<br />
<br />U:nm*wttc G9vEntxtvzs.. Nortowtraad.Leadersovenantaad agreeas foAows:
<br />1. Payer a~`' Pwritteiprt{ taail. Iaterart,: Batrower stiait promptly gay when drx the principal of and inuresE on :the
<br />tn+irl~teditess ev'tdraeedby the~Nate;: prepayment and tau chargesas provided in the Note. aad the. principal. of aodinieresa
<br />an nay Future Attvaaceosrcuredby•this i\tortgagr:
<br />2. F~ [~ Ttsaoa tats Ike. Siibjecc to applicable faw or m a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Leerier nn the day monthly nstalh'itertts of principal: and:inutsxt are payable. under the Nou, until the Notreis paid -in frill,
<br />a stmt (hrtrin "Fonda") eguad to otte-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground roofs oas she Properly, if nay, plus onatwelfth of yearly premium itutallments for hazard iaswance,
<br />pitta one-twelfth of }•~t h~ praniitm i~tailmenes Erie mortgagC insurance, if any, alS as reasonably estimated iaitiaHy and. from
<br />tit~;to lilac by Lender on the basis of'asstxssrsrnts aad hilts and reasonabtt estimates thereof.
<br />73ac Fuads shall be held is ananstiiution tSsr deposits ar acconets of which are tnstued OT guaranteed by a Federal. of
<br />state agrncy (iacfuding Leadex if Lerstter is such an institution). Lender shall apply the. Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />irnTMsnz preen=rims ;ad 'rrtsts: Let>dw may rod charge for so balding and an~yin¢ the Fuads, analyzing said: account,.
<br />or verifying and' cotftpihag said aausnts and biS}s, uaSess I.endrr pays Borrower interest oa tlto Funds and applicable. law
<br />perm;*s Lcttdcr to make sttclt a charge. Bbrrawer and Lender may agxee in writing. at the time of execution of this
<br />Martgagt that interest ari the Piiatk shall lme paid. to Borrower, aad unless srtch agreemem is made ar applicable taw
<br />requires such interest rte lx. pout!, t.ertder shall not he. regtrirrd to pay Botsvwer any interest or earnings on. the Funds: !.ender
<br />sha11 give to Borrower; without Charge: an annual atxauntsog of the Funds. showing creairs aad debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fpa which each debit to t!u Fiends was made. The Funds are pSedged as additional seetarity for the sums secured
<br />by Chu !vtartgagr.
<br />If ~ amauttt of the-Fuads ]sold by l.eisder, tagethtr with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />ttu due,. dotes of taitGS, assrasttseans, inaurattct p-emiutns and ground rents, shall extx~sd the amount required to pay said. taxes,
<br />aaaereatnts, istauraarx ptcmettms need ground rents as they fail due, such escrss shaS.l br, at Borrower's option, eiiher
<br />patxaprly repaid: to Narrower os credited to Barrowu on manthky installttaents of Funds. if the amount o€ the Funds
<br />?scdd by! Lettdrt shall star be swficietit to pay taxes: assessmeau, insurance premtutns and groumi rents as they fall due:
<br />Btsrxaaer shag pay to Letaicr any attxatartx necessary to make up tlx deficiency within 3Q days from the dau notice is mailed
<br />by lender to Borrower ttgtustfn$ payment fhereot.
<br />Ujpon paytnenY is furl of ail stuns src:ured h}' ibis :Mortgage, S_tnder shall promptly refund to Borrower nay Funds
<br />tuW by' t<adrr. if undo paragraph tg hereof the Property rs .old or the Property #s oUunvisr acquired by [..ender. Lender
<br />shag apply: no later than iann3adiately prior to ttte sale of the Property or ns a.^quisition isy Leader. any Fuads acid by
<br />l:~cer at the tittx of a~slictttiua as a credit against the sums stcurcd by this Mnrtgagr.
<br />3 Atata of Pt'we~ta. linit:.ss applicahSc taw provides otherwise, ail payments teceivtd by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs Y and .': ltereat shall be agpirtd by Linder first in payment of amounts payable to t,cader by Sarrowcr
<br />utadq• gangsapts 2 hrrarf, rhea to interest payable ern the Nate, then to tht principal at the Hoer. and then to interest. and
<br />principal on aay Future Advaatsea.
<br />0. ~ Lists, Narrower stzall pay al[ €axcs, asstxxn:cttts amt rather thargts, fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the ProPecty whis3t testy attain a priority avtr this Mangage, aad leasttratd gavmtnts oc ground rents, if any, in the raantxx
<br />ptovirkd under paraactrpb 2 hrrtof ar: if not pod in 5veh manner. ley Horrawtr making paymrnt, when due, d`trecfly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly famish to !.radii all r#ouces at amcsunts dot under this paragraph, and in the event
<br />k3arrvwirr shall ttsake payasertt directly, Htsrtrnver shah pramptSy turntsh to ixndor rcceiptx c:•rdrncing such paymtnts.
<br />Bwxow+et shall. promptly discharge any !lent which F.as pz#ar#ty i+vrr this. '.44angage: pravaded, t'nat Borrower steal! not be
<br />rrgtrited to diacftargc nay stash tern w long as Borrower shat! asrcx rn u,r#ting to the paptnem of the obSigatiaa secured by
<br />sack ilea in a manaser acceptable to Lender, ar shall in goad faith contest such lire hy, nr defend c'nfr?rcemrnt at such lien in,
<br />Itgmi grarcedirtgs which operate to prevent the enforcement at rht lien nr forttaturr c+f ttte Property ar any. part thereof.
<br />5. HrQaeii liar, i3otrosver shah keep the amgrcrvcmmzs rww rsistusg ar hrrrafYrr erected on rite Prosper±y insured
<br />agastnttr by tire. hararda ittclutkd wtthrn the term "extended cavrrage". ants stash <?ehea hazards as i.cndcz may require
<br />and in such:aatountt anti t'or su+ztt periods as l,ttsder may requite: provided, that t_tndec shall not rtquare chat tttt amount of
<br />such rxrovrragr txcaed that amtwm of coverage reyuued to pay #ht earns secured by rhos Atartgage.
<br />7Le,itgwatstx carts providing the insurance shah tee vhosta isy Harrower subjm to approval try Lender: provided,.
<br />th>bt: web oppaavot shah oat be titrrrassariiabty vairhheid. JEII premiums an Setxurance pnlicars shalt be paid in the rnantsrr
<br />provided wstiet pttragrapds 2 hereof ar. rt cwt paid is such rnaisner. isy Normwer making paynunt, when due.. directly to the
<br />iasuranicic cornier.
<br />i?I' ;r3#Lact'-x`~. 'u~:ti~K~ -..J 'dSt tawt~`i ,r~x, <.= ~s oi.:crlk<3'G+ib .iY A _ u~.Gi .. # IE .- vur~ "° -°aC
<br />chq~ in tavas of aad an rarm,stxeptahfe w Leader; l.endtr snail have tree rightrto bald the pafictra end renewals xhereof,
<br />atsd$orrower shaliprompdy furn»ltto Linder all renewal nauces. and all ra+xipts of paid grtmiums. to the event of toss.
<br />Hnrnswer shall give pntmpt twtict'to titer-ittsurantxaarrirr and 1-ender. 6.ettdrr may make proof of loss.if not made promptly
<br />by Borc'owtr.
<br />lir>leas Lender aadtiatrawer artttrtwisr agree in wriiigg, insurancepruceaixshall tic appFial: to rtstoratanar repair of
<br />the Ymporty dvtttt~iad. prisv~tlod aascb restarotion ar repave tg teongmicatly feasebie atxi the srourity of this 'vlortgage is
<br />:two thereby impttittd: it wch reattrra±~:~n or repair is nos szc~rtemualiy ftasitsie or it the security of this fNrJrtgagr wauSd
<br />tsc Impurcd, chi ,nsuratset. proeertis +hall. br .applied to the xnsxsa secured b?' thee Mottgagc, with the excess, if arty. paid
<br />to Banawer. ff ttte Yrepeiiy is a#m:>durttd by lBorrnrv+rr, or tf Narrower fails to respond to Lender within 3f) nays from the
<br />date nfititt is maiittS by Lender to $orruwer tltst-the, itaSttasnce carrier orlon to settle a claim for insurance henefita, Leader
<br />>ix author >xed to caftact sad ypgty t})e inxurtusct proaezds: at Lerxtcr'x option tither to resraraiioa or repair of She Property
<br />orro the sumx xuued by true ~:
<br />L'7kas t,enekr and Hcurrnvrr ttttse wiaeagree in writing,. nay such application of protxeds to prittcipat shalt not extend
<br />or poatpe~tat the due rite of tEx znant# ly instalinun2s refrrmd rn in patagrapfis S nerd 2 trereaf' or Change tfte amatxnt of
<br />su.:h rnstmLtrtxtnta. .f under paraatapis iS hereof tlx Property is acquired by leaeftx, aSS right, title atsd interest of Borrower
<br />in and co any iccu: uiet politico atal in aad: ue the ptestoceis t}~t+rxtf rauiting #ratn dartsage to tttc Peoprrty priror to t}te Batt
<br />ar a~ttwt~aa aha14 Fwas to :.:.nderta theextrnt cat thesumysecarrd h^l abis.:tortgagt immediately pear #o such saSear
<br />nultttsitiats.
<br />6. ltraasvaLLw era Mai~atvwce-eC PteNwittw 1.rasehuiAw. Caudorirottiaest Phase#. Lash [hvclopmeatc. Slorrowez
<br />staid ftorp the Prctpery in goad repair alert shall oot ~omtnit waste or permit rrtgartrsrnt or -tktrriaration at the Property
<br />null sh+il wmpiv »ith :ht pro~~tvans of anv ]rasa ,e tb:s jdarigage ;s an a ieasrisoSd. if this. tr+•iongagt is on a unit in a
<br />:aoadtxninaura ar a plaacx+d ur>at ~vekEgrrrtn#. Aasr_~xrrx shat; perform art csf 8csrrowtr's ante!#gacirxts under the dtaaaratian
<br />tar vvenants .rwvttng ar governing Ehc cundonanatm os piaamtd. amt ~tievekspttsent. iha by.lavxx arid. rrgutatiat#a of the
<br />~oetviantmauas or planned wait ,ieselagast-„t, :,act :onstirererEl dc+.~.axht+. ,t a candtuninitun or planned unit dexalaptntnt
<br />riffs co- czrn;uted Cy' Bc+tra~~ei and ra.ordtd iugtt}ur .~xu1 :!~s _'Korty~e, v,r„ rcrvettatsts aad. a:~eertsrrits .+t such ricks
<br />ahaSl be irrt=rp,vxatnd into and sisals ;,fffr'rid <:r>it ~,ut~piesssent rtat ~v~tr:tares :tad agreettfcarts at [leis .i4ongagt as it the rider
<br />shun a pwt incrrgsf.
<br />7, !`-aYcr3~ ~ 1[.ewM>ra Secwtity_ i; 9+,£tc +.e; tans ~.::, Iw_.ri~ur:n ?Fe ctrYCnafiis acid agtfermcnts anlained r~ t~;is
<br />?iLOrtgape, +~r s: sy ac.EUSn or Sxcxre+isng :t :FSensrretxatih~t,rch Laacxial,c. assts tfiader'a intcreer rr ahc F',,;:<•nY,
<br />titdtui4rrg. vaeft tit 3#miiTd ta, crnir?ent da'stuai¢. Z><>ivca~p. w:Y :ze:urr;nr-a+. r-r arratagcrttedts or t+asse4'~7rnta utvaiv,r.g a
<br />~hrupt or t~crlrni, €fiea i.:eitder at Lcxx+„sr s i~mnrr, ±IpUl1 as ssi:e r., [3arrc>Mrr. inaq ,nakc such appraraau~. ashui~,c wch
<br />skirts ~~awd €aita +:uici5 a~tra~r~ ~. s i~=c+ra.ry ,a p ot~ss i,or der ~s. kr_ :-:c hrd,rsg,, si. raK iimiteil ta. :f~shutsensettY tirf
<br />rCA,M'aAttftiiC aticrrary'a drys ;ntlt; retry iii 1}9{3 ?'f:%p.:rs: c c-,aAC e'_;?ar; if i,cndcr. slytkzCe>r} tnot'tgagc iovxr3.iiCe as. a
<br />s>aniz+.;au .-r =r#:titraa tt~ !tense sr.:,rerf k}- ;... .::esral;..r~z, t?<>r,<:.:.~cr ~ - ~. pay .Etc prcnsautus rtqu?reti Cis n~~atntasrt stn;h
<br />irxsuesxecr eta ritxx:~ raa,u3 _u:E ~ ks r`*c ~cy.:xi ~rs;r4lrt :o[ au.: :r;tu. seamaratetes in accardass::e ,.,th 8as're»ver'> am:a
<br />