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<br />atFaitiatHi FrrWtston8 .!~G-- l) l.i ~ 8 ? ~ . .. <br />pahtoe Naeearggs atdGawnrtts {T) That except far tfie security interest grantedtiereby Ditbtor is, or td the. extortthat this agredarent <br />states that th@ CoflateraD: !std heacquired .after the-date-hereof, wilt be, theowner of dte Coiia4eeat tree from any adverse ;Fen, security <br />;rttere9t or rmcuritrance:~. aedthat~6'ebtar will dafend':the:Coitateral: againstaFt claims anddemardsotali-parsons at~arry timeciaftntng.. <br />the same or arty interest therein.: {7a financing;statenrentcavering.:xhe:Collateralor any proceeds: thereof is onfile in apy::public <br />office and than! at the rserytest of Severed Party, DeixtorwFi is}ainwith'Seeured.Party in executing one or more financing statements pursu-: <br />ant to the NebraskaUnifonn:Gorranercia!-Cale:rn farm sat.FSfactaryto SewredParry acrd the cost:of filing such: fina'tcingstate- <br />marrt, .his ,ecuritYagreemant and. arty eontinuatioh or tertnnarionstat~trent, in atI public officASwneraver filing Fsdeemed by Secd+'ad <br />Party w bo necessary ordesi ratite„ and. if theCOFlateral ia. attached toreat estate prior to the perfectionofttie security interest granted <br />hereb-q or It the ColSaterai-incftxfes craps- or ail, gas or minerals<tobeextracted:or timberto 6e cut. Debtor wilt,.on demard of:Secured .. <br />Party. turn ish Sew.-ed:Party withadisciaimer or disc4aimers or subordination agreanent signed by all persons havingan interestin the <br />reat::estate, disaDa3mfrtgorsabordirtating. any interest in the Collaterai. which is prior td the interest of Secured Party. f3)NOttoseli, <br />transfer ~~ dFSptrseofthe Cotfatttral, nor take zha sanreor attempt to take tl>e samefrtxn thecraunry where kept-asabove stated.. without <br />the Fxior wiittan cansent ofthe SewredParty. i4) Td pay all taxes and assessments of every nature which may belevied. or assessed- <br />agaisrst floe CitktateraY. (5) Not to permit os sliirv airy adverse lien, severity interest or encumbrance whatsoever upon. the-Cotiateral, and <br />not to permit lira sane to t>e attached or repievined: {fi) That the Collaterai is in good condition, and. that he will at his own expense,. <br />keapthe saute. ins gpad:txKrditian. and fcam tirrre to time, forthwith, replace and repair alt such. pasts of the Cottaterel as may betnrokan, <br />wcm out: or daenagedwi*houi ailawing any Tian to be created upon the Cofiateral onaceount ofsueh rapDaeemeM or repairs, arrdthatilte <br />Sacu,edParry mayexanine-errd inspect the Collaterai at any time, wherever 4ocated. (7) That he will at hisown expense keepthe Col- <br />lateral insured in acompanY. satfsfactury to Secured Party against loss, as appropriate, by theft, coitision, fire ardexterded coverage, <br />with lasspayabte m:Sewead Parryas its intereszmay apperx, and wiBl on demand deiiuer Saidpolicies:ofinsuranceor furnishproof of <br />such-insurance ta5acuredParry, {81'At its optior.Sec~.tred Parry maY Procure such insurance, discktargetakes. liens or security: interests <br />ur other enwmixancas at any time levied:orplaceden the Collatere! arnf may pay fer the repair of any damage or injury to or for. the <br />preservation flirt. rriantenarnce of the Collaterai. Debtor agrees to reimburse Secured Party on demand Eor any payrr~nt of expense inverted <br />by cad Parry pursuant to itte foregoing autt±ori tattoo, Until such reimbursement. the amount of any such payment, with iMeresi at the <br />rate par anrn*trhixrr Beta of payment unlit reimbttrsetrrerrt, shall be added io theindetttedness owed t)Y Dabior andshaitbasactared <br />by this-.agreerment, {9)That#te will rmtvsa. L:s CoNeteral in violation of arty applicable statute. regulation ar ordinances: and ifarry ofthe <br />Cailateratis tmtorvrjPeicles:;the~samew'rli cwt be rented. used in rental sereice nor in any speed or endurance contest. (lg}. f3ijbtor:wiii <br />pay .Secured Pattyarry and alt casts andexpanses incurred in recovering possession of the Gotiaterat and incurred in enforcing. this. <br />securitY..aFTreerrrertt, and. tnesame. shell be secured by this recur+ty agreemertt. - <br />Urui!'petauttf?ebltormary leave possesslonaf the CoiFateral and use +t in any Sawiu! manner net incansistettt wi?htnis agreementandnot <br />incansistant Witham polcYof insurance:Lhereort, and upon default Secured Party S+ttail have the immediate right m the possession-:of <br />the Cotlataral. ... <br />pabaer SNIIBa in Odaulttuder this agreement upon the rappenis.g a# aay of the follawirrg events or conditions: {1} default in the pay- <br />mentor perfo~trnarrce of am otriigeton, covenant or Iiabi3ity contained cr referred to herein or in airy oats evidencing thestme: 121 env <br />warranty,. rapresentatian ar staumerri made or famished to Secured Party trv or an trehatf of Debtor proves to have been false in any ma- <br />teriarespect what ftirnistned: (3) anyevent which results in arts acceleration of t#ra maitisiry cf the irslebtedness of Debtor to <br />others under am ,rdenteue, agraererent orvntkrteking: t41 loss, theft, darrsage., dastraactian sale or enctanbrartce to ar r*f any of the Caf- <br />e. lateral,. ar the making at any Levy, seizure cxattachroart ihereo# or coarsen: s5} death, dissolution, termination of existe+,,:a, insolvency, <br />. business Paifura,.appoi rrtmant oFa receiver pf arty part of the prvpertY ot, assigrvrrent for the txfnafit of creditar9 by, ar the commence- <br />mart of any iuoceedittguntfer any batkruptcY or irrsolveneY Taws by or against Dabta nr env guarantor or sv+'ety #ar Debtor. <br />tlpon•Such DNf7arlt J+td. at any time thereafter, or i4 it deems itself insecure. Secured Party may dec#ace~ alt Obligations. severed hereby <br />irrtmetli atesy cfw and payable mtri shalE trove the remedies of a secured Rarty under il?e Nebraska Uniform Carrrrtarciai Cade. Sacuretl <br />Party may require DWHOr Co asssmblettteCoilataral and deliver nr rnaku ,t rvailabla to Sircurerl Party at a place to be designated by <br />: Secwed Party v.,h~ch .s :easr'xieblY convenient to both parties. iJniess t#re Co9l aterai ,s perishable or threatens to decline speedily rn <br />value:Ar ~s.ct .a typN custemariky so#d an a retx'gtri7tad marks!., Secured Parn will give Debmr reasonable notice ai the time: and place. oi. <br />any puLl,c, satetherrwt or. of the-time after which arw fxivate sate or any nthVSr ;r~xerxfed drspas+tion ther~f is rt> be made. The regairr.- <br />menis of reaspnable ~x>tice shalt be met if Such natiCe is znarferi, postag~B p+'@aaid, to the address a# Dubtar shown at the beginning of <br />this: agraanarrf atleast five days befate the time of the Sale or disposition. <br />fiEr waiver irrSacured:Party of arty default shah operate as a waivec of am ath~ default ar of fns su~rre default cr. a fLntxe or.:.:.::o.~. <br />Tfte iakirrg oFihS.Bacirtiryagreentant shall cwt waive or impair any ,liner security said Secured Party may have or hereafter scca,+re for <br />thepaymartt of. tYteaptwe indebtetirtese. nw -~tafF the takirxg of any suryt-addrtioraa#. sat'kritY waive or in+pair this security agraernent: <br />tAtt ~i'+'=,~,., ~ "t'i. cmy resort to any secariry it ntey nave in the ordee' ;t maY ~T fxopar. and notwiUtsianding env collateral Seeu- <br />r ~ ry, .Secured Party -shalt. reatair. its. r ight9 of.:sataff- against Debiu. <br />AjI r, gets of Secured Pextyhereautder shall 'vnutem the benefit of its successors and assigns: and ail ps«rrisas and duties of Debtor <br />Sr,nll tr-;rid his fMitS, arta'CULatt: Qradmliliksff8IXir5 Or fits ar i tS~aaCeaaar6 aT a5S.lgna.: if tFter@:bemore than One i78trtar. their tiabitFties <br />nessurtder snai: 4e ; oint and :5ev?eral,. <br />rots aq~eernaru shall. taecome efleatve when it is signed by Debtor. <br /> <br /> <br />L~.i <br /> <br /> <br />