<br />~~ ~~~- +~~.~0~33
<br />MQI~'TGAGE
<br />TE~'15 f NDEM'CfiRE, mds this _~~~._-~_?'1sY of ___~t~t---,_,_-_. ~ . ! 9 ~ Z _, by and betwren
<br />_-- i=uci.ee (CP~rw<raRr<,thy a au:gx~~a/~tort
<br />of .~~ Coeniv, Ve6taaka, a+ amrgpaar ~. ..Sad Home Federal ~rmis and E.wvt.~tiwe*acion o f Gc and lela~. a carFaniion
<br />cusanlad and crinia6 unier the laws u7 rM United ti:ata of .4mcicZ.niYh esFnne?Pa' ottis and Plan of bsaas ac Grind lci.r<n Nebraska, as
<br />qtI-I'NE6SET1#: "That wd m!nrntl{agcr_ _... for aad in wnside:cation ofttxs~m of. ...~
<br />-- Fs+l¢a'_v¢ Tiwcuaxtd F.i.q{rty-deve~ d~~,zxa a.n,d 50I'1~0 ---- =_1>+~~tt ~-2,0850 ~ ~.
<br />- _> ,_. ;
<br />.~ ~ 1
<br />::rvta:xK: of,.hich u'xxcbg a..kceaw7edRm. dp -66. bg.[tKSe PreseattnroetliaBc and ~^rrmt cmo said ma4titce; to p>KCCSiora an'J amyn,
<br />farerer, alt t'sc fWtowiar,daetibWzpdgfau,sjntacecin t?u Gaaniy of ~~'~.. -.
<br />and c>..., of `~ettrWca,:to-rrei: .
<br />Lt7.t Eu~kt ;~i, .cst BEor~ 7¢ve-z#~-Tf~.+¢ i221, .ire REa3b~ itihee~en'6 Additi:Q~z .~o Zhc i,tL~
<br />~~ G.7nn,ed za4:and, Hi2f.~`. CoEU:rtu, ~~bnnalza_
<br />;,
<br />TaRe'LErr w rtlxaif hrunK aiccmdittmnit>Ig. ligillting;. snd Ptutnvutg: errytP'atmt andfiskttxm. incladiag: aereaaa:. nvrainga. starat arieidowa artd
<br />door. aai +rsndpw nhadss:orlalatda. used on or m caseact»atwnh.;~id propercY. whathertkm s~nettre tsaw.6utsaarf oa. aaid:groptirt.• oz her~fser
<br />plsrni the clan
<br />Y'C) HAYF AN~E'f'(j.IiC1~ `E"HrhrJi4~lr. t.fype43las Mitt Yfff sodaiat;aluthe t~m~ta. [4YEfldiRA~MAtM, apdaj>ptleCClaBnCM tfsertuntoE1r~
<br />faaS;utR. t.r in aoyarsat appsrgiBigR'. fcnrrez: srtQws.^raEi tom title W theasaiu. +a1d'tt[OTt-.._ __.~anelryoovimsM:;i~..._._wi[fi, weed
<br />rxxtg~zer that _ d Ite..._ _ .G21.__.._,.,_. .. , attfta ~sktiv^ery heraat. tfie tawfai atrn¢r~......_._.. afthe Pnnrmrsea prbave canvtyed. and desdriGed..
<br />rnd .... _.. idt...asud ui s ,yo«i rnd ;mdelaaeFndaauwku af.'sa6Kitswoe t.:haean. fter atd. cl~a-ai-s11 emautabrsrtem~..attd that.__~4.ha.,..,_. trill
<br />rstraae nrx/ dsiatd the tkle. thereto forrwrc s,Riuvep. t!m daiasia and: ekmands of off yes9oint wMgnsdrvar,
<br />PIiOt' 1 DF.D Ai. W A Y5, and thin uufrurnent iveatiacuurland dsiiireead Toeuaare thepayment. of t3x~: snm af :..._~.__...._,_~_._.____..._._.
<br />.., TIt2C~V..~'..Sf}1TSIA.BYld..~d.~fA.fiL/'.:S.C.L'P..it.~d't,.:.6d23S{-.Jr.~.1. - _....:._..'~'i'ttsffsssi5._.....~..c:...u.~.Jr'.~.,.........._.__._.»._.._.i.
<br />.alt ::'ur a: t.~cc~.:r.~ t. zr a,;.:. Ica c3n,: ~ a~ arwxzra:.s may ioec~:snd Ps7+'a'u3eta suRa^.o..~agee uadsr tAe tareaes x xl caettd~one
<br />_. of tins peeaat>rory aura of sY.n aav: uwa..:u rnd *xut~ed haspbY: rseaattad:Evy eatd tnusfRaRm'_~e LdaaadcrlasC/saRlr: ;savshPe ar es ~
<br />sx.
<br />' is dnsee. ani to arcfct+tlfs Dtelocraaacc of all t.lte :~F7r. rxa a.ad.ttimasinedtF:orain;: 'TLn tarcas M yd:asole ste hetrhY raxroapm'et~~,3.
<br />7bMYiN $y 1Si} l~kret,,rae.
<br />It Ia t.M inrsaeioa aa~.stt2aaeasaL of W Partrsr neta.e gnat ttur oaot•Yra>~!:s3titiYall[aaaeara uaY fttYArr advsa~euszmefe w wwu! :rurtr,^nxor _ .
<br />,~ . ~ by s.id mcrtpe~r, ar>d aw .nd sd '-dal....'-. .. is wdtcwn :.o the Rmrwnt sM+re -s4ud wkicl. said murtfpytvca. or .wy ,>t tnc rainy nwr r~,
<br />yid mat,~w. hd..arer widatanad. rhttDa by lute. book aavuat or ca,ttexsrsee- "ITua arcrytage yadl remain !n full 'arty rand ef[eca 'wt•~rs+m
<br />t9s Fmciw~ lyratu anal they Pairs. paeauea/, r.4 evreaeativra, se~ectxnrr land eies~px . uou: all amourcta ee~-aced nsreunrVcr. tnc3ud~nK fut4.,~
<br />rdrnotxs, aee grid :n WS: with rnlaearit.
<br />T}se mtxt~aE[nr _. _._.. twtvby ssts~r __~. tc Said mcrtKaRee al: rmta and inpxne anaiaR at any rani all tutor (rxn said tx<st~rr?y acci
<br />hoab~ atuM+rsor s•~ ar da meat, at ir_~ uptia„ upcra detauic, in Lnke c:•sarfc •z`. erd proyexcr aryl o..;ect ui canto an<i irr ..
<br />tlydnre a>a! aPfaJ Lhb eaeee iw tha i~>n~t bf ~nterr~i. ,ticittifwl, meurance pr;rnnsria, t~sa, aw._ [.a. !eGeirs or impmcrmert~
<br />usess~rym iaepanrd pwtpent7 sr tartaNe a~adiaon, ur to otlmr.chargssar paYr+,aeta previdsd !ar trer:i w in cirnow.iuanoy rarured. Th7»
<br />rrt ^s'~ ahoil cuettlmr m ieeee uolii tSe~ aopaid SaEanae ai said note u ±eilY Psrd. The r.L~..,r ni po~eseier. hoxerrrrder vhnkl in rn, rnennrr
<br />ptrrmc ar rM.asd aai4 nmart~s~w w tha coiircl.am r~ slaif _g~atm by Cvreclas:uc or cxbor.:iee.
<br />T1teEsilurs of cEa crrxtq«wto sarrtt sec aE iia :~ghv hcta+rw3er st. arty lime shed %h-,c :,e canatrteed as a .rniver of ite rycF-t u, asw~.rt. th.~
<br />xo•.e at any LNar these, Mxl W insist neon am ea4or~ +~~,-! ~~mpliYUCe wK.h a- the zfrarer and yrpv[ana cs e; x-sad rxte ami of this mort;;aaty.
<br />if said moe{pgur raa1E tawr to bs prid ru xnd nKrrtgtytm the imtirr aragtat dx: iC hemtitotr_r, and candor tkr• t.erras tlra7 pmuniuns
<br />u€ srid tilts ursBy aeaastnd.:rr3,edtst~ fume sdvaacea. atri nay ea taranta w, nsarrale thwaof in aceordauee wntf, [he terms nn.2 pr+rvisw_ns
<br />clusns(;.stai A.tsiid moat~ra ....__..... aiait cwwiy .relh rd ctx fsrw.iatrnr a( and opa+ turd of chu ;nxtftake, cam t hcsa prrsc eta si~aki lrr vciu.,
<br />nt~seviRS w rarrria ra EatU loner asd sAsot. aead said tsuttaytae ehaiJ hs ecett[Md ti t]ar twatatwm of w:3 of saW F~'aik%Y-Y~ arrl ~nrY. ai ic. ,!Pt.~:>rs,
<br />tist~ra +6a w!•els cd +ai/ rsk asd sib ~Miaw raptewnuad tlattre~ to :ts +mrawfissdY due tuai PaYabk, atxl may totrci:wi thin rxxtgsyr
<br />w' taiw my MLe ~+i. ssliw to P^+~1 its ridat. APlraiararni +~vd.
<br />771is taori~ab+i7 txa WndIDR..~aa .iri sAdl ea'Jn. ra rJae heaeiit o4 the Lrirs. ~.x'n+wr~x<:u17r.+ninSraurn, aucr:~!,Grs n;xi ssngns of :. h.__
<br />ZM'k ~W{Mbfgre~4s.
<br />tf».WtY?€}~JiEf WHf:EitldClf?'_ raidltlext~atvx.. h«.:1...._ FrexsaWo sez _ii'tl`~_ .-._... 1tam;. _._._. ~.e d.ry ;=r,d ,-ear i~r~t ~rx,.~-
<br />