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.. <br />fiEAL STATE PtORTGACE ;~~ "'~- 1} !J E) H <br />:~yie H. Kemp and Shirley Kemp, herein called the mortgagors, <br />in consideration of X8,000,0+3, is hand paid, de hereby mortgage to Alvin <br />L, Kemp and Emma Kemp, as ioint tenaaits and nat as teaan±s in common, herein <br />called the mvrtge~ees, the follo~:.stg real... estate. in :l~y?1 County, Nebraskan <br />...Lot Fifteen (15). in:Bloek ate (il, in <br />Boggy aad Still"s Addition, a:; Addition <br />to the'Gity af'Caand-Island. hall County, <br />NebrasIm. (alsa ~~^;^~. a.s 1808 West 12th <br />Street, C=rand Island.,.-Halt County. Neb^aska ) <br />This; a~ is ,gi~rer. tc secure the payment of the principal <br />sam of $B,OOOL40, awarding to the terms.of a certain prvadssor~ :ote of <br />even date, executed''by the mortgagors to the mortgagees, due the ~~ " day <br />of Iii ...~~_, f:~ ~5.: <br />'^:;e mez~tgagors further agree to mairttair. irstsaatae upor_ ±he <br />above described premiaes in an amount. not less'than'the indeb{uEdness due <br />the mortgagees ~:ith a lass payable clause in favCr of nartgagnrs and ,r.ortgagee' <br />as their inures±s :nap appear. 'Site aiartgagors agree t o day all :..axes and <br />assessments upon said premises and. all other taxes, levir:a <nd asaessnents <br />' levied upon this mortgage and the Hate Erich this mori~ge is given to secu~ <br />before tre same became delizttluent. Itt the event-the aortga~prs shall fail <br />to obtain such insux~~ztce as pay. such takes before delir.~aent,;the mc~rztgagees <br />~Y Ftirchase such inauranee 2*ni_pay such taxes or other liens and ahal3 have ' <br />a lien sec~:red hereby fi'~'^ tha amauats advance+i, <br />in tke event t;Y:e ~aortgagors default' in the payment of said <br />' indebtedness or ry installment thereof, or j'ai1 '-c pe'-POrz~ any of the outer <br />agreenenta herein, the r.:artga,c;es at t?-,exr election nay declare the entire <br />debt sect:red by trt6 mortgage to tie due t;r:d collectible at gnce; and :say <br />foreclose this :~sortgag far ttte satisfaction thereof. <br />The mort~ors i`i.--thes agrea :hat payment hereunder sn3.11 be <br />nw,de to the mcrtgz~-ees 3s joint tenar:ts and in the even± et''either cf said <br />aertE,^d pees, al;. ~ay~+tenis due nereunde~ smell be ,m_s,de to the s:<rv3-ror of them <br />' uho ata<v axecuie ~d deliver a ?eicase `__,..._ whYch shill extinguish one <br />interests of ail mcrt~~ees hereurner. <br />Sigr:ed this ~ day of , '~tj'.=~=~G~L , 1982. <br />t r <br />?4art~agee ~ / t?or`~:,i <br />i~tartC '~I07'tfgagOr <br />1 s. <br />~au~rrr ~ iiALL <br />~efOrE= :ne, a N~~tary P?ib?ic, personally came Lyle B. Ke~Tp, Shirley <br />A. 1Gemp,,;41vin L, %enparNi'Emma Kemp, to see Imct+n to be the idertic;7 ~s~ens <br />xhoe~i~ed *_he ±'oreao3ng instsu[cEnt an3acknoxiedgeci the ?xeceztion thareaf <br />to be their volunta.+-y ac+ drei deed.. <br />t s'itn~as ay hs,^td artc~~.,IicEk2~1.'4 saal on ~ ~ ~ 19,5<^^.. <br />4, ` ~ <br />r 7 r <br />r"~ 'io';as'y F~ttJ.7: <br />f <br />= ~ ; <br />