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~2--~~~t?7 < <br />M0R1'GAi'E <br />.~.~-------------_---_-_-_==--MORTGAGE LOAN NO.-L_2~Q23, <br />ICNOwALLMENBYTHFSEpRESENTS~That Bernard Klein and Patricia Klein, husband and wife; <br />Rt~L-ert Klein, single; and Uar~nar Klein, single; <br />Mortgagor, whetter one or more, in consideration of the sum of <br />~Ih1r~3L=:~QtI~TYi.4Ll;z~tc1-s~lld_ ~L1Q_Q-"~- _._._._.. ___'_'.. '--_°~~_~_v .~-0 --- DOLLARS <br />loaned to said mortgagee by The i~:quitable Banding and t.oan Association of grand Island, Nehra.Jca, Mortgagee, apart 3 40 shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Cer[ifidie Nn. L 24,023 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in Hall t:uunty, Nebraska <br />Lot Four (4), in Block Sixteen (16), in College Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, i+iebraska. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditamenis and appurtenances tiereuru> hhrngin.F„ including attached flour coverings, all window screens, <br />window slwdes, blinds, storm wmdvws, awnings, heating, z+r umditiuning,and piumbL-tg and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />refrigerarors, artd other fixtures and rquiameni now nr brreaftet atzaclred to yr turd m connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has ~ag€eed and does hereby agree that the ervrtgagor shall and wfll pay all taxes and assessments levied ar <br />assessed uprrn said premises :u!d upon this :mirrgagc and the bond secured thereby before the came shag become delinquent; to fu: Wish approved <br />insurance apart the buildings. un said prernixs sYtuatcd in the sent at Sj4, 000.00 payable tv said ASSQCIATION and to deriver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and nor tv comma nr permit any waste on about said premises; <br />1n cese of default in zhe prrfornttutce of any of tht terms and conditions uF this mortgage vc the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession uY the mortgaged premixs snd the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />martgagee ail tiu: rents, revenues arsd income to be denvi;d from the rnorlgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the rswrtgagee shall have the power tv appoim any agem ur agents it srtry denier for rdre purpose et repairing said prensius and renting <br />the sattn and evltecting ihr rents, revenues and income, and it rrtav pey ont of said income uU cspeas~cs of repairing said premises and necessary <br />commissions and rXpCRSCS .nC,SirfL'd In Leitl3nK aP.G' tlattaging ihL 5anie end Uf CUllrclntg fental5 iheretxum; the balance remaining, ii any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of slid mortgage indebtedness; these fights of the rttuztga,gec may be exercised aC any time during the existence of such <br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same. <br />These prrsYnts, itvwevrr, are upon Che Condition, 9'hat tf the said Mortgagor shall repay raid loran on or before the mahirity of said shares by <br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSCCIATION of the cunt specified in the Bend secured hereby as interest and princtipal on said roan, on or before <br />the Twentieth d?y of esch and every mortih. until said hr'an is fully paid; pay alI tears aril assessments levied against said premises and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, feiixe ueiinquency. furmsir approved insurance upon [he buildings thereon is the sum of $ jQ r 000 , 00 payable <br />Yo said ASS0CIATIOPt; repay to said ASSOe.tATiON upon demand aA money by it paid Tor such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />iite maximum legal ea Irereun it n+ u:,~e ~f payrrsrt a..„ ..hicir 2vivi igagor hereby agrees to pop'; perm: r uu wash vn said premises;xeep and comply <br />with aft the agreements and conditions of rite Bond fur 5 j4 r 000, 00 this day given by the sad Mortgagor to slid ASSOC:iATION, and. comnly <br />with ail the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws of said .ASStX'IATION; then these presents shall become null and wid, otherwise they <br />shalt remain in tut! force snd may tx foredoxd at the option of the said ASStx'l A"r1ON ai ter failure fur three months tv make any of said <br />payments or be three months in arrears in making said ntanthfy payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to }rave a receiver appvirtcd forthwith in suc#t foreclosure pmceedi.:gs. <br />If there is any change in awnrnhip of the rest estate mvrigaged-herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />sex;.ured shall, aC the option of The igtCitable Building and Lean Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, beevme immediaiety due and payable without <br />further notice, and. the utxrunt rerziainhtg doe under said bond, and any other bond. for any additional advances made thereunder, shall, from the <br />date of exercise of said opiiun, bear interest a[ the maximum legal rate, sad this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said <br />bond, snd nay ocher bond for additional adrnnas, together with all sates paid by said The Egtrirable Building and Laarz Associatiunof Grand Island, <br />Nebraska for inswance, taxes and assessrnrnts, and abstracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum <br />legal rate. <br />As provided in the Bvnd secured hereby, while this mortgage remains in effect the rtcrrtgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to [he <br />makeriaf said i3ond, their assigtu yr successvn is interest, which sums shaft be within the security of this murigage the same as the funds odginaBy <br />ser:urrd thereby, the total anratnit of Ixrmcipal debt nut to exceed at any time fhe original amount of this rnartgage. <br />I}ated tdris 1St pa>I~rt Mardi ,a. D . i) g2 <br />n /~ >~r K` ,~n -- -- `. ~ T~'2Tiiar~~lelit <br />pct v„ ~~ <br />K1PSt1 f~~a.~1 1a _ ...L*1 <br />STA'fti Oh NtBR,A.SiCA., t. ss. t)ai ibis fa Gf c ~ <br />COUN'rt" OF €EAI.t. Z) 1St t Y t„~r~h 1l $L , betU[e ma, <br />the undersigned, a Ncaarv I'ubGc in and Coe said Cotutty, pexsvtCaUy t~rnr <br />~rj4tlr~r K3..t'1Z1, S.iSR3der who 1S ~ }retsvrrwily known h> <br />mr ru (tr t;te ;drrsiicsf pcrs;.x» w!tusc: natter iS atlxe+l tct Lhc above itvu3usrcrti~ts mortgagor ars6 a}~ie IDe3t9t3Qyt <br />ae3c•,r«cwledgeil tta; ccid iastrutru:tsi tee be i".er voirmtar. act nerd deed.. <br />4~1'T ^d~~S ms' kaarld need Nc t rzai Scat Ehc :late a€utexaiQ r,,,~...-~, .~~ j ,~ <br />k}' t'rrrnrrsi~sr, expires. _ .. _ ~ ., ~; ~-..-~_ <br />w. <br />~.a <br />wYtK`,~All xR3 u~ .. - '` ":1iV I' ~ <br />t ri' y - i <br />t~ . <br />