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<br />SHORT ~'ORf+4 - - <br />~~~ Prio~eRTtr uw-PRCSVE>t~te~-r Loan Number__ x+9357 ------¢~l.~~s~--(~-- <br />~~ <br />~. ,. TFORM: -TN[Ftl. 237rlRe~vy, t2r•90) T r ~^~ $~~~'y"~-~1J ~;IId ~ Vr3. <br />~~i1L LV 1~.6 .L~ irlo Bt i V~:V L <br />I{}t;069 AL:L MEN Bpi THESE PRESENTS <br />VERNA ,1. ~IGCAY. A WI170W <br />hereinafter caned Martgrgoas, sn eansideration of the sum of.__~--.--_- ------ <br />_._.______~E TNOL1sAND 3HREE Ht1NDREB FORTY QdE ~ ll/1f1~---------------- <br />f3 1,,~1~ >:ll ) DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, da hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an absolute title. ineludiag all the rights of homestead sad inheritance, unto FIRST <br />FED'EItAL SAVINGS AND LS3A:ti ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASI{A, hereinafter txl cd <br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated ia.__. ~~-......._._..__. <br />Cautrty, State of NEBRASAA, to-wit. <br />Lrsr C) SITUATED oN THE EAST ~IpE ~ THE EAST PORTION OF K1IESTER'S <br />~~, LN ~Ai2T OF ST HALF ~ ~~3 OF THE ST ~}tl~Ri'ER ~SW~ flF <br />$ECI'ION IiIRT~F~3 t ), ~~R ~ tll) [`Io~+aE DINE (9), WEST <br />OF THE SIxTH i ., , KA; CONI^"ONLY REFERRr'~ TO AS: <br />#1J aWtJTER'S LAKE, GRANf3 ISLAND, PIEBRASKA 6~8OI <br />TO SAVE AND TO SOLD the rnal estate above described, with all appurtenances: thereunto <br />belonging unto the said lSartgagee, forever, grovided always, and this mortgage is upon the eipress rnn- <br />dtion that i# the aforesaid l4tortgag+axs, their heirs, ezetvtais, adrninistrataxs ar assigns shall. pay or cause <br />Lo be paid. to the said. Mortgagee, ats SllCeESSar3 or a89tgEts, the principal sum hereixiabove set forth,. all. <br />according: to the tenor and effect of a- c~ttiatrt iaistallmeat note of said :1lartgagars bearin+~ even date wft}i <br />thus ma;$gage, rnd shall pay taxes and sseessasents levied u n said real estate, and all other tease, levies <br />arnt rasessments levied upon this xasartgage or the ate which this naesrtgrge is given t€s secure, before the <br />astne or any installiiaent thereof "lie~eomes delins{cent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain <br />in full force. <br />TT IS Ft?RTHER rIGREED fI) 'That if the said wfortgrgor shall fail, to pay such. tries,. the <br />Mortgagee may pry flee arms and tkae sum so advrnced with interest shalt be pond by said Mortgagors, <br />and this ma a shalt stand ss secuxit}• fox the same. t2D 'That ;ti3artgagars cavemant with: the Mortgagee <br />that they ax+e~w#ulfY seined. Q# maid rear Mate and covenant to w°azrant and de#rnd the said tnal estate <br />against the lrwfvJ claims of all perms wliamsaesrer. f3) That.. in case of a farea3osure of this mortgage, <br />ttae plaustr$ in such proceedings shalt be untitled to take p~ on of the premist~s, protect fife same and <br />rcaSiert the rents, issues and pm5ts thereof. {4l That r fait eta g~av any of sai~' money ar any install- <br />ixteat thereof wham the sane 'Lieconies due. ors #ailurn to comply with say of the faregaiiig agreements, <br />ha?D c-raae tine whale sam of money herein secured to became due and col.irctils3e at orix~e at tl~ option of <br />~_ __ <br />T~Z `.C .. i-2'l.^ t~Li~'SS~1 it: A~~~~~~-_:1~;. i'Y ~~ =-:ir 3~*3 ,saii'°G -~ z:ric~s.~` ~:r aaa <br />altr.!^C:~i tlit'rein iR .oltl or trans#Brxed by Mortgrgor without Martgrg,ae's pnor writtexa coxisesant, excluding <br />rs) +he ~~rea±ian of a ilea or encumbrance sulwixiinate to this Mortaaae. rbD hate creation. at r purc"lsase <br />.,~..- v >..s~.*wg xa,. ?.:^,;:~t~#^r,lt? ,«x'se?-^+r^. !e~? >t *.rs.~wt4- 2*>- rte.,'. ~t ar h r nr~ers2iorc +a! Say <br />upon the tieat~n of a j:sint tenant or [d) the;graat of-any leasehaid interest of tlixee years or .lees not can- <br />. taming an option to pturhtae, hiortgagce uaaY, at Miortgagtee"s option, declsrts all the latLria secured 'bry this <br />Sortgage to be immediately due tad payable, <br />If :41ort,~agce ererciset such op#aan to accelerate, Mortgagee shall snail 34fortgagar aQtice of <br />ac+^eteration end such notice ahaTl pisovide a period of not less than X30 days frorri the date the tiotiee is <br />mailed within which l4ortgtagar may pay the sates dectared dtie. If ~3artgagar fails tta pay such seams prior <br />to the expiration of suds period, Mortgagee may, without farther notice or demand as :4loxtgagar, invoke <br />the power of sobs and any othet'^emedies petmittedbYrpplicabte law. <br />SigrPed tius._ af...,_._...___....a._ ,_..._i --~ _ I9 <br />x._z~.~..~ ..._._..' ~...~--..~.... <br />STATE OF HEIIRASfSJi <br />u `' ' <br />_..__.._..iii~1.-.----__.. <9wtaiY. Q~7 <br />4n this ..._..~... ,....,. city od ..._._,:.~:...{_....,~p$,$(.:S~IG~. Saefarte} mTyeytthe etadeaai~Ped. a biotnry E'ablie. in ma3 for <br />w.yid C1a~mtc, Pu'.orn+dfY game ,_... .... ..:......~...,~.:td.a.-1:14.4N.~.t..~.fs.~.ira9A,,..-.........._.._......_....._.........,.......__....._...._.»............_. <br />yerralatlkv known to aaa to Fie Liar ~ntictl P~~ ~`i,rs rgaZCf~ stet ®8ased to 1:~e alxwo Euad foregoing fat, iqe <br />martgagats, »ml ,~3i uknaadedeect emtici dnattumsatin k~e !sis or Tier er>lafa^itary aettraid +feed. <br />Witness mY }rerRt and.. ztnnMdaL ~:litfiaVaJ iSU-Y'aa, <br />flat .1ttRp above .. .. , <br />_ r n~ <br />_.__..,t,,._ ..._._.,._. <br />fl{' EeeIL fiN~ MR f'.7, flit : -. ~,.`:. `°` Ntat,Rxy F'n6tiC <br />;tip n.>r~+ivar~e ex;~ <br />