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g~,..i~~10~~!.~ <br />Mt3HTGAGE <br />'ITtis Mortptge_ is erteredinto between ~r ~ -. adc-iiy. dil~i nda ---~-. ~''"'"=~' _,.'t ~'--FP- <br />_~a jo'n Te„ran~,_andNoL.~ ~enanCS lR_C~mmon ______ _(herein"Mor~gagor")and <br />PTUF POI*ITS ;3~~:K _~_ (herein .`Mortgagee„) <br />Mtrrt;agnr is indebted to ilfort;agee in the priaciFai sum of $ LSO, nrn - Ci) ,evidenced by fdarigagor's cote <br />tiaixd_~313f$~. (herein "'date"1 provtdingforparyinents of prtncipa! and interest, with the balance of the <br />intkbtedtsess, it not sourer paid, due end paya6l,~ on ~ Sane .,1. 39$x__ <br />Tbsecute. fhe payment of the Vote, ,verb aterut uptavided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest. <br />adraeezd by Mortgagee to protect the security of thisMortga;e, and the oerfomance of the covenants andagmements of <br />tM~ !ilart;agor contained hereto, Mortgagor does hereby mottgti(~ sad convey to NortgaRre the following described <br />pr,>perty located N __f{zil County, Nebrul~: <br />The Nesterlp 66 Feet of Lot Vir_e (4} sad all of Lot' Seven (7) except the Essterly 66 Feet of <br />the Southerly 3; Feet is mock Six (6) in College Addition to west Lawn. in the Cit} of <br />Grand Island., ?fail L'ounty, '~ebraska; together with an unrestrinted, perpetual easement upon and <br />across the easterly 66 feet of th+, southez'ly 37 feet of Lot Seven (7) in Block Six i6j ir. said. <br />Calleg~ Addition to West Lawn for„parking Lot Purposes, <br />:recd <br />The easterly 66 Feet of Lot'-dine (g} anal the easterly 6n feet of the southerly 37 feet cf Lot <br />Seven (7) in Block Six .(6} in College Addition to best Lawn in the City. of Grand Ls.Land, t?all <br />County, Nebraska; together with an tmrastricted, perpetual easement upon and across the <br />westerl;• 56 feet taf Lot Seven (7) in, Block Six (6} in said C©11ega Addition to West Learn, <br />for parking lot ptsrrposes, <br />L__. <br />tirbtaitra, wi;-.~:; $tottin;e isa lien prier to ct. Lien=ereatedr~ne6v...,. <br />f-; (]rA.r prior lien: ar encumbrances' _...._. ,..~_._,._..._:~~~~.~_..__._. <br />Together with all bui48inga„impmveatrats, Gxtutes, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, Privileges sod <br />apprsrtenaaces located thereon or In yp}'wise pertaining thereto, and the rents issues and pmfrts; reversiorta and~ttrnondee <br />[hereof; inciutdin;, but not Yimited>to, heatin; and coating equipmerti and such pecwnat property that is:attaehed to the <br />improreteenta so at to coastsWte a ttxtttm, ad: of which, including. replscetnrnu and additions thereto, is ha'eby decisrted <br />to be a part of the real estate secured by .the flea o{ this, Mortgage acid dt of the foregoing being referted kr herein as tlfe <br />,.~,~.,. <br />lfortygtor further tKntnemants:attd agrees, wikh Mortga;ee , an toltows: <br />1, hYmaoc. To psy ihr intittbtethtasa sad the `rntrrest thereat ss proutded in this rwlortgage srrd.ihe ldote. <br />2 TitM- Mrtrt;a;or is tde owner of ttte d'rope*ty, bas the righLand authority tamortgage Che:Ptoperty, send <br />warants that the lien created hereby n a first antipriortieaantlseProperty, exceptas raayotherwisebeset forthherein... <br />The Properly is sub~eei Co a MottpQe..wbe3ttn.w___~~ _-_,_.__ _ _.~._..T <br />ie the Mortgger, recorded at Fxrrrr _ -____. Page __. crf the 3dortgagr Reieords of _,._ ConntY. <br />3. Ttutaa, Aaaetsrtteaa,ta. Ta pay when due sil Cartes, sprrial ass..-sxmeuW and ail other charges aFtainst the Property <br />and, upon srittm demand by Mtxtp;re, to add to the pay ntents required under the Votr securv~, hereby, such amount <br />may br auRltaent to eeable the Mortgagee Lo pay such taxes. asarscmenta a other char;es as they become due. <br />.! I»wraaee. `fo beep the imprct+e®eots now or hereafter touted on the zeal estate desciibedhrrein insured <br />apdast derange by 5re and such Outer hazaMa a Mortgagee nay require, in amovn~ and xith companies acceptable to the <br />yq[[pgee, aced wit8 loos psysbi a to i}w. Monpgre. !n ca+e a! ion under such policies the 54ortpagee is authorized to <br />adjrt:; v~Heet and eoerpaomisr in ifs discretion. all claim thermnder at itsc sde option, authorized taeithr_r apply the <br />ptmeeeda. to the reatoratiort 4t the Ptoprtty ar upon the indebtrdeess secured hereby, but payrnrntx hereunder shat! crrt- <br />bitlst w tftit tht wRa secssrrd hire by am paid ir. full. <br />S_ Q £acrow Fmr Tstua at.d leruaa+ee. iwotwithatandin; anything contained in patagraphx 3 and 4 hereof to the. <br />ewefrsry,l~6o[tga~ shalt pay to the Mortga;ee at the time of paying the monthly installmenu o[ prindpal and interest, <br />ors['-twd.ft~-ot' ttit yeaely airs. atataements. haiud inaruanr•e p[rnuuma. xnd ground rents jzf .vtY) which may actin a <br />priattty mer tlaldAorgage, all x rraswubiy estimated Irom time xo time by the Mortgagee. The unounu s.r paid shall be <br />held by thtr !da[trgrr vitLaut lntere~t and applied to khe payment of the itettts in respect to which such amoustB weer <br />degatrted: The auoa pall[ to lureander are ptrdgtd u additional seeur:ty !or t3te indebtedne~ secured bS this <br />]Ii~Stf~1~t_ ldi>'rtgyptsitaii pray W r the atgount of any deCteirncy between Ne actua4 fixes, assets moots. inxttnncr <br />pseCfitirna cued ;round rents trod the deposits hereunder within 10 days after demand Fs rnadr upon :41ort;yor rersuestin; <br />pryeoettt tbeeeof. <br />& Rsp~, 3tale1lWeOtNF a1~ Coe'. 'Pa prrunptiy tepUr, restore ar tthuild say nuildin;s rr improve giants rsaw or <br />er oat ~ P4•Apet;y~i fie kart tl>R Property in ;arsd rQnditinrt and rrpu'r, wtrhout w+~rte. and Erse from mecnanic`s ur=. <br />odhbr !fans oat rxpfesrSy aatranlinated to flee Ilea-htrtaf; not to make, :wirer ar prrmst any nuwaarn to rs,ist, nor to dinun- <br />ut! ri 6A.ydir tAe a`aim ctt the 1"r9~Rp uy any actx omissinu to act, uad tie, ,-tzmpFy- x~r4h aF'. reggi;ert~cn Lw ,*!' fax r9nch <br />t'~P't't't t+b <br />