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<br />~~ -- i.i €i ®90 3 <br />tltvtt~aM Covt=_taniv'is. Bonowee and Lender covenant sad agree as fotlows; <br />1. ph`pace[-ofPtimipi~tutdlaterat. Borrower sha41 promptty pay when due the principa4 of acrd interest on tote <br />ittdtlatednessevidumtedbythe Note, prepaytrnntend Satc charges as. pmr•ided in the Nate, and the principal of and interest <br />oir a Future Advances srxurcdby this Dei*dofTrusz. <br />Z. P'i~a4 E~ Tuns s~ itaneaace. Stitbject to app4icafsle Eaw or to a writte:s wraiver by Lender, Borrower shall paY <br />to Lender an itie day mimthly inatalltnmts of princgal and interest are. payable under the Nott, until the Note Ss paid: in full, <br />a stun {herein "Funds:) equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Decd of Trust, and ground teiitsop the Property, if any, pies Dire-iwetfth at yearly premium insta!Iments for hazard msurance, <br />p4tas oar-4weltth of yearly premium instaTitntnts for mortgage insurance, if any, a14 as reasonably esumattd initia6ly and from <br />ricrac to time by Leader on the. basis of assesstmntts and b4i4s and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Furntis shat! be hdd in an ittatitution the deposits or accounts of which are irtsured or guaranteed by a Federal ar <br />stalicageaey #incletdiagl:.ertder if Len~r is-such an institution). [.ender shall apply the Funds. to pay said saxes, assessments. <br />imuratitx premiums and ground rents. Lender may : of charge for so holding and applying the Funds., analyzing said account <br />or v»trifpitig.attd compiling said aem.eennew..ts and. bills. unless Lender pays Borrower rmerest on the Funds and applicable law <br />ppeennies Lender to make stxh a charge. 3orrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Dud of Tivst shat. iattreat an the Foods shall be paid. io Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />regiam sorb intert~ is be paid, Lender shalt not be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Burrower, wittput charge, aa,annual accounting of the Funds showing credits amt debits to [he.Funds and the <br />pngpoae for which cub debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the aunts secured <br />by this Drecd of Trust <br />Tf the amoarnt of the Funds held by Lander, together with the future monthly insaallmmts of Funds .payab4e prior to <br />ahc ducdates of rasa, asaessrnents; insurance premiauns and ground rents, shall exceed ttte amount required to pay said taxes, <br />attseasments, itnurance prerniutns and grouted rents as they fall due, such excess shall ire, at Borrower's option, either <br />proitnptly repaid. to Borrower or credited to i3orrovyer on monthly instalkments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />livid by Leader shall. not be suflitieat to pay texts. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall dtx, <br />HixTitoXtr ahaEl pay to Leadtt any amount. accessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Hicttder t0 Borrower ttgitestiog payrttrn~ tltertof. <br />Uptm paymrnria fop of ail satins stnzred by this Deed of Trust, Linder shat{ promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />lrekl by Lender. ff utukr paragraph 18 hereof the Propeixy is soled or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Linder <br />shall apply. no later Khan tmtnedtuciy ):riot to the role of the. Proputy er its acquisition by f-ender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured try this Deed of Trust. <br />3. A of laytaepls. 13n1tss applicable Saw protrides otherw+u, a44 payments rertived by Lender under the <br />Note andparagra I acrd 2 htrmf shall roc applied by Lander first in payment of amaunts payable to Lender 6y Borrower <br />tiadkr paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest payab4e on the Note, then to the principa4 of the Note, and then to interest and <br />prirtstipal on arty Future Advances. <br />i. CdrBS~ iJets. Borrower shalll pay ail taxes. assessments sn6 other rhargcs. fares -=nd tmpasitions attributable ro <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Deed at Trust, acid leasehold paytrttnts or ground rents, if any, Sn the <br />rewsaer providid under paragraph 3 hereof ar, if rant paid in sorb rnanrncr, by Borrower making payment. whin due, directly <br />i0 Eht pg#y« thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all twnces of amaunts derv under this paragraph, and in -the <br />cute[ Borrasirershafl make payment dirtctiy, Borrower sha41 promptty furnish ur l,..tnder receipts evrtkncing such payments. <br />Borrowtx shall promptty^ descharge any lien which has pnoritg over rhts t)ced of Trust; pravtdeii. that Borrower shall rat be <br />tegstirtd to discharge any such ltcn k Song as Borrower shalt agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />sucfa lien in a tnaaner accepulate to [..ender, or shall in good Faith contest such tier by, or defend enfarremcnt of such. lien in. <br />6egal ppro~aeedin$gss whtcfi aptratc to prevent the cnforcenieni of the lien ar t'orfeiturt of the progeny or any pan thereof. <br />S. Atttsr! luiua~ee. Borrower shalt keep tae improvements r.ow existing or hereafter trecttd an the Property irrsured <br />agattat 3aatt by 5ro, bowels included within ttie term "extended coveragt'", anti such other hazards as Lender may require <br />and in such atitatau and for such pet7ods ax'l.ender may require: provided, that lxrrdcr sha41 not require that the amount of <br />stub cavan•agc exceed ihafi amoirnz of coverage rrqurrtd to pay the sums secured by this Decal of Trrst. <br />The insurance carrier providing thernxurartre srialS rte chesttt by }]tireawer subject as approval Pry 1_tnder: provided. <br />that atrcfi approval obeli not bt uneeasoriabty withheld. AtS prxrttdams an insurance: policies shall art paid in the manner <br />provided. wader pisra>erapth 2 hereof or, if not paid. in such manner, by Borrower making payment, whtn due, directly to the. <br />bnwnaoee carrier. <br />Aq insuraiiix policies and rteewats iStcrent shall bt rn torm arreprable to Lender and shalt inc4tx4e a standard mortgage <br />rtattse in fever' of rind in form aci'tptabic to l.rnder. Lender shall knave the right to hold the paiicits and renewals thereof, <br />apd Borrower shall pratnlMly furnish to Lttidor sal rctrtua! trotters and a)4 receipts of paid premiums. In the even of loss. <br />Borrower shall) give prompt narice to the intwranrt carrier and l.tndtr. Sender may make prcaf of toss tf rat made promptly <br />by Boirowei'• <br />U~tas Letttkr and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, +osurancc prrxeeds shalt tx apptitd to restoration ar repair of <br />the Praptrty dattxagtd. provided sorb restoration ur repair s ccnnurmcally feasible and the sraruriiy of this Deed of Trust is <br />noF.therehy impaxrttl, if such tsstorrttaa ar repair is rat cccmomicalty fessib}e or +f the security of this Decd of 'T'rust wauid <br />bt atsaptirtd, flit insurance protxeds shall he applied to tht sums secured by #his Deed of Trust, with the excess, if any, gaits <br />to Harrower. if iht Property is abanttgricd oy Borrower, s,r if ftorrowsr fails to responds au Ixnder within 30 dsyti from the <br />date tiatice is mailed by Lttuke to Borrawtr that the insurance earner oifrrs za settle a claim for insurance tretxfttx. Tender <br />is:r.rt+aa>ti~+-.i to toiia-t stud applyy the inwranct prortcds at t r•ttdcr'A npti~n ochre t, r+~+:tcrn+.rnri yr e+~pair .+{ t~~ prerycrtti <br />or to theaums secured this Y9eed of Trust. <br />Unless Lendee acrd u otherwise iigrtc in wrung, arty ouch application of proi:etds to princfpaS shat! rat extend <br />or postpime the due date of atac monthly irtstatlmtnts referred :a ;n paragraphs ! and. ?hereof ar change ttte amount of <br />suehinstaBttaeR9s. if wader paragra lg hereof 2ht Propene ss atqutred by l.cridcr, sit right title and interest of Borrawcr <br />in and to aRy tnsuraare polrrres acrd rn acrd in the prarreds thereof resu4fing tram c4amagt to the Property prior to the sale <br />ar acquusition shall) pats stn Ltadtr to the, extent of the sums scrutexl by this f?etd of Trust inamcdiateiy prit+r to stub sale ar <br />~6. Ph~eies•rsaaw rocs MritttMisoce at Properity: t.caxNoMLv; Caadoeaiaslarmx; Pranced Unu ihveiopments. Borrower <br />cStali keep tlx Proptny in goad repair and shaft cwt rnmmit Kaxte e*r permit impairment err deteric+ratien of the Property <br />and scuts Gamyiy with the provisions of any lease if thu IJced of Trust is on a leasciso4d. if this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a <br />cattuaittsn ar a planned unit development. Borrawcr shall pedarm at! of Borrower's ali4igatrans under the dtrlaratian <br />nrto++enanh criaiting. or govcming the condominium ar planned unit deve4aptrtent, z}re by-Sawa and regulations of the <br />ctitndoniiriiumor.plaancif unri devrtopment, and. coristituem do,:umtntx. if a condominium or p4atantd unit development <br />rider 'is tzttitied try Berrawer and rtcordtd together w;rh this Deed aE Trust, the rovenanss and agreements of such ndtr <br />stsafi be ~rrcarparau;d into oral shall stnttid and suppiemont tlre+rovcttants and agreements of this f3eed ai Trust ax ;f the rider <br />wtrc a pan Deaf. <br />7. t'nKertlen ref [.tisilers siea^ssitY. If Barrowcr fails so preform the cavcnsnts anti agreements •~ontaincd in this <br />Dated of?rust. or if stay aetiorr or praeredt`ng is canimcnced wtttth materially affects Lender"s anttrest !n the Prtsrierty, <br />Sntiuding. foot rat iimiribd to, ettittrertt dorrarn, irsw4veucy, code enforcement, ar arrangertnrots or proceedings involving a <br />bankrupt or decedent, 'rien L.tndti• az Leidcr'soptios, open racier to Burrower, may make such appesrancaw, d;sburse such <br />sntxs and cafe s<rch az:tian sx is ntcesxary to protui Letadtr's interest., including, but rat ta,. disfnrrsernent of <br />teasanabk attarner'x fees arxf tmzy upon ttrc Progeny to make repairs. Sf L,e>ider required ntortgagt insurance ss n <br />c aixiiuun oK rru,knp, the to-an aecirred. try tins f.' a of Trust. Barrzswer ~ha41 pay ttrC premiums required to mainta+n uch <br />!maurance in effect wort[ such time astftc requirenaena 8or stick insurance tcrm4nates in arcordaate with Horrawer's and <br />i,ntder'x wnttra ageetmcnt ar nppSieahit'Favr, Harrower assets pay the amaum <>f a4S rriongagt insuratset premiums In the <br />mawne[ pravoded umtcr uxragrsph.~ hioeo[. <br />Any aniexiises ,lis#wrKd by Lertdtr puranattt m thin pnrag;apb 7, witfr interest ti~trean. shat! 6rcc+mc add'rti4nai <br />etissehttdrarax cif Barra.ver st+:.vred air ihas E)eesix7f "Frost. L`n7est Bastowtr and l.endcragrrx to other team of paymear. such <br />arartwo^,a sties! M ryayat+k etpur: nutzcc from Leudtr #a Borrower requesting payrnem tlsercaf, and shaft hear interest from the <br />due of daiburxnsrai at tree exec tuyablc`fmm brae to tittle onewutstandir@gprittcipaS-ender the Nate unfess payttaeitiot inttresf <br />- at such raft, would be estuary to tipplieabk law, in whirls tvettt sorts amoxxrKS shaft brae rntetest at. fhc fvghesi rats <br />p~mirtutrk order appiigbfataiir. Nmltiag torte^iired in this paragraph' stra4l rtstuirc Leridtr to incur any expense or take <br />a+.ry a+:.trnn lxra:rsdcr. <br />!. ritsr/rrtWstw. Leixdcr atsy taakc or cause to ire made rcassmablc aneratx upon. and itaspvtriotts of the Prapcny. provided <br />that L.cndcr arras,! 6iac Bsw'~rrwr+ar rsotitt pitior _m any such inaptcrian spCtifying rcasoiaablc~ tauu ifstrafor rrlat~xf to Larder 1 <br />rim +n rim !!"roiNaYS: <br />