<br />i. ,~ ~..
<br />AuSZGAP OP TUAGE - Comoration ~+~~ S) U V"rJ ;~ l.~
<br />1Q+1Qii AW.:~i BY 'I`EifiSE PR£SEl~, ~aat emperor Mortgage:, Tirc. a carparatspa,
<br />the party of the first part, is considerati:an of tkxe sum of'Cfiefi~t~ 2.igh~ ~tieeccpand
<br />a;xd ~~1Y~0------------ x~llars lawful money of the United States of 7+mexica,
<br />to it in hand paid by 9ANCp :3JR~A~E Cfk~ANY. P. O. Brnr 780, Waterloo.;. Iawa, 50704
<br />a t:orporation, the party of the seeand part, at or befare the ensealing--and°
<br />delivery of these presents, receipt whereof`s hemby acknawledg~d;, has: granted,
<br />baa~gained, sold. assgG~ed, transferred, aad set aver, and:,. by these presents, does.
<br />grant, b~~gain, sell, .assign, transfer, transferred, and set over, xutto the said
<br />party of the secand part, its ~tuccessors and assigns., a certain ibffiEN`LS><iE QF
<br />MCRI~AGE, Searing date t2~t of FebhuaJCy , 14 ~2" , Accorded
<br />1]ac~ent # $2-~Qt3~73 o£ thee. Mortgage: Records of ffa.~.; tbunty,
<br />atetiraaka and made by ~da~d e. Bnandt and Janice E. 81utruit, f{ttaband & tv.~eto
<br />Sug~xior'Moztgage, Sna. and all its right, title and: interest to-the premises
<br />therein des~ibed,. as follows, to-wit:
<br />Lut F.i.~.ty-7'Fveee (§3}, ~o~:ah Subefi:via.i.on, HcsX.C. Count, ~¢ban.aka
<br />fiog~tlver with the note therein described, and the money due ar to beco®e due
<br />theirevnder, including iaterest thereon, TO HAVE AUD TO AC7LD the same emta the
<br />said party of the secr~d part, its successors and assigns forever, subject oaly
<br />to the pravisans of said i'eIDE OF ?33RTGAGE therein cantakned.
<br />And.: :the-party of the first part does hereby mace, constitute and appoint
<br />the said party a£ ttxe second part, its tree and 3awful attorney, 3rrevacabe,
<br />in its name, or otherwise, dxut xt their osan proper casts and charges, to have,
<br />use., and take aL'. lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money
<br />and interest, and,. in case of payment, to discharge the same as the party. of
<br />the first part r~¢ht, or could da, if these presents were nut made,
<br />1'~iS~ISS WRE~F, Superior Mortgage, Inc. a corporation of the State of
<br />tlebraska has-cauaed tiYxis Assignment of ?~artgage to be executed. by its President
<br />aad attested by its' Vice President and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed
<br />the t2L~i day of Fab~tu¢ttx~ in the year 29' 82 .
<br />SUPPRIfSR M~R3GAtxE, I*IC.
<br />i. ~
<br />~ r 8y.~ i~A G..t,
<br />3aeres S. Reed., President
<br />~,~-: f,;
<br />~- ~ ,- 1 Jyy mow,` .y
<br />~T-~T1T''.~~ '~L^^^ancaster, Vice President
<br />State of `iahraska )
<br />} ss«
<br />rocnty of Htl.l }
<br />pa this- I2tt~ diy af' F2~yxwdnt~ , l4 g~; before me, a idaotary
<br />-~ Puhlic, duly ca~issioned ark3 qualified in and far said.CUmxty and State,. Personally
<br />_ :amn the abase named James &. R+e~d, President, and R. S, Lancaster, Vice:Ptesident,
<br />- of the ~peri.or Mortgage, Luc. who .are personally kxur+m to me to, i~ the
<br />identical persons vhaae names are affixed .to the above assi~ment of Mortgage
<br />. as t3se President acid Yice President o£ said CUrporatian, and they acknowledged:.
<br />the -+*s~±**~~t to be their vnluntarg a<ct awl deec2, and the v~olzuttary act and: deed of"
<br />the said Cbrpuration.
<br />w2'TNLrSS pry ta.nd am3 official .seal, in C~'and ZsYand, YxY saki... ptiuntys ttte .
<br />lots aforesaid.
<br />lit -
<br />:k:ta2-~ Iv bl:i c
<br />tdy txreaeission e~ii.res~ ~~r,.s~ ?c1Rd:
<br />FYxk [TZti 2Sa: Ica p:=ricer Morrr,3ge, In-c,
<br />.' G' (sax iSsO
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