br />Tice cagtiores and htadings of the paragraphs of this tyfartgagt are far convemtnce only and are not tx? be used to <br />interpiez ar define rho provesians hereof, <br />1#. Notice. Except far any ntRia xtgnirrd under apirlicshlt law t,+ he g4vcn in soother manner, lei any notice to <br />Harroxytr ptnvided far in this Marty;.agc shall het wtvtn f,v ntaiting +ut-h. Hance by ::crtified mall addressed to Borrower at <br />tiro PtYsQErty !4dt#ress .tr at such at'ner address as t3arn?wee stay dcsr}.mact by notice m t.tndcr as provided herein, and <br />12s) amy nazict to 1„ender shad be given f*g ecrittttd citazh rcttrrn rrctipt ra^gttestcd. >_o t ender"v addre-ss szazed heron ar 80 <br />xuth ocher-address as I.endtr may dtsignazt by na+titc t=? Harr~~wer as p;avidtd hcrem. .4ny notice provided far in this <br />Martgagt strait ht dtxmcd to hava^ Preen gsvt» to Harrower ar i r~zder when given in the manner designated htteirr. <br />t5, Uaiforra Morgta7le: Gaverafrst< Loa: Sevcreirs• ~.. '. •rcn <?f mnrtgagc can:bines teraifarm azvenattts for national <br />use and neat-ernifarsn cayenanis with limited vanatirtns bti tt=rs s cr,an to cotxszitutt a uzrifarm stcuri[y instrument covering <br />teal property. "This Mortgage shall tic gavcrntd by zhe law a+f the jrrisdinian in which the Property is located. in she <br />Cvtnt 24zas. any provision ar ciatrst of this iatcm,gage <sr she Matt ~ ontlias with apalicabtt law, such tcmftiat shall not affect <br />other provisicszts of this Mortgage err the ti. rte whit ; can E?t geven etTecz wiahout the conflicting provision. and to this <br />end. fhb ptovisitrtrs of zhe Mattgagc and iht 'vats are dcclartd to tee stvrrabit. <br />lfi. )sorrowee'aCaps-. BorrtrwEr shall he furnrsltc€1 a cantanrrtd cop? aY the 2YOte and of this Mortgage at the time <br />of ratecutitm or altar trca'+rdatic+n htrbof. <br />3;• Trader trf Irlx [?'ro}arty; Asoswn. if ail or any part of the Prc+pcrtp or an interest therein is sold ar transferred <br />by Borrower wi€irartt Lender's poor writinn iansrnt. extftuiing qat the srcatioxs of a lien or encurnbranct subordinate Ea <br />this 1Mcxtgage. {h} the creation of a purchase mmey stcau•iry interest fx hrnsssshaid appliances. (c/ a transfer br devise, <br />deweexit or by operation of taw aptm tttt dtazft zrf a faint tenant or Ids ant grant of any ttasdtoid lateral €*f three years or less <br />oat curntaenurg an rtptitm to puxeitast. lender mas~, at I.atrtier`s c+ptian, declare ail the sums secx:red by zhis Mortgage to Pte <br />immedaieiy dot and :payable. Lttrdbr shaft have waived stt~:h aptioet ra actekratc if, prior to the sate ar transfer. i.endtr <br />and fix-parr to wht#n the Prerpcrty Ls to ~ so€d w tranaferreti rewch agrezsnent ir, ws^itin{q that the credit a€ sxxch person <br />is satiafattca»• to Lender atxi attxt. the innterest payable an zhe ss.sms se?:urcd by this ?«fortgage shah tx at such rate as i.cnder <br />shall ~. if I.eia3er ins. waived the a>~inn to axxieratt provided in this paragraph ;?. anti if Borrower's stru:essar in <br />interest has ctutztixi a written assumption ~agraement accepted in writing ~• L.ender. f.endtr shat! rtleast Borrower from alt <br />t~biigstiaru zttrcter this Mrsrsgage: atuit deNote_ <br />If Letxtar exerciser strclt option to as:ccitrat.e. Lender shalt mail Hnrrawtr notice of srzEieracion in accordance with <br />pars}traph lit hbreaf_ Such sratire shad pravidt a period of rmt ices than aft days from the date the notice is mailed. within <br />which Hatrawar may pay thrsums dbsiared dot: if Hvrrovrtr fasts ra pay such sums prior to the expiration a±f suet[ period. <br />Ltndttr rteay: wttiasut furt}zer rsotia=c or demaszd nit Bormwt;r, invoke any remedies permitted 6y paragraph l g hereof. <br />No!•-l)_+~•tFtrir *# {aoSBNS*i^rS. Borrrmrbr arad Lender further acsvertant and agree as follows: <br />t8. :iccsletalis~. Rtrtwedin. F.aeepssrs terrsidedia. paragrrph 17 iermf, upon Boretraer'a lsreach. of sup toveasat ar <br />apaeaaeot of lornaeearGt this lforpfttRe, faEir,ditgl..thccoycaanb us pap vrbra. due any stems securtsd h}° rhea 6iortEt4€c. <br />€:pisr iR~ to aaaace to Barro+?rer as ysoyided is paragraph R# hereof apocif'piaKt ii) lire hrertcht <br />612 lire trtliora rYlJrlfead to tsare. such isr€sstlg lei a dale. aa/ hxs...lharr.3R...tlays from the dart the notice is mailed fa Btrrraweg. <br />err wtsieY,met, txeaelt&rsN beew'atit lard GtJlltitltfaHnre:to cute s»cfsh asu or befa[e the date apasiReid iA the awkiet <br />sa4 raseit sa oceeiaratlsw of the arHrn ts:estrred Ir5 tAia ?~4orgtatte: form^ins€erx M" D~ ~~R atM saib oaf fire Property. <br />Tbs rr~Occ rfea~ fart6rr itr~. Rrsraowsr of €ke right tea rsinssaee attar :rcecfa~loa .and the r5giirt to arrest ro the farvxbsure <br />proceer/i~tf ter aawsaMYate.of w defraeN ar arty ertl~e rkfeaee of $nrrower to acteferattarn and [orebstre. It the breach <br />is oat torsi cwt ur Preface tire-dafespr~ taeao€ire:. I.cet3eeat i:cadev'aoptioo may tir?cistx ~ of the suztaa serur=rdtry <br />rs4 ?YfiurtgaRe su ire. isnrswetfiateiydtita seed' payahlt rifirsrot fartrser drsnarrd aai mar furmccdosa h~z' ~ groeeediag. Leader <br />rlrofi be rwtUfri k+ a~.r~rrt in s ai! r[pMtYes Mdareailaisan. ixrtfadi~, boa soot lirahsd. to, casts af. <br />avdiswrr: abntsacr. cad title re~rarra <br />.. Sir. leersr...esrs En - ^-seta n.. .. a. '.,:~#. l.ttas~r's ,s.::.:el~azion cei teat scrm:a he+.vrrtf kr,,° ??sbs A4'ortg:agt. <br />~c <br />f4oarre><•ra ,?;~Si Rd E t?w_ rigls€ +i*. ttavE an•- ~rtx+xc!,:;as <aru:= try l..aredcr to trttat~ rhss tifortga}te cdi4:;~.rtin red :at gray tma <br />