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.. <br />~~~~~~ <br />82a-- ~~ ~., 0865 <br />'d7ais tncrrt~age madt a~ enxcrat into this _ 3z ci day of - March- <br />19^~,,,by aald:bet'*ieest Steven L. Davison and ~raeri,_c n. + ~~=~ -- <br />a*.d Wiese <br />(hereiaaflzr refrrrad to as rm~rtgagor) and Commerttial Nations! Bad and T~ruat y,. <br />{haerutitiaftet referred tows; <br />martgatree~, who mttim~inc an oi'f"tcc at~t, Place ~~f basirtess at 424 ~v. Third strca in L•rand Island,. <br />Half Coattty, Picbtaska. <br />WtZt~E5S13tH, i3nt fw the cooaidcratioa hetrimFtcr stated, of w}ich vs hereby ackntrwkse#gtd, ?he mortgagOc <br />dos hertif7r toorlga~e. sdi, grant, assign. and convey unto the ~;::its sttorrs aa3 assigns all of the fol- <br />iowiaa tieacribed pro}serty situated asd besng in the iJuttncy of r_fall <br />State of ~~ielrrasisa_ <br />Lot Pive (5}, 31ock Three f3), Pleasant view ~eventiz Subdivision <br />in the City of Grand Island, fall County, Nebraska <br />ta~atbtf ~eiiff aft tkte #~ #asd aDf~rtttntt~s'thrCi!eto'beiongatag, aU tl3aC rsts~ sSties+8ltd ¢rrofttfi thlrtof, and afl <br />aKStatts, rr~s, rnyaiuex, tt-inerat; oiI ead'~ax.ri~su sad profifs. +, + t~hts, and' water sfackas-ditfetu~ding . <br />1+eat~R. S~b+r41. r~ri~r+tiat, iighii~, e+grdptstent atsti aft #"r;tattscs af: 'e:ety desexption beftvrtg'ang to the <br />rrrort;aatx nw~r or hereafter attaclad :ixreto or ttadrf isa wit$t fix grera~ts herertz describit+d aate9.ltt addation <br />thereto t1-c fotkewitaZt described Pmpertsts vnc~h are atxl siwff ix c~eetaed to tx fsxttua ate a Esser of the reafty,-:and: <br />are a portinu crf the seraertty for the ids itceeiti sa:ited. (If sense, state "same'*)' stone <br />Ttr have srki to it~I ii:t swrt< tstrtc; ..;, t;c> ;, ;:- ~,G~I3 ,~.~scFcd: <br />r++r -+Kee,r.:,r xc !~.•r,.e,,. ~.;.-r± a,r1 •.-,~.e .~! ,,r ~„Fi ?sac ,~..i rsf+r ±z~ xeil sad zatrvmv said irs~rc.~. rha+ r~ <br />sa+rne is ftnc from alJ ~s except u hcteisaabo~r recited; and that ~ its to ,a•arruttt and , <br />.iefeted the title xforaaid tlxreto sad ererv part tlttxcof agaistst the cJxittu of ag per~as whchtesoerer. <br />'t'his itostrutrseaa is given to seectttra theft of g note dstsd . J+axcir 3, 1982" <br />in thrpritt~pal sum of 5 ??~Qg.~O _: at~td b}' .even L Iktu;ison and:,2totherlne K. <br />in behalf of `_2xemse~vPs Davison <br />aLo, as str~ sore cr ttpa stay fret 16tae i+n;Rs~ far:tswdifxd,:treaetaed or:etttspdec4 is vrrstin& <br />In tttce+~enR the title to said rea! estate is traiosfetttd, or cotsfsasRed to be tratnferreu, frwn rite undcrsi~fted far any <br />raorpt-or by sap method reftatsort+er. [he entire pnaeipf sum and accrued istuxest shall at attce 6ecotne due attY <br />pasabic a[ the eleesioo of the hoick htsrnf. Faihtrc to exett-ise this optinn beutux of transfer of +it{e as ahos~c statetf <br />aoe aitartce shad not mttaxitutr a wwiver of tfse right to euTCiae rite sarM in the ew<ent of am Snt+seQneat trarufer. <br />i. The tttott~gor curenaata atsd a~raes as faLowra: <br />z. Fa;+dy pas the indebtedness eredtnt.•ed by saki pcmxissory note at the time, end iii. the rnarat4v <br />Sir~srdlR }avridaQ. <br />!a_ To ;ray ail, +eatet races, arxi. other gcr,exnmrntai or mvni.~iJtai ctsarges. fines or <br />i fat rv#tirft ptrfvi~ioar F~s~7C+f f+etn tradGheteiabeforc.aac3 v.'ilI ~rarss~tly tJ>_iivc~r the c°a`Jzciai r:r~piq <br />titlQefAN fn #Jse Said HtM'(*a~7eG. <br />:.. }tY ~v €l6CI: Cip4'R4C5 .YR[i EGGS 3Amay ItS' §?PCtfi".-"~i:~in khC nfA1C^'Yi r}q ;i tFfs i77~itL'QII3 CK tei 5a'kGJ 6~Tf3~iT'1`, <br />ittctuc~-tRte fees of any atlortrcp enspl~agGd fin ar:< mortttaJt~ for the cc,=S'x~ttan ra any nr as' of the +nechttadnesx <br />t»x c~uxxd. c~ :vttti~tzbx+~ .'tv rnpriga~,Rt'r'. aake.:±r .ernes pracrc~lisgz y r a~ ~~ c.=her '.EE ~ f.~a tvs rsr+.te~a~fi#g <br />3 ~t0.'l:itt!, µSd yRf1t,CTSS <br />