<br />,_.,Y _._ _. _ _ ,
<br />~ ?2;:A-MiEC}i AIY iC~3 LIEN (REV1aCQ1~3b2) ~Z~~l i} L! ~ ~j rv ~ "t'br BvSman Grnersl gnppty Hawse. Limcotu, Hepr.
<br />~ie,t ~:aM„tt by: _....°----------.-_-_~?areh-_E---~--- - ....-19-g-`~-=-- ,
<br />----
<br />'t,D. 'il'LSC?tF CD.,, .'l C'JRPn~ATI^N - .4gaitur Kenneth 8--.-.& Marilyn M: Knox - -..
<br />:4dd.ess ~ ~~'7 i;, 3rd, G and Island: Ply ....., X255 Texas Rve Grand F"stand, NE
<br />State of _~l12:D,S~..._._.___._~
<br />~t~sxt'. ,_._fieorge_41ebb,_,~resi~ent_of,~B ~?._-_"!elso»_~o.Ts,__~.^or~ora~~o~s-,----.---------_.._..._. be:ng jrat '
<br />drly samm; ox hes oath sa)s that the ;arepr,+ing itetni;,ed aecosent n{ urork, labor, skitl,......._..........__..,,.....__ .............------..._.
<br />wuateriads, astd irnpraatements is trua and correct, tPcat same wart done end j~esformrd and Jetrnished by ties xtndessigned
<br />far- tha saed;..__-...__-.°...... Kenneth 3 5 "fan i yn.- ~".- {nax ._-.,_.
<br />usrdrr ax .....__.._ _.,verb3R.l _„_...._- . ._.,..... contract...-.._ _...._...._ ........ .... . ._........ .----,_..._ ._._,. -.....--------._
<br />far the'..___--_._ __ construction res`aurant
<br />.~-
<br />o» the Jotdowt .lot. ~acear narrel of land ize. ~+ITt...g.F the_~`t4#t~s,5~rt~a_.S2Cti0.~ 77.x..Townshl_~,-13 ~lOrtht..
<br />Range '~ 11£st of the 5th =r N in Nat] '`ounty "debraska also known as. e'art of Lot
<br />_._a.._. ._,,....._. ..-.... ..__... ---_. ..-.. ... .. _.-..._ .._... ...._...
<br />~, Island,Subdiv+sion to t*re +'itv o~ brand Island ~9a1~ "aunty ?IebraSka,
<br />That at tha time raid contraet uvs made and lobar and materio-xe,s iurni.s~ttd and rdelsrered theretander. ._---,..._.._
<br />-.,K~ennet3>~:3:.-_3:_,i.J.~m.-"."....!;nax-..-..----__ _..._..__ ......_... -_.....r ._..._.._x e,ke o o} sntd gre,~aases= '
<br />_ ~t~~..~t~r,_~sz±~.~aac.~t~.a:_~~..:..s~~iz_M~.e_~:onxr~c~~~...~~.r...s~.f~ `~aY`~t~M_3ncs actn~q.~or,-___.
<br />~~~ Ass
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<br />7'Jiat t/ur:atoue of ttu- first stirM fusnuhed xnd datitzred ;s+os.... _....,_"~sYh±Pr ' °,?,?'RI .............._.. and the '
<br />........_.~lov~mber ?~?. I~`3~
<br />dolt ~ the laxt_tmw r~ar.,....__w..._~_.,....,., _. ._....__., _ ._ _.._ ............ ....... .. . ........._...._._.._........_.,......_----.,_
<br />.~ jjwnt f~vthes statas i#au srod lesbrr wain.~er~ornted on. and. sna;eriaL avert freuiaJted Jas, de#iwrrd at, a»d +rsad its
<br />sold L.aldi,ag or prtn,ses on aacd btlzasrn the dates spemifeed,
<br />TXat 16e priirrx ch~ged thrrsfrss art far and. stasa~aErlt, and that there is reoosr dre.on.safd accc?xnt tht surK of
<br />.'l~!E. af91t11Tf{EC?; ,I~'~'._SF!s!",AWO 6~.~.It."(?:_._.. t~.5`7A~R~,,.__.....,._ .13ollars; that saidr
<br />'~,!!. Jf£LS~`d ~t^t. , fl !'orporation
<br />__. ...._ ._._... ......._.__ ,...w._,....__.
<br />_..... ._....._ ..._....._ .___._,. claentf a #ctn-an tha sriad prtne+ses Jos tht Jtedl anwNnt of
<br />sand accaw.t, to-tort. TJtt swis erf-$ .557 6t? .eaget#ser urith irtfereat tlurea>+ at the legal. mre,
<br />.... --
<br />rro,. ttar. _.l~th .,_._ daft-of ~tO_vEAab@t~'...~. __ further a nt sa s not.
<br />. __.. ...., . r ~3......, snot Quz y
<br />N.~. 4t£L51;~a *~., t'~ £ortxsratian
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<br />-. 1i.AL presi Rt
<br />E ~FcAS%h -- ---
<br />$TAS'EQ Snlorc-iErtrl. m my pressnrc and sttmn Ia before me ,hu_..... stt~
<br />M8rt9t ~,~ ....
<br />c,~.emoei 25, 1983 Q,a~+ of e ........ ....._._ ._......_._... „_.._f .....y„_ ..M~9
<br />~¢ .,.
<br />i ±-x revtr~e vdc for iaatructitma j ~ tYntcsp Aubtie.
<br />............
<br />~t'I'A2'S. C1F..,...__, .._-. --.. F.ntsred nn numencel ieu€wr trt! fei~u3, tar rece~xd
<br />~.-a~traSY _....__._ _ ...__....._ ._.._....._. .........._ ~ imal~Stegsrteantr.Deecfa(78icea#.~irx.~ruttdy tlsa
<br />__ _.c4rr of _.-.-_ _ _ . _ _. _ ._ ., t~.. .._..,. xt._. _..., . -._ .. _.....®ei~A aad :........... .... ......miuutet _,...... ,, ,..M.;
<br />axd rz its t3wk.,___-,. .._-__. .-,-at:...-_w _.,.<..,,-. _,~,;,ate:..,,....
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