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<br />~2~°- ~~ua°79~ <br />x. ;n tare event the. ~rroperty, {ar .-rty Fart there!~f, sha?1 be taken by eman:ent <br />do:ain, the Mortgagee is etnpowerec~tc ca'ect andreceive all eompensatio~n which <br />,ray be paid for any property taken cr n1 ddmages to property oat taken, arid Mortgagee' <br />shy i l anol y sii~~h ccKaoensatii7n, at i t~ nation ;. r~i thar t:~ a- red43.Ctipn pf the indefitednesS <br />secured hereby or to repair ar:d r•estcre the property sadamaged. <br />.,. Mortgagee tray, but. shall 'nave no obligation, to do any act which-the Mortgagor <br />has agreed but fails to do, and Mortgagee may also do ariy act it deems necessary to <br />protact the lien hereof. Mori:~~agor agrees to repay, ua^n demand, any surds so expended <br />by the Mortgagee for the stove purposes, and any sums so expended by the Mortgagee <br />shall he added to t`~e indebtedne5s secured Frereby aaC became subject to the lien <br />hereof. Mor±gagee shall not incur. any personal liability because of anything it <br />may do ar CIRit to do hee°e~.~nder. <br />5. lime i the essence hereof, ar,.! upon '~ortgagor's default in any covenant: <br />or agree~+ent or this M'artgage; including covenants. to pay when due the sums seectred <br />by this f~rrgage, the plortgas~ee shall ue entitled, at its sole option and without <br />notice, to declare atl sums secured by this Mortgage to be imatediately due and <br />~dyaLle and :r,3y con~rence farQc.:?asure of this Mortgage by judicial proceedings; <br />and, p!'oVided further,. than lpon suety default the Mortgagee, ar a receiver <br />appointed b}' a court. :~~ay St its option and without regard to the adequacy of the <br />security, enter upon and take possession of the Property and. collect the rents <br />issues and profits thereixram and apply them first to the cast. of caIleetion and <br />operaLiart'of the Properly and then upon the indebtedness secure+i by this Mortgage.; <br />said rsrsts, iss;res=and profits being assicrned to the Mortgagee as further security <br />fray the pSyment of ttre indebtedness Secured hereby. <br />7. Tf all or asst' part of the property s sold or transferred without the express <br />written consent of the fiiortgagee, l+lartcsagor may at '.~ts sole option, declare all sums <br />secured by ttris Mortgage to be immediately due and ;sayable. <br />8. Any forebeara~sce in exercising any right or remedy shal'+ not lie a waiver thereof. <br />9. All resned3es provided herein are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />a.`orded vy lak ar eGuitY,:+ld'r~y be exercised c~ncurrent3y, independently ar <br />Sa~CCe<_sively. <br />I0. The covenants and agr~rnents contained herein shall hind, and ail rights <br />inure try, :.tae r•eslrective successors and assigns of the Piortgagar and the Mortgagee. <br />31. X13 covenants and, agreements of the ?,3artgagor and the Mortgagee are joint <br />Sad: several. <br />i~. rigor aay~mesat of a~"1 scams secured by this ?^~rtgage, Mortgagee shall discharge <br />this ~ortgaue ar:d shall ex;zte anct deliver a satisfactory release therefor. <br />iN 1I"~r5 ~ts:.R;gF, art^,agor• has exteute~i this "lortg,:ge. on the __~ clay. <br />o' .., as='r_ ITT <br />r'~ 3ezr~ aita~xers~ki <br />ST~'E 4F "ftBR~4S~:A, 1{al<1 Gunty 5= <br />~n tFtis ins day of reh _,.~.~,, l' 'Z before me, the undersrlned, a !iotary <br />?lab?ic duly.C~r^wiss~aned and. qualified for sai^ county, personally car,~e <br />--___._. .,~..._~..._._._~__._..___~__> to rye known to oe the identical <br />arsons whose 7fames are subscrid to theftaregang instrument and acknowledged the <br />exeru: ion zherec?s to'~.__ r_rei; w°vlurtta+-y act and; deed.. yt <br />~~ t:{07R:~• <br />¢ ~.. ~'" , 0-~rt`~y~ltfMi °1G' art' ; <br />L. ~s ~ " <br />~.. -4 <br />~~; - <br />~, r.. <br />t~~ <br />;; <br />