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<br />"~~..°- tiUtl9~ <br />L <br />Lffit~r's~wsitteaagneememtor appticabfelaw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insuranre premiurns in the <br />manmer pra+ided under paragraph: 2 hereof. <br />Any ~ amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest. thereon, shall become addit°sonal. <br />indebn;dness of'Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Linless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />atnaunts shaltlaepayabk upon notice. from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of 3isbursetttent ai the rate psyabk from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such :rate wauid6e contrary to applicable law, in. which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highestrate <br />pcrmisstZale tinder applicable Saw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or rake <br />any acfaan heactmder: <br />&: daigactiott. Lender may make or cause ro be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />Lhat Lt:nder sha-Igive Batttrwer notice prior to any such inspecxian specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interestin the Property. <br />4:: Casd~mNarr. The proceeds of any award or claim for damaees. direct ar consequential in connection with any <br />condettmation or other taking of iht Prapetey, ar pa: th¢rr°. nr far cotrvtyattct in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assi¢ned <br />and-shall be. paid Ya Lender: <br />itt the. event of a total taking of t}ac Property, the proeeeds shalt bt appleed to the Burns secured by this Mortgage. <br />with t12e excess: if any, paid to Borrower. in [he event of a parriaT taking of the Praoerty, unless Harrower and Lender <br />otherrsnat agree in writing, there alaa}I Ise applied to tht sums secxtred by this Mortgage. such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal. En that proportion whictr the amount of the sums secured by [his Mortgage immediately prior ro the date of <br />takinglaears to the fair market value of the Property imrrtcdiatety prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />pai$.ta Borrower. <br />I# the Property is abandoned by Harrower. nr if, slier notice by Ltndcr to Bortowtr Yhat the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, ekrrr,wer fazes €n respond to Lender within 3a days after tErt date such notice fs <br />maikd'~ Leader n autlrorratd to calkrt and apply the praeeeds, at Lender's oprion. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Pmpnty nr to the sums strtrred by this Mortgage. <br />Llnltss Lender sad 8otmws;r otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds m principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the dire data at t}ve monthty installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />suctr itaualtrnenix <br />ti9. Bprramr islek Ildeatwcyi: Extension of rht zirtx far payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by that Mortgage granted lny mender xa anq suectssor in interest of Barrow~r shall oat operate to release, in any manner. <br />theTiability of the original 8aaxower and Horrowrzs sucetssors in interest. Lender shalt not be required to commence <br />praceodingsagainst such suctexsor or refuse to extend rime ±'nr par~ment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Martgrtgt lay rtasan of any demand made by the original Harrower and Horrower's saccessars in interest. <br />t I.. Fwida9kaee by Ln»dsr 1VaK a Wtplrer. A.ny fnrbtaranet lay Lender in cxtrcising any r¢ht or rem¢dy hereunder, or <br />othervriu a#fatded. by appliwbk law, shelf nee tae a waiver nt nr preclude the txercfse a# any such right ar remedy. <br />Tlx procuntixnr afrrtaurattoe or the payment of taxes ar c+tlttr #iens or cttarltes by Lender shall oat lag a waiver of I,tnder's <br />right ta~accelerate the maturity. of. the indetsttdratss secured by this 'viartgage, <br />E2. Atttpaliax Cop~M•ra. .All remedies provided in this Mortgage arc distinct and cumtaiativt zo any other right or <br />rerned'g under this Mort$agt tit affnrtled lry law ar equity. and may l+r txerciud cancurrenth•, ndeptndentlp or successively. <br />13. Sskrattaea sptl Aatil[aa Eoppdt Doiat and 5trtrrd 1.isbBity: Captimts. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contstiaed shall bind, axui the rights hercundtr shalt inure to. the respective strccetisors and assigns of 1_endtr and Borrower. <br />stabitct to xlre prox•"ssians c+f paragraph t? l+trtof. fill covenants and agreements of Horrower shat! be yoinI and several. <br />'The captions; acrd headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage art for ctvnvenimce only and are not to lag used to <br />imterpret ar define tl+e psovisians hereof.. <br />ir,. Notice. l?xeept for any noti+x rcqu^td snort applicable law to Ix given in another manner. {a) any notice to <br />Barrawor prxmdedt'ar in this Mortgage shad bt given Isy mailing such noziec t<y certified mail addee:ssed to &xmwer at <br />the Praperry Address or at such other address as Barmwtr may designate by notice to I.tntEer >s provided trtr¢in, and <br />ih) any notice to Lender shaft lot given by ctrttfied mail. return rest+pt reque•;t¢d, to I_enricr's address stated herein or to <br />stttia otlrcr atWr:e~ as Lender may dtsixtnatt by notitt to Borrower as pras~tdtd herein. .Any notice provided far in this <br />~longageshail be deetrzed sa have latett given to Harmsv~cr or l.endtr when given in the manner dtvgnated herein. <br />is. [Fpltot7 iNertpRet GorentitrR [,aw: Scre,rsiilikv. 'This form oi' mortgage c°ambincs uniform covenant¢ for natv`onal <br />use acrd non~tmi#arm covenants with hmixtd varareans by jvsrsd4ction ta conszittut a uniform s¢¢urity instrum¢nt covering <br />teat property. This Mortgage shall lx gawetned 6+• zht law of the iurtuiictian im wtiieh the Property is located. In the <br />Gwent that-say pravisfun at clause of this 'Mortgage or the Vot¢ ;anfi'zcxs with apptsralale law. such contTrct shall oat affect <br />atl4er nrtawiaiott3 of this. Mortgage tar the Nate whvclr can rte given ¢t?¢ct withauti the cotrfti~ct.:ing provision. and to this <br />.-std .•_+s'sz~. `3 x rFr~ `-„+agage ...-rd i*~:..'. t rr c;~cds:rz9 fR, 'sae x ~ra€sle. <br />lei. >M+tgwara Coyy. Borrower sltatt tx furnished a conformrcd copy of the "Matt and. of €his ;tiortgagc at :he time <br />of rartxvtiaarr nr start rtxordatixxr hereof, <br />iT. Ttt~ahr tip Y. AAtw~r-dra+t. if all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is Bald ar trans#arrcd <br />by ls~ ovithout Londer'a prior written cortstnt, excluding fat tlae creation a# a lien ar tntrtmbrance subordinate to <br />this Lturrlt#tlt: fbl test cttation of a purcttastc mtxrtey security interest fer haupxdtold appliances.. (t} a tramfer by devise, <br />dexxsrt or b. operation of law upon. itte deatYsof a faint. t¢nant err fdi the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or Ices <br />»mcvtuainengan uptbanta pearclraae..Lerukrmay, at d..ender's option, declare alt the: sums sccutrad ley this Mastgage to be <br />itnn+rd:atcly dap acid: payable: Linder shall have waiwrd such option so accelerate if, prior to the sale ar transfer, lznder <br />and the person to w6wm xhc Praperry is to be sold or trnasfured reach agsterrterst in writing that ibe credit. of such person <br />is tut;sfatitu} to Letadkr and that tlae "srneresa payabbc on the sums stctired by thin. ?mortgage shall lag at such rate as L¢nd+er <br />shall - Pf Lxrrdrr. has. waiwtai: tae option io acctferats provided in dais paragraph i7, and if Bormwtr's strccesatar in <br />rttrrra€t 'Ass taunted s wrAtres asttmtrtion agreement acztpred in wntirtg by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower from a[I <br />ablagatocns undarthix 7liort~agt sari. tom.-Note: <br />?.+ I,ernder exert saacit'option is accelerate. Linder shall mail Hrarrowee notice of aca:ler-atiom in accordanc¢ wish <br />q`ara}.rapEt . • httttof: Sitelt tatxiix slratk prowid¢ a period of nos Irss than 3tl days from the dale the notice is malyd within <br />which Bares+• malt pat the xwtrs d~lar¢d due. If Harrower fails ro pay such xurm prior to t3ae ¢xpiration aC such pettiod, <br />[.ender may, wiritaui:#irtrter notice or datnand nn Borrower, inrokeany remedies permitted by paragraph t &' hcrtof. <br />`:err-t;~tt~artCtistaatxKn. HorrwentrattdLenderfurthrrcavtnantandagretasfoliowvc: <br />t ~ Arcidrae~opz ltetkrttYas. Egee*k as )rrerided ur~;papreitrttltlr i7 Itetrof. ppas l'3ormarar'a trcrpcb of mty careaant or <br />aKroas>rpt of ~orr'asrrs ill tltit-lt9au~, t)rc. M~rsmtwks...: to. pay wtrep dpi spy scents secpratl by ebta ;!^lorgtrtgt. <br />L.erMr print M xwiarrttiop tiinttY. raf•t~.pefice to Ilerresetr ~ prsvidet- Ga psrageiptt 14 tterte[ specifylgta 411 tie. brascbt <br />: i,2? tba actlw ssyried W trra swk# 6rsartt: a31 a date;- tt~l last ibap 3P. t1agS fcwatbe. date tie pakkY a d.M Bormrrer, <br />by wfitf aeA taea>.tb tptttt tae etsee•k tad tal [b.N failWC tp tpreatee6 ittaCi rIp er befprC tie date sPecBkd ip ibe'aWice <br />tVy ralalt L aazdar+tYla. w1 tlee est.. vrrsrs i hr ahi+'ti4orl~s~e; forse~.Aaaere 1inF ~~..A~~R'axdl ark:.nt rte Pt?npertf!. <br />y'Mn tntdrk +irB fprtlla tafaraa lorwrtr nt ttta rgtbt to nipstata after acetikatakiop apd tie right to ruaert in tie fnrrccisspre <br />pa.t~aite rbr paa-•e>FMeprs d x teeadt « say orker aeftres6 trF Afirps~aa.+rt to ~ aasd'faMSCbetttr:. IF tlsn brepeir <br />to oak arr>st eat ar tnefars tpa ttMt s~s-~ 1a t[u natltc. Lraidar rte ice.:pptiae wtay deehre till of,Yie ,acepred 1}y <br />lib Meryi~r l0 1tr ltslprelietairy A+e trot fearaik +rithopr x„ttbendasptptl real pe>r}e Eareciosc bti° jardicid ~ i,e€kdar <br />,rltttll br e~akiliat to be ..rte ~.ruax pmt fast~lotaira. . ipsant.Bptitrst tan. casks, mf docptuy <br />e.Yiscre. a-fkrars art rkM rtrt7avlti. <br />ti','a RiRYk rrs &e3ttYata. :tiotsrrthstandita¢ i endu's acxxietattatt at tine. sums secaara;•d ley thus ltiortgage. <br />~Ct'EB~a'er s.~k,tt Carr. rte right t:; hawe an~`prarrrcdrrg< t:r-q:rr. '"., t cradtx tea en6e+rtr this Mt+rgagt drscontinestd at any €txne <br />