<br />$~-~ i}U~181'7
<br />.Anil d:e said tirst ,xtrty heretic ccpresst~-cocenantd and`'agt•eesr:{,1'} "€n:~pay the saidttiotc atn7 interest
<br />in iuii on the davs the carne slut? sei~erallv becc~sire rkue: (LI Vettherk'rccommitnorpertttit w:zste on the ,aid
<br />premise;, and to lntznd keep the kud real c~rue, bvrkiiogs,.and tmprovcsnents ingood repair t3} -t'o }>iay. all
<br />t.•exes and asses: t, eats on the =aid real estate 1>.•iore ~teiingoevey and urrtil the snitl+ Vote ±s fui'ti l.aia ; (-1] 1.0
<br />;tav all taxes :utd assessments upon this \`:arkFage and tre debt secnredthereb;°, ?ngether wish an}~ ether
<br />taxes and as rssments stitch mac tk tex-ied ,r assessed, r.ader the Laws of :\rehraska; against the saki ;ecand
<br />t>am:, or the legal ho3der ui the ;ard dote vn raccotxnt nf,t?tis indebtedness; (3l "S'o procure;"keep i^ force and
<br />detirer to the =aid second nasty palien~ of insurance against loss 'bp hrcand.tornada; fix-sttchamounts and:'
<br />insurance companir5 as the said >erorid'party.shalt select. and as snail he at alLtitnes sarisiactor~ to it, covering
<br />toe buildings ah;ci[ n,.nv zee or tnay hereafter be rrecred an the v-tid premises, making the lost, ii 2ur. pa~~ab[e
<br />tc, the ,aid second par*_~ e~, its assigns, :and even such ~cantrract bf insurance effectied by'the-said patties of the
<br />tie,[ ]asst or fear tLctr t~e[tert .hall Ix prim.•trily sulrjrct tt? appropriation by the said second pare, for the
<br />Sratmarnt ox safe,' mde6tedne;s. Failure ttiso inainrain much-insnrante shatTautharize tlt~-second par-cy, or its
<br />assign.,, at itc or their npttcn: to etT and maitatttitr such-insur~~e at the expense of t}ir said first paste, and
<br />the first sort. arc-e tu~:ty .itt' .ums sa patd; oath interest at-i•1-~>erernt, :utd stsctt snms so pair] lrv the :second
<br />erase:, .vith iutcn~>t :tt «3-lxreent, stt<zll lac securer] by this \iartgage; {Crj That the. said second party or the
<br />uwntr or the ;.~3d X~otr n>.~y.,inake:;uch rel~,tasrs.pa}° surh rues. andpay-and remove any lien frbmthe s~;
<br />pretnise_;, vptm failure <.+ ttre'izrsk rsat-ky to do sa arsd all monecs xx atteanced w~irh interask at 2he:rat: of-1.3-
<br />percettt per annr:rr tirrr+`<,~; from flare cof lszytstent, xttall Ise repaid by the said. first pang; upon tletrzand: rtnd
<br />}tai]`k~SeLUrcd by this irx~ltHSfnre.
<br />And it i, iurti:cr rn;tua.'a c~zas~cnanteKl and agreed rhax in the event of the pwssage. afterttte elate of this
<br />~tortgaf;c. of nn} ]arc , ~ ~uern,g nm lir>t thereraa irrym the t°aine ttf tattd'for the purpose of taxation, orchatzging
<br />in am •.t~y the• :av:> nut.- !n iorr~ :car rite tateatian of mortgag~v nr r3erbts secured 6~ ntc;rLgtl;e eye the ttzanner
<br />>f tt:e calker;ion ~>i :me~ ~u.h za,e., ,v :r; to affect this ;vlottgage, the v+haie of the principal sum secured by ttt
<br />SYr tgate. trl, ~ther ,v th ~'u• 4nterc,t else ttt2reon, ,natl. at the ~ptian taf ehe :aitl party ok the. second part:
<br />a-ithont notice. l~rn~omr inim!~?iatrft: dnt arui payaiilr.
<br />And t}:r .aid lira ~~.ar. ~uaher agrees friar fi default fret ntatls in tttr payn[cnt oP :xny of saidsntcrest, ter
<br />ate i>:eri tirercroi .., ,.t :nor mu re ihrr~~II-, or of- :+aid .tioze„ ar anv p,~rt tllCrcnY. ear cot any intezest tEterecx?t.
<br />ur in tltei.~riorrnauca r,i a+:c of ~Itc covenanks lmsem rontaanrd, ttxKt. ar arsnc tints thertat`tcr <,iuring tlae.
<br />ccrttnctantse ,~f ,uch r!t•;air]+. ;h+ sore] :,r,re, and an[anera L~[tl and adsanced, shall, at t~$iaptton of the lcgab-
<br />hrialrr thercrd. her,m<~ +t -mrr; eitac:;u;<l ruttrrtihlc.:cr~,t ~ha31 hear interest at th€ rt.e oi.i3.percenk laer::[nmtm~
<br />from thc.+la[e .t dciau't ttk# ?hzh arxfrttture a;tac? i~r. t`rrecitur:t~l tea ~trtisiy the ari+~Unt e>t the cScbt, irtclnditrg;
<br />advauc<s, Snterest. snot ,zesty, ortlte a~oztri lstnv its ~ura•"rars ragas>7gna,^.tay t~,r~gtc;;,c rrnty as to the sums...
<br />pau due. without r:iurv tut}iia Aforik,;.tgC.-rxr t?:,- dr• .~~ ee„~e~it r~razza~itrnrxtt ,.i ~I Lee,[?r~reol.
<br />And in ,?~ e;rI :~f tt~c t,~i~c '~„nrr+ai [ is T~,r r; , ~~ ti i 5r,,t l?artp~ :atc•caants stet] ap;rees [.a l.>ay ttte
<br />cost „i r~aenda~a+; tiu tract ,~i titre ;i~rn :F; ,late: ~vi rt't:nnliag this 3turigagr ern that date oifiting Quit, :end.
<br />,~.
<br />ul>t~ne ia+inr~.i! •Im ,ai.l , ,,..r to dc~ :a.. eI: ~ ;,ruey saa :n'.vane :. _ . , serand party shat] hCar iatt+~rest 8t
<br />the ra.e af-~ !sn<an }xr mmatz: t!~crru.r ana: >iaall tK ._cwru I~.> i=;rfrtttuiv.
<br />it is turthrr mutuailc~ a}cen,a,resi .nt,l r. r ri :hat ~trar% ~ ,.i tc~r amend lrtrt, i:- succcsstrra snSS assigns.
<br />shaft atf(xir option tK _t c:ot;atrri ua rhr ~lirn a;t?:vrtf;h ~rteau•d ni reeorrl, ref anv lrn~+r <<tcrznilrr-ence: t;trchantc's.
<br />_ ~.., .., _. , c. .,~„ _.,; ::.~d Sa cmims t;-ed .rut <.. _,.- prcrceres nr rhr ]oar, <ec.<r t herelar-
<br />And it ~ inrther agrees] that in case ,t :leis u r ;l~re a,ae':nrnt ~i 'r Hair( princilrai`=ore or intrust.
<br />sr :vac t,:rn nc~reoi. :ts i[ shalt a:asut r_ ur in '~.e of far=urc- to ~t-. t; nr S,eri~ nt~ anc u•.th: a,rrsr cis or as;rcrmrrt~
<br />contained ru clzi. feed<utu.-e, ttr.^. the ~xrcna-r ;R~rt~~. ,t a:cesu rs ;us:y;ra. ,hail Le ;tnr, i, trnr!;)~ authorrr.c~
<br />and ttinlarTwercd to bike amarediala: lws,rssicr •.:i the ,aii tremises herd ~.ivccxl a.v1 as crr~p> tttereun- ~>r
<br />ro aillutt fix rents thercirra+zz, and aS,~~iy tier t~ru.ex•ds +.hc:*rf r;~ rhr ~a;zxstts Sri r!:e :ieiat h~ h:• secured,
<br />.is aQr9,ticrrt3i nnci cr+:iater,et t_t.rit; >r lceu-,r::=xt <;Y the ~ernt~ ;u:r+ [nrlr6te~lne~, hc-re~..:e..re <iecrs;._sl,
<br />ri:a- -;aid laart,ex <,2 rhr tlrst See rt ' e.ruy ass.)tin W .h; .=i ;-,crrv : t .:.r xc_r ] l,ae. -user-> -,r..:, ._., :;;ns. ail
<br />r
<br />tt±s, stvti±s, tec-et+. ~e=, r ~alti.es, -rg ts.. .e nit K i-;its :i~....r. _~ It, i r a ar..+:. -..ft n•l, ~., a, -uuart. ra.,cs on said
<br />prureises. 't~hr+ :c~ig:.tneat. tta xrr .t,natar an:r xti::rst aui; curd . ~ ,tp~r,+ th_. -ck~ax d tF,i -xrta;tage-
<br />AAd it .usher ~ {,t'cecl that in ia.;e ; y ;ua i; ?Kt;un b. ;nret!~>x [,iris indenture. ±hv C.^u:t frt ~n~}.ici'; ,tu?,
<br />titum snail tv.~ trrosgtti. ',, nny (ati~c at -,rah +,.; rF. '+i leer m tans trn;e nr iO ea,~.J >:i, ~.. :,cX rttr, attiitlTri LCd.
<br />r:irnn ~rlili-.:,.t. •;t t}:esetus, tcaaS~.e t,. -_, I~tsri<.-es to t2ke lwsscs.icu pi t;t< s-a;~l Pratt i-,s r_trd Ji 'tops zherr;in..
<br />car :o ralEx+zt ma rents ,..°teirorr., -u~ n, r;; ,.,.:1 rx-rt.,n:, aut:it ,.,r ,ttt~ ,~r :?ts; rr,lar,-,. in the rah:. ~.
<br />the C`ra:rt an'iunsaj; the zppraint;nrt,#, ,end tiie r;rct fa-crt~~ `xre`uy c,~_c~s:mta ' ,ihe al',l..~rnrrrtrrr,.. • a r'ew_c-i-cr .~s~.~.a
<br />:hit prruitHYicxi ref +lts~ ittdrrrtnrc vi!tu:t;t ix-r r.:iirrsci. .
<br />