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_.._ <br />IrtoRTCwcF ~ ~ I1 ll Q $ Q <br />:woarcwc> i.o!~-!~ rte. ~i~2:4 022 <br />IaFOW wI.L MEN SY 77-IESEP!REST~"S~I'1'^s~Thxt idlllia[il.'-BC?It2~t3. S]..I1~12,. <br />111ortppteor,.whetheroaeor me._,.~:xuii~ention of the ,ten of <br />rourt~ett LT_aaazsa[sd and No/100-___..__~ -------__-_.. _.._~__~-,~_ -._._ ~.._.. _,__-~"boll.wtu <br />ioued fn sad ~ortaastrr by 71ce:F.goitabk: aad l:.wn Aatacofimt d C=randIahmd, Nehr+in;Mottp!!a'. ePO° 14 ~ ths:ea of calk of <br />and A1~OCIw7tQN, cc+tietofe ~fu- L 24,:022. . dolinr.6p , cancer aad :itnttga~ unto-dm sot:.: tattnet iha: iuBniwd <br />devabed real eagle. sNearealia:Ila(1(:oataty; Nebradta: .. <br />I~GST 'STn1D { 2) , I`x1 'LIz'Iit3~IV (13) ,]'~Ti HOCY~S A23D HITS, `S <br />ADCJITICCV 2C3 Tf~ Ci'FY' OF' C~[iFi'+2D ISIAND, HALL. CCXRS£I, 1+I~RASXA. <br />to~dh~ vitlt all the letsetacatu: Fcealitamc~auasxl apgtterteaanccs ,*ttetatntrshrlnn6tng.,. sttclttding. attadmd.fbrurxaeria~a, ~.. window latices, <br />yiMl9aM t~adra,frL?tpdi, sicMr.~4rllbknlS„~'Xryyp~,.liE9ttm~„+rif Ci9ndiiiDnWR.559d ~e1Wnb17~and Y/AdM R~UiI7a1Ett6 Md laGeSfa[ts. t~ffifeio. ptllnPd<+.9tpRf. <br />rt$tieerstars, aed ~+ther ixa run aadagmtr~wwlserria.ftn attaehe6iFrar ~aedin mmnactiars writh ssud :eW estita: <br />:~ +ahereaa thr sad atK+rtftyar ttas aFlaai and d+ra KTebY aged Ghat the maut~ox sludi cad wig Tay allta=a gad as>r@wts kv`ntl a <br />;aratd. upon sad Ixertotx anal uptxt this natrr[~pe gad the bond xaxtacd therrby Esfc:re than srttae sld1 becvtne dsditiQemt; to fulmh apporad <br />iasttasa orlon the htdldrtes oe end prcttttata mttuataa#itt tJre swag of S i4 , 000 , C1A psyahk to slid w5Sf1(:1iA190N and to deHaer to said <br />-AS40~tA"J'!flM t be pofinca fat. said, itraa~ar; gad. nor. to caramit of pcymit. gay watt on. ox ahota sad.;. <br />to caz a( defadt rn the petforttpaeae afaay~ of file umrsstd axiditiom of thu. rttrsttp~ge: at tYee..irnnd. aa4wrd ~Ixreby, the. atortp~eeshall. <br />oerkmrd. be csnittnl to rams sum Pte'. of tha moxt£~gprd ptemites atd tls nce*ni;+gtt>t IvGa'~sY ;o~ptx: stuuPexa andacts ot(er to. tltF. <br />ttorte~calt tbr, rcnta., rrrenur_~ard tarxxreta br dar:veditam ttte epgeedpremis~~dwing suwfi(vne as the toortg~e mdebtedoeem sha8:iem~m. <br />ano tare rrxwt6a~re rimN tu.e the power to appotataey a~rntnra{gents it clay tkvtrfarths ptu~ptxttt of:saaidtatantseaaed r®tiad <br />the same and cnibctmR tic rrnts, rereaerr amdiammt. atfd it inar~}faV nut at v-w :racggga afl:: axpetnea: of ttpairigstfid Pr6tnY0Y '>tnd noamarY <br />cortnncawwrx acrd czpcrtan !naurrd .a rrntag std ttrmgpasyg tha tame atd sri w{>ecttng rt:atah therefrom;: the b4nm tetusieute ti atty. [n are <br />tpQlicd trwrard the dtsr~tathr of sad rcwrgar4atdeMlteMxx;these rytHtstst t)ir. tawrtgagcc may hr mcetca,~ed. at gay tithe derita~ the t:>:itletite of wth <br />defauh, i>reapcstx r~l anM trrapcaary wince o£ the nme. <br />Thctc t'fer-nts, ix w[rrt, xrc utzrn the t':mdifean,'SYtittt t!ve said lAsx~tgagot spas. rcFnw ssir# knenn na~ 6efiire the rmttntity of sad ahares7iy. <br />payment. pry rnonthty t,: rage ,455(KIAI'tUN of vT,c snmsptxatiod eta tl;re 83undxcnred fxrct;p as intmesf al't1d p[stcipakimsaid lwn, nnar3wfure. <br />tYtr Tweatsth day !>i cub sort rutty munth.:mtiS satd lnau u f ullyrpid: pay ul taica and assetsancnts levinla~iitW 54d pRICtDltei itden this Mori: <br />aathe}kwdva:arcd,re<,clw.het-kaayur,~.y.inrnuhapprtat~od~rss~ew!.n:tact:vtdCmgstta~taraiathemmtaFSlA,600..00 ~nay»bk. <br />!o said ASS[lCfwTlDN, teFay to urrt .~t'a:(X:IATS()N ap!M drtritnd allrocwarv by ~± aaad f<,.- scxis rauyt,.spdWSacnti and'inayranae with tttterErA at <br />:Ic rnax,isutwi icF;<S rice it,~:,cua irvnc !:ar,~. .:i }a y!r v <': ~:,i .+irx:ti ~r iss'.i;' ~~c::~, ±~y; Israz;!. an want oasaett ¢ai'E>itES',d:ec{~ aaA Ctivnply <br />garb atl the ageemeetx gad aAditkxts at the Bernd far i lei c70©, 01)' alas *1ty rfvcn by the nsd Mart: to sairi ASSUCiw776N, and com{dy <br />with aY tare ragaueranrx-, c.(:ht ('unuttuteoar gad tly e!•tad ~SS{1t'IAT30N: then ths>Z prtzats shall I1Genme null and md, othererge they <br />~ ramaatt qt lull Icrr tc xaS. rrrY t,e ituccl:r~i e. aftri,. ,.; ;~. sxKi A-CSOf'twT1CN ter fai}n.e tot thin rraenths to make anynf said.. <br />prynsartr <K bs [twee rnonthc xe. anYats m nrskmc sad nrsaridy payr+rcn:s, ~~>; .,: k~v and cieretpiy wins the s~®ents an!3 cntrditgltt of sad Elorxl; <br />and ~lnripltOr a~rcx~ tv tract a tccttrcr ayparmletf funhw.thin rts^. turcN.a3~_tr, p~!2!'tiinRs. <br />I: [brae is xny chaolpc .n arwonahp et the rrat came mortrptaed Irctrin, by sak ,u o;trr-rwrac, darn thr critNC remainip~ ~ hraeby <br />aaratamd simile. at ahr nphon art Tfse f-:t(tatahle ftmttlirmt and f.xnn wssaceatim; o: (::and Itiand.?`lefrraaka, :zcome ittunediitety !fate amlpiytble withaut <br />furlhm tsotirx, end the amasoat resmmmg due uaitr aid baud, ant[ shy uttan !>ond Cot arty addi.ional •drartaa nwlr thcreundet, >iull, from the <br />date of cltrlae of tied apttom, brat iMt'rdt a[ tltc itatYUnufi kpf calf, gad [hit ream getAr t>sr that be fateclt>sod to satisfy the rtncMae[ due cra and. <br />haad,ard a`y uthu bond £or adder' _, adaaaaxa, tnRettrer with a:l maa pa.d try sand Tt.e E•'gtrtabk and l.wn Aaarreeaatsono( (',raadtfiaod, <br />?Niratki for i1~ae¢, ta>tsrA>.~xtf..aed a6stractm~ettet~in chagpm. untie rnurert thrrmn, from <Lte d pytoeot at the nraiimo <br />lspt rue. <br />,!s peor.-id, ie rLe .Eiool secarcd traatty, wirulc ! Yu retoatppe rcrtcana m cltect t1>e mortRxtoe :try trreafter adraocc additiottil av>mt to the'. <br />mttrtsaf aid [ft~ttd, ~4erc ae•pna aF ntooexntx in iniereD. ,vhich soar sttall be wythin the vrturrty of thra rnartga6e ahe samr a.;u funds r~riRiw$y <br />tsa~ed thsra6y, she. Was) amount r,t prit>epal drht ;;vr. to czottsl at saty titer thr ottyual autrauat. of [~~iarte... <br />C)ttnl ills. 37"CI ~~ ;4~ aF '~y31C'Yt w. G.. 3'9 °2 <br />SrwTF. cx= ~.'>~:IUCwscw. ! ~ t~! t~ 3xv ,lay ~ March - f 9 82 , befa+~ nre, <br />(xaaz+rr t~ ~twLL { <br />ttte uaderat~eed_ytAl+itsrv ~rblkio sad fx md!Corroh'. I'rTY^ruY ~*+ <br />§JYiliarrz f3otvart, si?tyle ,tea. is" p~„atfyk«n.nto <br />eat to h [Jar idtrntttrraf yn~ crate ~e i. ,' xIt-SSe.S to thr ~aGcnsr u:nrttment xx nxwi~yvrt.. read ph? <br />. ~evga~y <br />a'ukaWSbet~el iht.xud e+tMrmatutt is tw f1~s ~+nfwa(xra~arl sal dtcrtL, ~~~~ <br />ra4'INkiv; my lxnJ amt'.Ingagtl SCru !c daae atacsalu., :' ~. <br />r; <br />`. dal altJae ^-~.~, -` % `.>.....~, - . . <br />~s~_:_ i <br />» at J?waMatR Q,: ~~ . ~taty`.ie. <br />