- $2 --- t~ t.(fJ $ C ~.
<br />S. in the event said property is:sokd at a judicial foreclosure sale or pursuant to the power of a sale.hereinabove
<br />gtatrted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />ed '~q said promissotry nose, the mottga8ee' will lse entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amount of the
<br />rle~rriercv wrthouJ tfgard to apprasamext.
<br />{r
<br />i 7. (n the event zhe mortgagor Fails to pay-any federal; state, or loca$ tax assesment, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />c(targe, fee ar other expense charged against the propem the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its eptian to pay:
<br />the same..4ny sums w paid bytlie mortgagee shad be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the
<br />ind+:btedncss evidenced by said.'note, subject to the same terms and conditions. [f the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced- by said promissory note, and shall. pay such. sums and shatf ducharge all
<br />tax+:s and licrs and rite costs, fees, and rxpenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage; then this
<br />mortgage shall be cancelled and surrendered.
<br />R. The covenants herein contained snail hind and the benefits and. advantages shall inure to the respective successors
<br />anC. a,signs of the parties hereto. Vlrhenever used, the :singular number shall inctude the plural, the plural the
<br />sin+3ttlar,; and the use of any gander shall include aU ganders.
<br />9. Alo waiver of any covenant herein or of [he obligation secured. hereby shall at any time thereafter he held to be a
<br />waiiver afihe terms hereof or of the note secured hereby.
<br />it7. A ;#ttdicial decree, ceder, or judgement holding any provision or por[ian of this instrument invalid or unenforce-
<br />able stuttl not in any way impair oe preclude the enforcement of the remaining proaisians or portions of this
<br />itstruntettt.
<br />t l ~ Any written notice to br issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument. shall be addressed
<br />to the mortgagor at 9~4 E Bisnsark '"rand Island ,3£ 68801
<br />and any written notice to be issued io the mortgagee shall
<br />he addressed to the mortgagee ar 424 W__~j3ird P O Bo~Q06, Grand Island. NE 68862
<br />3[v tt'tz'tar-ss WttER~F, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery: of
<br />tills instrument as of the day and year aforsaid. fr !'^` -~'~
<br />r
<br />~ .,... -.l ..............
<br />5teyen L Davison`
<br />~~ -
<br />a -~.
<br />ltatherine x_ Davison
<br />F.xe~tted amd delivered in the praencx of the following witnesses:
<br />(Add Appropr9atc Acknowledgement}
<br />STATE: Oi" ilrilttA/ ~ Eief me, a qualifi c'siotasy t=ubfic, rsona iy 8p ed ~~~--
<br />known to the to lac 3henticai person ur. ptnons who sigtt+~xi the foregoing itstrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereoCto tx _- vatunuary act and deed.
<br />"w'itness my hand and ~atariai<Settf on ~~e-° ~ .~ ~., 34 ~?-- _.
<br />is no~rawwastc ~_
<br />Yranw ~ tr.. a. fsn
<br />~' ~ :~iotary P iic
<br />*1y Comtnissiase Expires . _ ~~` 2.3 - l9 4 ~ .
<br />5TAT1. t1F '.stESEfASKA ~ 8eforc. me a qualified Notary i'ublic, personally appeared. _
<br />ss.
<br />Ct3t;1'Ty OF __--- ~ t"'rrsidtnt of ---- ~_ _~..,
<br />a er~ry~ratictt?, known to rte tzs Fir t%re Presidcnt andidentic4l person motto signed the foregoing irfstnsmcnt, and
<br />acknowledged .he eaecntt:m therao, to he his rolu.ntary act and decd a~ such r~ffieer and-the voluntary au and decd°tsf
<br />cold a+s,-~rsti~n acrd Shat its zorporatc seal v~~as alfixcd therrto a}~ its auzhcrifj°.
<br />~`Q~ess my hand and t`ic.ziai Scat tan ~.,,,,,,,,.,,•,-,_ ..., l9. _._..,._•
<br />..w____ ?'~t>taty i'ul~iic
<br />~a~ i r~:rr:r~=si~~.~ ~,xt~sref .._.__ .,,....,.~.,..,, itt ,~.,,..~,.~
<br />