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<br />Mfl~TGAGE 82--~ toUQ9~. <br />THff tNDENTUBE: males tills _ SLfi _____ day of ~. March __.. _,~, 19 $? by and 4iatween <br />NICKiE J. KRLLOS ANO.ROSEMARY KALLOS, htasbdnd dfid wife <br />of. ~LL~Cpuncy,. rnoct3a8or 5 ,and iiente i•ednai ~avvtgs and i,oanAtirs•xiatlon ofGrand•Istaad, acotporation <br />orykpfzetf :attdcxistr»gu~r the taws of thrUnited Sutas of America with fts principal. offim and Place of business at Grand. Island; Nebraska,.as <br />awr[iaieC <br />wdTNIESSETFi: TEtatsaid mon8a8or S _. Cpt and in consideration of the sum a{ TricNTl' I.HI)lJj/iND AND NOf~DO--- <br />______,_-___-----_~________________________°--------.a_--_-_~,(S 20,000.00,... r <br />the kxixifx. of which irhereby ackstoakdged, do__ by these presence mongeBe and warrant uaro said.martgagec. its successor and cosigns, <br />forever: aH rdertollpwing dtscrihed real estate. situated in the Covnri of .__ HALL ~ .. <br />aced Sato a!'.?Jcbraska,to•ait: <br />LOTS SEVEN (7) RAD EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK THREE (3), IN 80GGS & NILL'S ADDITiOPi -AND- <br />THE NOt4TH SIXTY-SIX FEET (Nti6') OF LDT FIVE (5) AND LOT SIX (5) IN 8LOCK NINETEEN 'd N-' <br />THE OR-IGINAL TOWN, NOW CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. -AP~kD'- <br />LOT FIW'E IN BLOCK THIRTY-NIidE (39} IN PACKER AND BRRR"S SECOND ADDITION BEING AN AOD: <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA; -AND-- <br />A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (NE~aSE4) OF SECTION THIRTEEN <br />(23), 'TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (ll), NORTH, RANGE TEN (30) i~EST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL. COUNTY <br />MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED RS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT 29$.7FEET SOUTH Of THE <br />P1E CORNER OF SAID NE', OF SEA, OF SAID SECTION, RUNNIPOG THENCE WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF <br />290..0 FEET, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.0 FEET, RUNNING THENCE EAST FOR <br />A DISTANCE OF 290,O FEET, AND RUNNiP1G THENCE ~dORTH FOR A DISTANCE Of 50.0 FEET TO THE <br />PLACE. DF 6EGINNIe.tS, SUBJECT TO a{ OF THE COUNTY rROAD TD THE EAST OF SAID PREMISES. <br />Tttgetiter with a31 hwtsag, atr carditinnlug„ lighting, and ptumbiog ee(urpmtmt and fixtures. uxhadtnR sczxrae. aaminga, stnrm windows and <br />doors. aadsriatlow ahadea or b8sndn, used rm nr ut conaectiaa with said propart y, wlcethar the xame are new located on !uid. praparty ~r hereafter <br />ptaoed theneoa. <br />TL) HAVE A.t'dD Tt7 H()k.i7 Ti4E SAME, wgak4rer month all and aiaqulu tlaa utiementa, heceditaax~stcs and aPpuru:nanres thereunto tx~' <br />kxtging; nr rn waywiaeappiertaxrrutg. {ocavac.. and warrant the tizM. m tlse sarrn. ~axl mori{nltor ~' haxei,y r+,venant with said <br />roorytagertMt..,..., t he y __ s.dr~..__, at ctx: dein~ery hereof, trice fawfu! owrxr. _' __. of the p:amtsca aMve ronveyed awl dearnhrd. <br />xnd - 3C,C. saiu~d,~ n erxai and iruie&tpsiblr eRtmte of fnharttnnce tharatn, frog aced tlaa o£ a}i eneumbranoas, ar,d that _L_Ae~!__will <br />warra:tt aced 3rte:d the title :tarralo fnrevcr against ttra claims anti deraa~a at cell Far"on+t wtN3trtxrever. <br />Pfp~1'! UF.ll .~:C,W:r11"S. and tern Gnat natatnt is exezvtad anti daltvered to aerure the psymrat of tfsa sum of _.._I.WENIY_.I.N9_ll.~~+Q E1ND <br />P~4 10d--------------------°------- ----- ------ ----- 20 ©QO 40 <br />_1_.__ ._ _ _ __.._-fa,llanrs , . _ _ ....___._ _.__ ..,_... I. <br />ril! ~. N~sesS t3~2rfa. ~=3?a;3Sr a';ta aW,n c:.sib' ate''`. a;`.'Y ~uuf~.a is 2utl Y,r ,S::a a ~ay8`5g : natfl rsc-:,:jy^.L'~.3: ':.:.~:: i^.:. ee'~rp ._ ._: ,~+, .nn,.~ <br />cf the pro a>rasaey stories. ot+e~rn dau Faaewzi3s and ae.°urat# hereoy, execyted by said mors.ttagor _5 _... to said mortl4agee. pauattte es expr2awKt. <br />m ofd mote, toad 'a e+n.LUr6k$ie purfarmaaee of aft ttce car:aa, and cozditkms contaiaatl t~.~setein. The rernta of said note are hetmbY inrorpaeated <br />hetvw by thin se'fwwn4w:'.':: <br />! e b. cLamaset+naand. agnaeao~t o4 the parties hervo that this awrtrxas;s ahakl also secure any future advarutat made eo said mortKa{Nr.,._.._ <br />lay xeid. lar+rtga~se. anef any and ail ' a d atidi[iotr u> thawtswurat afwve :stated wiiict: said mortgagors, or any of chem. may owe to <br />sad: atsorsgagee. tkxwevar e^rdmtrtld, whatiaer =%y note, book aoeourrt ~ othxrwfae. Thies na,rtgage eltatf remain in full force and effect Mezwc . n <br />for {aeries baratoaxad threw hen, personas. re.Qreaeatacives, autxesanra and aeafgua. until all amatnts atxttacsi hereunder, ineludiafT fvturr <br />adasauas,ara prid en IuC wfehiatnese.. <br />The M 5_ 2taeeby esaign _...~.... to said mazt,gagee aid renka and iacaate artaing at arty and all time fmm said property sad <br />"sy aathwfre n.,d m~fPeg+ce or -ice. agtmt.., ak its cptitut. upon default. za sake charge of said.. pnaperty and colfect all remta and income <br />the[tfeant am#a~tig t3» arum-w Y.ha :paymaat: of iararrat. prfncfpel, as+rra~e premiums: texas, assaeamexrts. repairs or mpr+nemancs <br />m~eaafsay saWenrQ ~.prapgrtvm'yYe~tLlo+asafit5ais;or-ao~oEia~sieav{ieaar-mpmsttca~ptavidedter haefu or;intfrn notekiexebv aacnmd. "f'hi<... <br />rent aasr,~nmeat shelf t»atfstuaa faaantfl f! at salduatr is fu3ly pail. The talringof pasaeaaionhermander shall in wi meaner <br />prmTO: or resard acid n the-tvi'fectma of said suam by forecinaure or whvawiae. <br />?'be 'aifurr d tM ar.carlgali;ae trs assaitatty:ref its rights }se:siriader ak arty lima xhall nest be cons#rated as a waiver of Eta rf~lsf Gv oxsn=.rt the <br />:wsex st elrv later ti^u:, +:td.#oatuaat treat wdeniruct: strict mrnptfance wikir ellkhetemsc and proviaiuna o£:said nowaad pf th>SS axartg-agn. <br />I f saws. martga{rx,rc aitalieatusekw Fee petidtp aaid~:Eter eutlreansWtrt doe it. frereuntiar, and ender the temra and pmvfsinna <br />.~: Nivf cote hereby n7-„rad, i,~e&tdiattfiskure NFvataoea, awl. any extemaioasor reea+rsta titernatiraaccardaace with the kerrr>ff and provisions <br />cxm,nf. sad if sad nroatKag ar _ ,S._ stuU tr wi4D atfxtxe {amviaioas of wtid note end of ttsia raoctga$~e. then these prc~as slcafl hn unid: <br />.,theawis ~ rweain in Soli taws and eQact, aplaaidmmEpga~eehaflha tmtitie[f ka t.ha paa9msasa atai4 nlaeidPrnPwrtY, and may. etika npti+xn. <br />:iacian tk,e s.baie of said note sad aP inctr~adeess tefutaoented Ureaeby-ur ix msaediately due and payalrfe. sad may farxv:lvae thiamnrtgalte <br />.>r lake say other legal 3CLivrt zo Pruor=t its:tiifat...APErkilMaaARnK:wait8d: <br />~ftus a~.~ shall he F.mdiat[ upaar-and aheii,eitureto titatame6to{:tAa hemr, ext+cukors, adtnaaatratartr, succeasars and. azsiattn of limo <br />seapKCi. a, 1"aris?' 4vfi.-rc.. <br />l'N ~V f'~`iiIgyh'~RF~ _F sod Ii ^e,__ he Y'w.:,.iferennc~ ~ ~ T~T _. hztad S _ch®day~ tar tuxt airoxa <br />t1 s ' S ~ t <br />ivkticit~ '~. ~.ail,~s ' r~,r~„ r;~ Kali~s ,> <br />