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<br />_ Qsy~~ ~ ~ (~ /.may' <br />~r i 52.A-iREAl.EruTA't'E M+9RTGJtfiE-(With Tax ClauseD Re~& ~~ ~~ Hultman and Felton 8 Wolf, Walt¢n. Ne. 68461 ~ <br />xiv~~h~ a~:L ~#~iv aY Ti~s~ sErlTS: Thai ~°tobert ~ . La!3rie or ~a„oi A. La.~.rie ~ <br />r =._( ~~ f,..iruntq. and..State of -~,~;~~;~1{a~. ,in rnnsideratfoa aE the sum of <br />t3 ?' ~~ ~i~h'~ `_'housana ~ru no,t1L~~ ~~,2i",Oa1.`JJ) aorr.~ts <br />_ in hand Paid, deu hereby St::LL and Ct7N4'EY unto <br />of ~ani~:an, JoniNii~n, t:or~sk:a ', <br />'. of '.. _L ~ County, State a# .~? £9C ;'~.S?C ~ the failowixrg describsd.. premised situated t: <br />rs i.~ai.'1 Catmty,. and State of ,sT2vr~3.SK? .tn`wit: <br />'. ~ ~i..~. OI T,~O'GS T'1iT8l i}},. 71X ?7}, Se:ve?'1 ~';, ,'L;u, ~Cys .'? _';1Zi8 ;'?j;. <br />13' lO~i't ~''~Q r s: / °:.n ~i G'.rr ~ '~:..~.Ai .._c:^. L-J u~i. C- J-,TZ~ l cti; p* )anipl2an r - <br />.'as.2 ~o ant; , `: ~ t :~sk~, <br />{ <br />i <br />Tl~ intienYSan being [tr coavPy hereby an atxsalute Weis in fee ~impie. inciudin$ ail the rttghts of homestead anddower. <br />-, '1'OI FiAtrF., rtiVD 7Y} H'QLD the PremiF+.r_s aixne de-.a:srEred. .with aCl tht a[rPurtrcnanaes Ihernunta }reiangrng; untothe satd. ,' <br />awrt,~agee(ej and to his. her ur their heirs and assiEnv forrwer, ;rrovided xriwavs, and these presents are uiron the. express. <br />condtteeoa that, i# the said rnortgaltorisT. 'his, hr*r err their heirs. r=xecvt=rrs, administratars or assigns shall pay or cause to tee. <br />paid ko ttte said martgagM(sl, hrs, her nr rheeir hPrrs, executors, administrators or msaigns, the principal. surer of $ <~f''~'~ ~ • ~u <br />paya#rin as #o#iaws, to wit: ~; > ~.~~ :. _ .. E.~:1 7 ,,.- „',' , 1 ; ~.. ^ G. t '; :~ . ;~'~~ i,1P r`itii€-rL:S1: d ~, 1 Y ~'-~ . <br />i <br />with iattertuk according ter the texrax and e£frs-t of iFar sn,.rrt~.aFO re written pramisscrry note bearin;a even date with these presents <br />arui a#ratl) pay ail taxes sru# astaeasmenix leviist utmn :4niri real date, and ail ai#eer trues,. iavir:s and assessntenta Levied uiwn thin i <br />rnwtgag+t yr the pate 'which tbis martgage ix even u.i aecu re, bedore the name lracomes delinquent, and keep the btriidings an <br />~' said premisexc. inxaured. for tM+-~ ,;urn of c,, e.` s 1.~} ~ .. ~~' i xss, if anY. t~YaMe to the uaid martgagee, rhea these. presents i <br />z to ba waid~ atherwtrs, ^w he and rernmin ire full ferce~. : <br />#'I" IS Ft3#dTFfER AGREETi (i) That. if the smid tnoragagar ahaif Emil 4a paY srrc}r taxes err pracure such isssuraucn, the j <br />savl nrartitregetr maX }wy sucir taxes arui prxsrre aarch Snaurarrc e; arui the sum so advanrtxf, with Interest at ,j„'7 ~ per <br />cent. akrai#he r'aPaid~ by said martyngtrr. acrd. thin mortgage shall ~xtand ae s[:curity fnr the same. (2) That. a failure to pay say <br />of m+xtey.. either grritteigral or interest, when the :carne ' _~c ernes deers, err a fmitura 9v czrrnpky with any of the foregoing. ;~ <br />~ean.=ats, shall cause the wtrate wum of mnney taeeein sxcurea to txezrrnc due axai co. _ .,`,'ie at oat rIr& optic,-: .»..,. <br />~rttgagea- . <br />3iMrted: this ?' ~'G°. ~. day of + r u,,,,~~.,„^.r 19 '' s i <br />~t <br />__ ~ „,,r <br />__. _ .. <br />"fake far~jaixig ittstrttxnextt wet; acknowledged bef'are me . ~~ v~ J::', ..rat , ~".~~: "}s~X``J.... , ...19 ~ r_ . <br />by .~~~~ .. a~ P .,< ~c~. r,, L _.rii: <br />i <br />utrwtr rwrtr-~.r ~trrwr. r f j~` jJ`,,~ <br />c,MILf1R~e IrL ti01Fi1E. ... ,M-, cz!L~2k.^?1....' . J. -.. f~'' <br />oR 4ur, f+F Otc Ij. i1i Sitktre of aer~ein'faking Ackntraviedgknen~ <br />1"it~~.,..., ..............................,.......... <br />s'A7'E {;:R:... _ .._.. ,..._,._._ ....,...,. ~ EMrred oa aauneritm# indax and Bled fox recsard i <br />- Cann ' as. 'sn the :twr oi:-lJea9,t CJ9'ree`of acrid Count,7+ the ;. <br />_,._ ._. _ciay .~i.. _,.,_....~._._ .. .....:.._, l$_,.....~. ak.._.....~.~ _ .. _...,a atzaxak and:...._.._ ___...rniriutaa ,,. _... _ ......AS . ' <br />rend rerrcrr2sct trx 8nok _ _,..,,.._._....o# ..,._..___...ak pager:...-...__...~.._. _...._. ._.. <br />i:kp..M._..... _. ..._...._..._..__.._.. ___... _.__.....TJei»rtY <br />