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i <br /> <br />82-z9tld$~:~ <br />Ana 3~,se-w °- ~'s; <br />Should thr_ title o£ this-fease6old at any, tmre during its life ~'dena sevesed.fmm tl~ tit)s to.the abutti,ng+ e~ <br />land, thta this lease shall become ipso facto- null and vond Any sale or,conveyantx of such abuttfsg land sha~ j <br />carry ~xith it said leasehold estate and the .purchasei oa grantee shall become bound by the. £erms hereof a!y ( ~;~ <br />fully as the origiml Lessee. Sbe Lessee is also to notif;, the lessor of any transfer of the title of the abutt0r~ / 9U <br />propeety awned by the Lessee: k " ti~i~' <br />.~s a consideration for this lease the Lessee is M pay in advance to the Lessor One Dollar per annum; tip t <br />pay all taxes and assessments'ievied upon the l~ased,premises during the continuance of this• lease, not int:ludfl ~ <br />ing taxes or assessments levied against the leased premises as a component. part of the. railrrrad property aP ~ <br />L,essa~ in the state as a whole;: to glow'and rnainhain upon the outer boundary of I.essoes 400 £oot right oil <br />way, cx as near thereto as practicable, a fireguard at least six feet wide; io keep the ceased premises free fmr! <br />ccrmbrrsti6le material.; to plaint no trees or shrubbery, a~ to erect ssa structures thereon.;. to put nothing ugo~ <br />.the leased` premises which might obstruct or interfere with the view; to alone safely and securely, imm <br />ately after using, any gate, opening ar bars in the fences of the Lessor which the I.essce may have acq <br />or during the term hereof xnav acquire, the right to use, and oat to use any such gate, opening or bars whicbt <br />the: Lessee may not have acquired the right to use. Lessor reserves the right to take temporary or germa~ <br />neat possession of all nr any portion of the leased grexnises whenever their use may become necessary are <br />gedient, in the judgment of the Lessor, :~ar rasleoad purposes, including the location of public or private ware- <br />houses; elevators,. ar other industries wit'.a the design to iaciiitate and promote traffic, ox for, or in connection <br />with, drilling-For or mining of c3, gas, coal or after s.nerals of whatsoever nature upon or underlying the <br />surface of the leased premises by the Lessor or by others with its permission. <br />In addition m the fareyaing cavtnanta and agreements, the Lessee agrees to cut and reprove, or spray with. <br />wetd~kiUing chemicals. all weeds an *1re leased mines. if the weeds are not controlled as above specified, _ <br />pre f ~ 4, <br />and any goveraamental agency takes action to eradicate the same and bills the Lessor £or the coat thereo ,Lessee <br />firer s to either gay tine bill sa rendered nr ztimburse the Lessor in the amount thereof, if paid by the Lessor- <br />'dl'Isi kale is subfect to all outstanding superior rights, isscluding those in favor of telegraph and telephone ~ <br />campant+ea and for. gtnblic highway purposes. Ibis lease is made without ec:•°nant of 4itie ar to give possession <br />ter far quiet tajoyrnent: If bs^ reason of a line change. or otherwise, the title of the Lessor shall cease before y <br />tie expiration of the term about provided as to the whale nr any part of the leased premises, or if the leasing ; ~ <br />of the about described premises is held to bt, or should become.. inconsistent with the. law of the land or ft the ~ v <br />urhakc or anp^ part of the ln:astd prexnists is required by ar taken by action of any govenunentat authority or ~ o <br />body for any street nr higleway ar other public xue this lease and all rights, privileges and obligations hereby ~~a <br />granted. or imposed shall 3oxthw-ith tease and. terminate. in wrtole ar to part as the case may be, but without <br />preluoiae to env right of either or froth'parties lrtseto, in the situation last mentioned, to make claim against <br />such ~,overnmtrital authority or body. "ibe l.essct shall lease the right to ranotl this lease at any time ulwrr y <br />it4 der°s' written naticee ~ <br />'flris lease is :node sub;est. to dre right of the Lessor to spent such licenses and easements nuata third. persons ~. <br />as it in its sole. discretion shall deem in be necessary;canvensent ar agpmpriate. ~.'~' <br />l error also reserves to itself the tredusivt right to germ it the lnratian of advertising signs of any kind what- <br />SneVCr an ~}1a.` ~,-43Cd prexnlSt`.. <br />"~ lease ,~ to become null and void upon the failure of l.esstt to keep any of the conditions hereof and- <br />:, oat to bt assrgn^d ss+nthout the written coraent of the Ixssar. 16t Lessee will suatndec peaceable passes- <br />seem of.,seai'3 prexaisez at the expiratiarz or tezrrrinatian. of this lease_ ~ . <br />li Ls god that all. covenants and agreements herein retittd are made by the parties hereto For, and ~~ :y <br />xfKl~ tiF.~~`" themselves arrd their heirs, tzeca:tnrs, zdmrnixrtators, sucecssors and assigns. 4 { U <br />C s <br />_. . . <br /> trf-- -- '- -- - ='J' <br />wi.. J/JJ [-~p, l;~itJ~i~ PAC1F^IC It/ ~ 1~~3#Lr <br />~, - ,t ~ i I~tret~ztr - Real~Estate m c7 <br />r d <br />~~ <br />~i=: ~ " ~ :. _ . _ :. :Stall ~ <br />r ~.`.'< < : Assistant etary. ~ ~j ~. O , <br />f t-y least is aac•epted upon the terms thin stated an then .:. ......... ....:......,; .. ......, ~~ <br />~~a- (D~,e A. Whtefoot) .Les's`- .,._ <br />LJ <br />i <br />