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<br />r ,4 <br />MOK~TGACE ,'~ ~i ~.. i~ ~.P O it ~ f A <br />MOKTCAC£LOANNO. L 24,024 <br />POriOW A&Z MEN $Y 77FFSE PKESENI'S: Thsk Glen Hinkle, Sr. , and Dee An,-ta R. Hinkle, eackl in his <br />and her awn right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, iu conaidentioa ofthe strmof <br />F'ortvFotzr mhousand and No/100 ~-•-- DOLLARS <br />Poanedto said mortga@3r by The £gtritaPik $trikPirsg and Lawn Asmciation of ( Island, Nebra,lca. Mortgagee, upon 440 sLarea of stockof <br />said. ASSOCIATION, Ctrtfiicate No. L 24,024 , do hereby grant, ;bnvcy and tswregage ttnto the said ASSOCIATION the fullanrirg <br />dtsaidied real, sifuated ks #lall Casmty. Nehras#ra: <br />Lat Six f,G) , Bloelc Three {3) r Pleasaniview Seventh Subdivision, City of Graz><t Island, Hall <br />Caunty, Nebraska <br />tst®etlrer with a#[ the tttsemszsssx, tterettitartxtsts and appunznansxK shercunta bz#cmpjng, tnduoling aitschzd fl.sxrr zasa:[i#ags, sil window stxaeaa, - <br />wiaskrw shades, htksda, storm windows, awnirrgs, Psratsng. ass cana#uunraR, azsd ptumtsisTg and water e~nipazzntand. accessories thercta,pampa,siovea, <br />reftigetatars. aced athtT fie#tuzs sad egaiprtunt ssexw w ejrreaiter attar#re+# tr*.x vse:4 cn ccmaecti,>a wish said rca3 estate. <br />Aod whereas ttse sak#. sawatgagar tua agreed and dcMS hereby avrte that tree .xx:rta;agtx xtsail and wiii pay a#i [axes end saesaments. kvied oe <br />uarsaefl upoa said prtmtres and upon this tTtcrrtgag+^ sad the t+txrd szcured xhzrztsy hefirrc thz same shall #tecomz tiePiagrreat; to firrmsb approved <br />itwrrsTrrx trpom~, t#se btk#dks~s on sand. pretntves vtuatcd in rise ssrm of S 44 800, QO Y"aYabk to .said A~SOt:.TAT3ON acrd to dtlPver to saki <br />ASSOCIATION the pcditxa for said iraursntx; aced rent to ivrmntn ix pemri{ any vvaatz on tr about said prattrisa; <br />Pa teat ub` dtfasdt in t#ae perfssrzstaaae nt any a€ #trt ttrnTS and ccraditivus at rites rmxipge nr the bond set*ued ttertby« the tnortgaget iba$, <br />on demand, be tmnlnd to immeduut perstemrsn of z#tz nrrxtpped pTetnisrs std thz statsasgagnr PsztsiPry a3tigtts, ttattafzrs artA sits over to the <br />mcatgagee aPP the ztnis. revensres and uuxxme to be derrrtd from the arortgaprd prcsrsutx durirtgsssz#s.. time as tier mortgage mdebtedne~sshatt remain <br />t+npaid: and tPu. mrntgagezahal# bare tht poster to appaint any ayxna rx a>zsrszx n ztuy itesire f'ar the psupose of repairirtg said premises ttndrentittg <br />she aatste aTd eoNtxtkrg Ilse rmtR, reKrttie5 attd incantt, an3 rt auy pay e+vs ,,e sect! ,rstr'TSrM a#t rxpenra of repsirprg said prey std neoemry <br />a»t~is~as asst txpemts scrcusrtx4 to temi~ ara# zwnagsrsfi the sects and +wt caikxlitsg rentais theref'mm; tht batanct reraxioLsg, if say, to be <br />toward.. the dim#taegt a!' raid mcntgage tasiotetzsftxxs; iiasz rry9sts <ai z#x nxxrtpagtt Huy he txtrsisetP at any tirrte dtremg the existence of sods <br />~, vtespeetne of eery temporary waiver af'the same. <br />Thant t`tcrenes, kx+wevtr, are vpar. nc~ i'aradtrxxt«'I"out d stet said ticaigagar xtsaPf spay sad kwn vn or before the nartssrify of sakl shares iffy <br />payment: pay trsontktiy to sad AtflS(X:'tA P"Pt2N ,tf eht sum spttrok"itd m ztzt $raxt stssared hrreDy as tnterzst and pritu,YpaP an said. Poaa. on or before <br />she Trrentvtth clay of each asdereryt nxanih, ontd saati i+zta ,s fsrP#y pxd; pay at# taxes and asscsuarats tested against. said premiss andon this Mortgage <br />and t3se $ae-d x=ctse~ec! it~~hY, bctwt diiinuuertay: irsran~#s appsovai srasurmce upon z7tt hn;Pdirigs thzrton m iho nrm of S 44, 000.00 payable <br />soxastt Fsut3GIA3"P: reply to seed A,i'`i(ft':# i ; #tk§ sewn azsTUad au ssax!~y by sS pad Its ssscn [axes- sa±ttzrsts and reatzaarrGe .rite; hz•«±.r€~ at <br />tltt mnxusrntrt.#t{nd rata tPsemm tiara date rr€ paymerst all of whichkhsri~p... rstte6y a~r;es to pay_perntit no waste cm sadprertriazs;keepandoamply <br />sWitr a$ t#te agreem~rtets andtxsra#itions stir the Rand far 5 4Q, 010 «00 sMs stay green hY the said Mortrr to eau! ASSOC'1ATION, and oompiy <br />with a$tPae tagemtcmnntsof CPS Canstrtsaion and $y#.a+rs o sa AS.SttCIA'fItN3; thin thex Iwemris shslP bwotne Hupp sad vaidu otherwae they <br />afitrtN .remain at fis$ fixot acrd essay bt fcuocda+e,rt at ttu c~rtuxt-,s€ star xxd A*:S{.i[:'I.hTPON after fsi#trre Far shret stroathx to rnaktarsy of said <br />paytsvetses w~ bt three tsgsatiss sn estrus is ntaikiag xvd atststthly paytmatts,. sx to kelp acd txrmpty wtttt tiu sgteeraerus and. conditions of said Bond; <br />sedl~ agrees to :+. rezesrer appointed forthwiTh ire suds farecEtastne pttviceeditsgs. <br />If t#xre is eery ehsrtg m erwLxrstupszf' Phe Tdt zstate resoTtg~ad htrtkt, by sate ur wneTw/9e; t#aett ttx satire rtamning indebtednns hereby <br />sncutxd-slraB. ;at the csptiasa of'P'ttt I:t}unabie BuiPtlug anti Loan Aaaatntran of 4:ramd PsPatd,Nebraska.becoas itrrtaediatelg doeardpyabk vrithout <br />f'rnYkacr rtnticse: std ttx. aratoms[ rennatsmpt duz rasher said ~snd, sad any other bold far arty addikmaaladxxnccs mattr fPleretmder; shalt, Iromkhe <br />date ref ~estetdae. afraid option, hsar mterzstat tbt raaxtsrsum sett, std this nxertgslge Wray then bt ftxe~ysed to satisfy rho arnutatt titre an mid <br />boerd,aad. any otM boesci f'or aslditksnat adrassets, togceritr vents alp. sews paid by saki The fgteitakde Bmldiag and Ltram A.ssocPation of f nrtd talaatd, <br />Nebt>aks for nststasm, vaxasanrl aau,and ghsdracttsgtxttsrsxxs ePiugrs, wi#Pf in#txest thereon, Itoas date cr payraerst at the sstaximum <br />Izpd. sett.. <br />.. Aa ptcMrutad in the Bssrkl sesuzttP.herebg, v; fn'k the rrssxlgagt aznta®s m cffay. ttx sssMtgtE:ee may #sereafttr advance additiaaal sums to the <br />tstdttra: trf taki. If Wrd, ttsesr err svtiteapts m rrs#erest, whets sonn s€sali be vikfnits. the. xcurity of t#an msxtgage the taros as tlst fwda origiaa$y <br />tetxrretl YAagtiby...tlae torsi araontttofprineipaidebt oat saexeeed ar arty tune the wixma9masosssu at 2#ru srasrt~ngt. <br />fkitod.kpis., i`3t~~ deg of z3arCh A. D., 29 $2 <br />Ste,.. L L <br />~'; •'F. '~ __...._.____~m._.~~_.. <br />L}Ee. Fti'u12t ~2~. t 1,~ . <br />$TAT4 ti:' 'Ji>$1tAS#CA, i ci. f5n this SOtt; .fay of 21arc3x 19 $2 .before tin, <br />~cxr~:~rr ~r t4ALi. 4 <br />- tiffi , a N+~st®ry psrb3fc m and for sake Ccsunty. persasgtPy!carrae <br />GI~t :3inx1~•, ,tr.. ~sau'tx. R. Hialkie, Bch in tats asu3 I~:r awzf ~~~~ttyyht. arm ass t~ e of <br />k' GiXs~r, whit" ~~ p<ti~nownro <br />!nt zo tx thr H#ars:~t y,-rrrnS.. whene~~ eft:. aflixtd€o ttx aProve teu~YTWaeat as srxaTtgagars sad 'i..ftey ~Y <br />_ -the ,rases instrsnrsani .otta t1.:~.X' vxshuatary arse. arsd:Aaa#, <br />!R3'twE_.5rcynarNirsd~etttrraa:.~,esdsf~datna£z»waa'id: ~. .~,.._,.,, (~,~. <br />U.y t:«r~xane~x~+exyati~¢¢ '~-. `,« ~- <br />f- « a,_ <br />.. ° ,. 2. ..--~,- <br />-_,_,,.,,. _,.,e.....W _._ _ ~ <br />~~s h .. ~- lea>oat :e lazy :'vBix ~_ <br />.-r~ ... <br />