<br />e.y~t~49Q~
<br />E L E C T R I O E A S E M E N T
<br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
<br />body corporate with powers of a corporation far public purposes,
<br />herein called the Grantor , in consideration of y~,~~~,~f_e~ ~ ,
<br />resaeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys
<br />urito the
<br />a mctnicipal corporation in Hail County, Nebraska, herein called.
<br />the Grantee, a permanen# and perpetual easement and right-of-way
<br />to survey, construct, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, extend.
<br />remove, and operate thereon, underground electric utility lines,
<br />casbles, terminals, transformers, surface Markers, and other
<br />appurtenances connected therewith., in, upon, above, along, across.,
<br />underneath, and through a tract of land located in part of
<br />Block Three (3} of Gladstone Place, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, more particular.iy described as follows:
<br />The Southerly sixteen, '16.Q} feet of the ?dortt:erly
<br />twenty one and five tenths !?1.5) feet of the
<br />Westerly one hundred forty eight and five tenths
<br />{148.5} feet of the said T31ock Three {3); and the
<br />Northerly sixteen i16.(~) feet of the Easterly one
<br />hundred fifteen and :'ive tent'rs (11.5.5) feet of
<br />the said Block Three {3}; and the Southerly eleven.
<br />and five tenths 1.11..5) feet of the Northerly thirty
<br />three {33,II3 feet of the Easterly one hundred
<br />fifteen and Five tenths {115.5} feet of the said
<br />Bloc:}: ThrF+w ( 3 S ,
<br />Said tract vontaining Lt. 10 acres more ar less as
<br />shown an the plat dated 1;x;$2, marked Exhibit "A•`
<br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,
<br />together-with. the following rights;
<br />C':arestricted ingress and. egress to the above described tract.
<br />of i<and for installation, maintenance, operaticsn, anti semaval of
<br />such u~t:.lities and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress sha1.1 include all rights.
<br />necessary for tkte f~sll and complete use, occupation, and enjoyment
<br />~xf the:e~sement herein granted., inciuc3:ing the right to excavate
<br />an;: refill. d%ec3tes and trenchesP to remove, clear, and keep r_lear
<br />~~£ tre°s, bus2#e.-;, hedges, unddrgrawth, and other abs•*_ructions
<br />lnt~rf~_r%ng with-_he s+~rveying, construction, inspection, masnte-
<br />an^e, ~epai.r rr~~iacc*~ent, extension, re+rxova or operation oaf
<br />.. 1
<br />