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<br />NSFB R/W F~~ <br />( IRErt~ SAC F"[V~1~ <br />n.. O.W.. ~ I370b _ !+`1ITT~/.tY,, J ~~Co <br />NORTHWESvTJERNVyB£LL TELEPHONE COMPANY <br />% C F3 A F G£ FAG I L I T Y EASEMENT F O R S E R V I N G <br />AREA %ONNEC TOR AN D TE7iM1NAL L GC AT I ON S <br />T:z+e uQdernigned ovner(a) of an interest in the real estate described below <br />(Hereingfter caked "Ounce°') hereby grant(s) and convey(s) to NORTfiWESTERN BBLL <br />TEf:FoYft02iE COlIPANY, an Iona Corporation, its associated and a;lied companies, its <br />and their respective successors, asafgns, lessees and agents (fiereinafter called <br />"Caapany"), in caasideration of the sum of Two }I~indred_and noilb4 I)allars <br />(5?f1t1,04 ) received frog ti:e Company and of the agreements stated <br />bel~a~a, aright-of--va}~ and easement to coastruct, operate, maintain, replace, and <br />remove such coosimications svetems as tlae Company may from tine tc time require. <br />Sai,3 comxmicationa syatema shall Densest of,burizd cab7.e, conduit, maa:xoies, <br />surface termira: protectiae barriers: and-asscciated equipment which will be <br />installed, maintained, reinforced of removed as the Gampany may deem iieceasary <br />for the purpose of eYercisia$ the rfghLS herein granted, upon, under, across and <br />through a plot ~f land Cie C'} fart. wide_and 5~ {b} feet <br />lung, being apart of the fal7.oafng described real cetera located in the <br />Ca;mty °xf ~{~1 State- of Nebraska <br />?br,e apecificaliy deacsibtd as <br />Plat: of a trace cif Iand comnrfistng the aouthesly Six (6.43 feet of the':northeriv <br />sf:cteen {16.4) feet of the easterly Six '(6.43 fee*_ of the wester3y Fourteen (I~+a4) <br />fcet of One fl) Block Four (k), SPaie Rou~eh Setattd Subdivis3ott; T1;e SS3k Sint <br />of ;>rction 14, T-Il-N, &-Ia-i~t' fn $all Cmxnty, Nebraska,. <br />i~t <br />--?2g*NLd Cnio 2ta d119T: 6a. ~rH~iaa'nF t. 1~~, <br />_ <br />- ~ yam-. ~` ~ ~.~~ - <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />S?ATp (3f 1i1~4'tASiA <br /> SS <br />CWK[T' 0# 832.I. <br />On thi~t the ~ day of 19~, <br />before=se. ' ~ <br />' ~~~ ',y,~~.-~~ the uudersi{Sned of_icer, <br />personally 8,'YpliredY.~ ~y *.,,tr <br />Sd _ _ n,i FSn ~ i e'!s~~, Hi.Ahn n~i-ciII~ ijt'F,Q. <br />`' ., rte. ~ --- <br />S to me ar satisfactorily proven to be tke persons vhase name s <br />a <br /> subacribad to the-"i+ithiu inatre~nt an3 <br />aetenovY~dtsd thar t*~y_~ '~^ exectuc3 the same for the purpose <br />. therein contained. <br />I! W1~S WNI~ZOt, I hereunto set sy hand and officisl seal. <br /> ,~ <br /> <br /> ,p Notary Public <br />NS' the J~Y r~ day of ~~_~~^~~-~- : 19~.3~ <br /> b~sDfkRA4, M4tl}'IkR1JkL <br /> ''~ i <br /> start of w1AaRJA+QNA <br /> ~:.-r.,..~,,.,,,rr~ <br />- ~ l~ - <br />