<br />
<br />VICTOR L. GOSDA and LE~LA M. GpSDA, Husband and Wife, herein. called
<br />Grantor, in consideration of _ One Dollar (51.00) receipt of which. is
<br />hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and convegs unto the
<br />a munitipal corporation in Hall County, ~3ebraska, herein called Grantee, a
<br />per anent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to survey, construct,
<br />inspect, maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove and operate thereon,
<br />overhead street-light poles. and fixtures, and underground conduits., cables.,
<br />terminals, and other appurtenances connected therewith, in, upon:, above.,
<br />along, across, underneath and through. a seven (r} foot wide tract of land.
<br />located in part of 3usch Subdivision,. an Addition to the City cf Grand Island,
<br />tFetrraska, mare particularly described as follows:
<br />T°he Westerly seven (7.0} feet of Lot. Five (5} of the said Burch
<br />Subdivision. Said tr. act of land containing 0.02 acres mote ar
<br />.less as shown on the plat dated 1011/fil marked Exhibit "A",
<br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,
<br />together with the `oilawing rights:
<br />Unrestricted ingress and egress to the above-described tract oz land for
<br />installer-Son, maintentutce, operation, and removal of such street-lights Find
<br />appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of f.ngress and ogress ehall include ail rights necessary for
<br />ttwe full and complete use, ~YOCUpation, aad enjoymt of the easement herein
<br />granted, including the right io excavate and refi3.1 ditches and trenches, co
<br />ranuavr, clear, and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and other
<br />obstructions interfering ;with the surveging, construction, inspection,
<br />muiatenance, repair, replacesaent, extension, removal, or operation of such
<br />sLre~t-lights.. , z°t
<br />s
<br />.~ ~ a ~ , ,ti ~ r''a
<br />Ail sucttz street-light poles, fixrnres, conduits, cables, terminals, and
<br />o;:i~er appurteauances connected therewith, placed in, upon, above, along> across,
<br />unuernetathy and through such easement shall remain the property of the f,rantee,
<br />and aue~r .;~. revexi ar replaced at any time....
<br />,. ~, n
<br />