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<br />~2° ~uo9o~r <br />AI}.ITT~TABLE RA7CE LQAN RIDER <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY INSTRUMENTSECIJRES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PRAY151€ll\ Ai.LE?WING FOR CHANGES IN' THE iN'FERESf RATE. 1N- <br />CREASES iN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT iN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />IStECREASE5 IN THE INTEREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LQWER PAYMENTS. <br />This Rider is mock this ..1 ~~h . day of .. Md rch .. . ... . .. . . . . 1.4. 82 . ,and is incorporazed into and shall <br />be decanted ao amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure Debt (the "Security Instcu- <br />mrat')rnfthesamedatcgivenbythenndersd-(thc 'Borrower")rosecure&srrower'sAtoteto..The•Ftrst; <br />.Natl4Ttd~.~~!?k.4f ~r~It~i..Is]and,-rirand.Isl,and,..Nebraska ................... .... <br />(the. "Leader"} of tht same dace (the "Nate"} and covering. the propper~ttyy described in the Security Instrutnenr sad <br />rotated at .....R44t~+s .2,. Box- 29t7 , , Waod _ Ri ver, . Plebras ka .683).0 .. . . . .................. . .......... . <br />Properly Addre4s <br />motion. In additian to the cavtnants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrows and <br />I.ett&r ftirtiter covenant and agree as follows: <br />A. tNTERFS"1"RAT£-RND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHAN&ES <br />The Note has an °' Inaial Interest Raze" • ~f . ~ `~ . rJ~lo. The Note imerest rate may be increased or dtxreased on tht <br />. ISZ; day of the month beginning on . i'~s~!'~n ............ . 14. $E.. and on that day of the month every <br />. 7 2.. rnotnhs tltereafta. <br />Ciuxtgea in the interest raft are governed by changes in an interest raze index called. the "Index". Thtadat is the: <br />iL7re+dr'we Aor ro indacate /ttdits.l <br />(l} €~" °'Contract lntertst Rate, Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, Naziattal Average -for aI! Major <br />Types olf Lenders" pubtisl>ecd by the Federal Hamt Loan $ank Board. <br />{3} >;S• ...t!_.S..7reasury..5ec:ariti~s..-. 3. .Y.ears ............................................ <br />ICrrrt ottrbttir to urdcate whnlur tleerr is any ensaemam limo on cfianges in ,~ mtereu rote on roclt Cfiange Date.' if oo box a cfiertktd aherrwid <br />6t Aw •aeuiiwr•r-lirtril on rbmtR6.1 <br />(}} I7 There is na maxim,um limit on changes in the interest rate at any Change Date. <br />(Z} 1.y}' The imerest rate cannot. ttt changed by more than .5 ... percentage points at any Chattgt Date. <br />if the interest roll changes, the amount of $orrower's monthly payments will change as provided in the Note. In- <br />creasts in the interest rate will result in higher payments. Decreases in the interest rate wiII result in lower payttfet:ts. <br />!» LQAtN CHARGitS <br />U could brthat the loath secured by the 5tcurity Instrument is subjtea to a taw which se[s maximum loan charges <br />and that law is imtrpteted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ar ro be collected in conatxtiou with the <br />laan would excetd permitttd limits. if this is the case, then: (A}any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount <br />nteessaty toreduce ehe charge to the permitted timie; and (B} any sums already eolltcted from Borrower which excad- <br />td pertnifttxi limits will bt refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make tltiis refutad by reducing the principal <br />owed under the Note or by making a drecct payment to $orrowes. <br />G TRiOA LIE7VS <br />if Leafier determitses that all ar any part of the sums secured by this Security Instrument are subjtct to a lien <br />wttatit has priorityovtr this Security .Instrument, Lender maY send $orrower a notice identifying that Lien. Borruwtr <br />shall; promptly ace. with regard to that Tian as provided itt paragraph 4 of the Security instrument or shatF promptly <br />sectert eta agreement: in a form satisfactory to Lender subordinaring that lien to this Security lttstrument. <br />I2. ~'RANSF'k~i 0£ THE PROPERTIi <br />1f tltsre is a transfer of the Property subject. to paragraph l7 of Ute SR:uri€y inserun:; ne, Le:.,~'.,Ar Dray r~tzire (I} <br />an inttease ih the current Note interest colt, ar (w} an increase in (ar rtmavai of} the limit on the amount of any one in- <br />ttt+est rate change (if there. is a limit}, or (3} a chaatge in the $ast index figure,. or all of these„ as a condition of Lender`s <br />wtuwnt the option: to accelerate provides in paragraph !?. <br />$Y sigiAa}nE flue,. Bt>rrowa .egrets to all ofi the above. <br />~y ~, <br />,;'Jose Er~vatn Lji7ey ~,j -Aaroa <br />...........................................(Seal) <br />_~~ <br />J/ Ko.. u~c m.r fur rs carr.d ,ev n.., is. ts4.'b~. anu l:e;.an~ •mt 9e1rpwa~r.da not dtxrsne ~@¢'. ur srrttwrt ,MrA,xt r+eAex,waoN wW ~lY. <br />A~YfTttiif i~AT~ t0~ ~~t--metre taRttrtr r~t~tur~tttr <br />