<br />~~ - s .
<br />8~ --~ (l $ $ ~a M C) R"i"~AC E 81---+~ ~) ~ 0 5 ~.~
<br />THIS tNDF.N'T'tJRE, made th#e_._____.._l.geh..__ __. _ -day of ~___...~111~.Lf_._. ____. _' 19 _._~..1, by and between
<br />__ Dalr~erte?]. Gaak:___-(a cucdacu) _ - ___
<br />of _ ~1a~ County, Mebrarkx, as mar[feagor __._____, and Home Fedcrx! Savings and Loan A,csociation of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organixxd xnd etcssring undo the Yaws of the l.:.n#ted Sratts of America with #ts principal office and prate of bus#ness at Grand island. Nebraska, as.
<br />mor[gagee;
<br />wf7'N£SSETH: That said mortgagor _...-.-, for and to consideration of the cum ci. _
<br />Ttun rhnrr,cn>Arf Fl~,t~-F,rght dnPPnhx r3nrt 101.1.,Q,lZ_-~~.:-----`- f)atlars(S ?t R~rf QA ).
<br />tlxrece#Rx oi'wh#cfi is hxreb}•:xeknowledgW, do._.___ _..-_._.._._.. by these tarescnts. mrxtgags atu%.warvam~unetixaid mottgageG itsstitressots and:tasvgtu,
<br />ftxever, aElthe fo!#awang descritxd real estate, sittaated in tfic {'oanty at ________._..___Hq„g~,.._~ _~^.
<br />and5aau of Nebraska. to-w;t:
<br />rHF EAST ffatF o~ the Foe.+?oL>ri.vLg Ttiacz: 1'anz o~ the Nahtlt )0 aere5 0~ .the tLt~1VfU3a a~
<br />Section 10, Tottmaft.ip l1 Vo%ttiL, 1;ange ~ +alea.t a~j .the btk P.tl., deacrL.d,6ed as beg.u'Lrt:%sig c
<br />a paint on .the No.~z ~tne of t1aZ ;vojL-th 10 acn.ea o~ !U'~M~l', o~ scud Sect~i.arL ifl; u~L.%eh
<br />paint .is 105b.fl aeet u,reat oh the va.rL.tll:eaat ccnnen a~ acrid ~vo,7#h lfl aexe,8 og ehe
<br />N(tL'` o~ .5a.i.d Serti.vn 1fl, •'i,curYL.i.ng tfLence .south pa~La,~'.2:ek to tiPe East eiste o~ aasdc! tvonth
<br />30 acrce,5 0~ the r~~,vw-a o~ paid Section JQ, 33I.D yee.t, %cunn%ng ehenee {ue~~ panu.P.~eX.
<br />to the nlofath c,i.ne o~'f 6a.%d trae:., 132. Q i;eet, ~tunlung thence Nofcth ptz2a?,•~e~ to the Eau
<br />one ,off •5a%d ~tttaect, 33I. D ~eez tc a po.isi.t cn the :vo~..th P.i.ne o6 aafd 10 ac,2e •tnact, ?u
<br />n.irtg .#hence ~a5t along and upon the Ne•tit1, iizLe o;~ acrid 10 ac.te •ttcact, 132 pee:t .to pc
<br />c~ beginrf.ing.
<br />Tay;tettxx .wrath cell trtutin(t. ate catrdatwninit. Yrghtin.K• rand plumhmtp ryu:pmrnt and ftxcurt•.s. ,nciudmu srrtt:nss., awmni;r, storm windawa and
<br />doors. send window vhadae of blutda., used un ter !tt rannwtticsn wtth sou{ trnrprrzv~, w~hnr het thw name nrv: nnw U>eattxl nn :wtaed prntsetit~ ar hertwfter
<br />gLaraxi therrron.
<br />"t'L:) filh6't. Alti L) Tf) HCfi.ll 3H k:. :i,4 hit. aoitether wuth aU and ntnguisr rise twsscvnents, heredn.at:w_nte and appururaatmx thereunto 'f>r
<br />#ongixtta,. err in anvwiae npjsertainuyt, farrever. and warrant ttx sxt4w :n rhea wmc. 4ait'i mrrrrle}ror neerby..cmr+naitc .... b..
<br />asdth said''.
<br />mactgactee thsc ~ he 4.~ii . rat thw deuacr+ry h•ersnst. „!w, iawfi:# uwm r :>i the prenyua~ aMwe ran.¢ryod aMl At^arribe*.l r.
<br />and ...._~ sauxA of a t3ota! arced zndeivxaas#rlo rntat.. .: :nherstanre ttum:r.. *r.esa rend t:aar <;f cell enu-urr,branc8e. aeuf that._. ''uhe _...... wall
<br />warrant creed deieaal lean eaten therrtar forever attains tnr clnxms am4 ut•rrmrtds a,i a:i , vr!urns wnnmwever ~.
<br />Pftt3VLDkaY ALWAYS. nnzi thv,uc+ecrurtmn[:.Y rxexuised arxfd ire cacti va»rcnsm tbr•;+aymenc rri tite_suns rat __.._._._. ._,,.,_~._
<br />Tt!xa rhouaand F-%~zy-Ex~h~ dc,Ea~zS 2rtd SOj100 --__------ ;,,>tinrarx ?,05k.00 __
<br />--~ r - -- -
<br />[# that4reftrolaa9l'ti' note ref rvan. elate frerewith nrxf !rvcurnri 'serrhy. ex«c~uu~si tr.:-a+d rrwrtKa{toz _..... Gu *atd ttaprLgn~er. gWya7>ke an rxptws:sed.
<br />in aafd txnGe, auto aeeatT tam crQirazurarsc<af a1# the ttxs,ss arni crcrxadrtsr>asw .~+nwsrani t.hereus :`he terraa.oi satd Write are hereby iraxporated
<br />heneio'h9; Chia reftaence.
<br />ft ie the intiatrraon and egreamnrmtof the ryartaea heratrxs skaa:.c tt`aa rexlrtaage -huE. aE.xs smote any future advxticaea exude ux sarirnorapc®.7ntr......_.
<br />;w salt! ~ euc# an,Y and. ail imfnennlttcm*s :n addituro .. .. •-;aot n#~x,vr toted w•hti;t, trail mort;;aXnrrn. ar nny rri tM!m, rnna• oww t.rr
<br />cruel ¢rortyuize+a, Lw,we^ver ewiderfonl, vrhettter i,y m>rw. ixra _.,. +v;;y..rw aa<. fC:a:r mnrtKa4;e +hall rvmasn ut full trance andefit+ct batiw,.wn
<br />:he pnn:,esltareua aad their heirx, tsrrs+bnai retarc,x+nUtii ace. ~.~ ,anat. ameaXn*, until alt aenerunt.s snctrrnd hereunder. rncfud#ni; iutur..r
<br />xdvarxp=,•t,.asn R?eid itr firi: aeWh urtrsaac.
<br />'1'Pua rn,[srY.gaRnr__.__._ herxsAry arraign. '~.. ;n *ad raaaitCaaxw• wit ez*nt.% axsd rrnwsxe nn ing at xny and. xll tbmcs 8rnms raid pmt>nct~y and
<br />h<rnlryaattuxiat acrid tsrortgaggs ca ica agent, at sis tmptiYtrs, :tpoa defa53it. to :eke Charge of ewd prr>tserty ertd u+t?,~ct ail reniy and income
<br />:harefnWy.ettulnppLy the eaata tzs the payasx+ni of inrw.ar~.:c. prsatigral, sn!.uasRnr. ,n, nsnlamr., taxes, asrasetnenv. retaairn ox unRVrovronena
<br />recxtwa+ery u, aapaaitt puoyitaty. in..cenr4ttsble, w nditwn, ur to otbty ctrarAtis s,c pnyrttanu provided inr ttase+n car ut. t3te. twee heras#,y awureei. -ihis.
<br />nmt nsssazrrmentJahaYl ewxttistrte in frxee anal tha uniw.d EsaLtncti•nf card nertt sn fully pan#. Y'he taring +%f pa+s.+e+s<rsu h.r:•undcv ~!aal :n n,x rrtusnvr
<br />ptCx"?!n[ rSt '.IBtabd.Ml41d rttarttlaQel nl. t>##E! CX?lilCG6p tee .`"raid KUmS Lfiv fr. Tee'ti/5llM rtt ~ tf4fYw atie
<br />'#'br teaLtue+ztitatamorRgagwefn aa§erf nny aL 4ta tixhtd heecvirtcLd+s at enr'tvrtr siuli not tsoransenrotl xs a wativcx rat itsrirht 6a astwrtthe
<br />aamaat:any daLeriazc. and to itmat aeon. au# erifarxx ~wiroa. eetrnpliapr_e wit#r a#t the twrmn xr`~: , re>.~isusns ref sarxi tu,w and rat tna.+ mortttaya~.
<br />i€ SaYil. im4sRtN sfullxattme to ht paei u .sacra rrwrtgepteer the xntire atanrwn6 duce ~~~ hrrcunr#er. xnd under t#te terms xnd i rnvesion.y
<br />n[..sadt9 nrstc.:Aervby eecund, ictc.htdingt feature xdvrncee, and nny eatenaurns rsr rettnwaix iht+.,..i nn~~rdaaxe wu.h t#te terms aura prerc•i,7i.rnK
<br />th;reiaf, laced r#setd merrytsltar:..._.__ n4sail rttrnply with cell the proviauna uC seal note arul +si tn.. rcxsrtgnge, iher+ tM++w> irre~eorw~ shall be vx,id.:
<br />6tbW_aeiae W rxtnam vv full farce aad.effau, amd acrid totx[gatte¢ shall tat ant+c4wf tc. ihr Rxmvcaswa cii a#t at .r.aui Fsre~gaarty, and array, at itx csix,n .
<br />dilcher+ t$e wMbe of wd s>.xtae aat5.a33 ~ re~+twtnf,rhi CMerc@y to t.a ctzsrnetliateiy ;tar atxl payaYie, creed astray farer:{rrseth' ~ nn,n.>znx..
<br />to tare swy m9;CArer legal actisnt-LS-priax;ect ta't'igLL. Appraisemsrni. waived.
<br />~:'h nuaia.aha+l ice. hsnu.tad..utn>.n aed nhaYb anum tx. aSw tweexw~f#t c# the bears. exaruVxn, adnxsnia:trator?:..succnstw,r• a+n! a>tisgn+. +',# th.-
<br />:tagrr:«ri.:ve prX4i~:$oatmgn.
<br />Iii. MVl'$`ttiy."&.Kl V+4.1t:It$Y~e'. aaad A~feetgadGrN 'ha 3 herrsarus rvrs, j,i(%f;..__. hood rR.s+ day arsti tid..nr fi :., n:nvw
<br />=wruttaL r,~.,t /~~ r~
<br />__ _ t.~a2,"r.~t % l^".. '- . lGtfl~, >fs J~{,dFxRtJ)
<br />