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- _ <br />82""~~Ci09~( <br />T~IO~t'~G~l.~~ <br />Cf3?lSTR1oCTi0W SECURITY A&itEEMENT <br />31tk March <br />,TH3S MORTGAraE is made this. day taf - ...... , <br />I9.~e.,berGw~tthehSartgagor~~re,i.exic::.~MEYER, ANt~ t_EJifi'`.J,~.ME.YER,,husta.~~d.gt3d wif.~....... <br />..... (hsr~in '"Bornr9tter'')`, and tha Mortgagee;. Hama seders! <br />Ssviags utd Loan Aasocietien, a carpot'atx-n arganixed an+rl ezisting under the laws,af The Utzited StsLea of <br />America, whose address u ?'"...1 South.iaeaet Stress, Gsaud Island; Plebraaka Iharein "Leztder"'). <br />1VHEItEAS, Hormw~er is izt~btedto Lender in tfteprattcipalsuzrt of. ,FI F7Y, FIdE.,THQ(1~A~:CI'.AC~. Nt1f.7.Q0,... <br />------- ---------°--- .----- --------"tlazs, whisk indcbtedn~s is evidenced by Barrower's ngte <br />Flatrch i l }982 <br />dated.... .. ............... {herein `.Note"). providing for montkty installments of priucipatand iizterest, <br />wir.E; tkc b3tlarucc of the indebttxiaess; if tzcu sooner :paid, dt~ acrd payable on... ~.~Rtemb&f : 1...013....... . <br />Tn SEC-uxE tts Lender fa) the rc-paytnena of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest zhcreon, tke <br />paYtstemt o'; aii a>zker strres, wii2t interest thetran, advanced in accardance herewith to protect the seatriiy, of this <br />Mortgagt, snd the i,crfatuzancx of the cavenaizts and ametru of 6otrowcr herein cantaitzed, and fb) the repsytnent <br />of anv hrture a.:YxtrceS, vwritfr ittterr~t tttereart, trade to Barrawcr by i.ender parsuaat fia paragraph 2Y hereof (herein <br />"°faarrc Adesttccs""}, Hdsea~r cioea, he.ebp m~stzgagc, grant and canve~~ zo Lender the follawing described groperty: <br />1> ist?tbr fSadtttgof ................ ~-3, . , ...................... State of Nebraska.: <br />LOT 1"ItI~TY-T4iO (223, I?i EA&f.E LAKE ESTATES SiJBOFVISION, .HALl. COi3AiTY, [~ESRASKA. <br />siurh hu tttc ad~9r+a~ ~f............. ~.rt~?. ~JUd?.i..E.4rie... ........... .....G~:~+?d::~~land........... <br />[sts~eetF CCtrl3 <br />. _ _ tieDraska _ 5£:$Oi .. (~srin "Fropcaty Address"!: <br />;s«..we zw caa.l <br />~tX:r ilrEit veith ail ike ~inbpravs~esrts ne>iF »r tu;restter. zrectcd ssrt ?1te tsmptrty. and atf cancmenCS; rnghts. . <br />tetatncc's, rents. rvey-att3es, ntitttrztl. cat ansl gas ~iSCtts anc3 pruttts, water, stater rtgkts, ;<trd svaces stacL', and Alt <br />5xrtrres srrsrrrn 2KS~€rer ntr~~civKl t~ the pro{~rty, nit vt' v'bich. ineiuding rrpiacements and ad~3itiares thrreta shaiC hr <br />Sec~itnd to !ec and trntain a ysrt r>fLt'~e Cmcr~rts c~ti~tirzi# tt~~ tinix ~tortesgc; nad aU cs the fc~re~.aing, t~k:-ther ~vie~h said <br />spcety (ar tlar ica~hs3ci e~txt~ ii tkii< Mcxzgaga' *s .;art a {eatrko'.d ; are ttizrcin rrferrcd to as thr. "Yrv>petey'<. <br />Beyrtti*+n,r cY,~rtaastrs tkatt t3arrnsrcr i> iawCuifq eeiscL t+f ttte extate hetti3r .v>nva+ed arcd Etas the r'gCtt try mart ~!a~e; <br />gtsttct zrr€C ca>nvep the ~'rs;prri}°. s~a:tt the 1'nr{rcr H i. u:,z~,tcurarFr.r~si, and asst Bacmuer Dili ~~xrraru arbd c4efetzd <br />,~MrrtSk~~ cl~c tiW: tt: t'tr P'tisf+crtY a$iein~i a9.. ~txsrn. ;snik d~aexndx. sa'srj~c[ to. ar.: ~:t`tisra'd>n-,. ~ sserm ~*.:< of tact r c€ia#s.; <br />iht~ sr! .~ r~2te~Sait' +>C ,'xiYptrcm,: z,s ; ~+~srspe >~s aat :itlc inc9tnm-e ptdic~ icvsnr;r~~ i.erur'; {nter'e+5€ an tke F'ray~xz'y: <br />. , .aa < F cra+ar _ _: ;>--i tllftb [iN.rCf- b7tk~6l~P Yxalgt~(C <br />