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<br />PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES' DEED <br />KNOW ALL i~.EN BY THESE PRESENTS: drat JAMES J. GOETTSCHE and <br />Sf-fARON S. GOETTSCHF., as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate <br />of George A. Franz, Deceased, Grantors, pursuant to authority <br />granted them b`,~ the hill of the deceased, in consideration of TWO <br />HL`1VDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAr1D SIX HU?dDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS <br />0225,600.00) is hand paid to them by the Grantees, hereby grant, <br />convey and confirm unto NOP,MAN C. HADENFELDT and NORt+fAN R. <br />HADENFELDT, as tenants in common, Grantees, the fellowing- <br />described premises, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wife <br />The North half of the Southwest Quarter <br />{N~;Si;(-;) and the South Hai_* cf the Northwest <br />Quarter (S~'iW;} of Section Seventeen {17), <br />Township Twelve {12) North, Range Eleven iii) <br />West cf the 6th P.Iwi. , Hall ~'cunty, Nebraska, <br />together with ail tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances <br />thereunto belonging, and all the estate, right, title, interest, <br />claim or demand whatsoever of the said Estate of George A. Kranz, <br />Deceased, ir. and tc the same, or a.ny part thereof, subject only <br />to easements, reservations, covenants and restrictions of record; <br />TO HP.VE AND TO HOLD tine above-described premises unto the <br />said Grantees, and to their heirs and assigns forever; and the <br />Grantors hereby cover ant, that the premises are free and clear of <br />any lien or encumbrance caused b~~~ any claim for taxes levied <br />against the Estate of George A. Kranz, Deceased; and that <br />Grantors have legal power and la~•7fu1 authority to convey the same <br />and they do hereb~~ warrant that they will defend the title to <br />said premises against the Lawful ciairas of ail persons <br />whomsoever. <br />IN WITNESS 47HEREOF, Jar:es :,. Goettsche and Sharon S. Goettsche, <br />as Co-Personal Representatives of thr~~ Estate of George A. Kranz, <br />Deceased, :lave caused these presents to be er:ecuted this _ ,' "~ <br />day of ,-;! ,;; ~,,. ~. ,, 19~~. <br />STATEMENT ATTACHcB <br />~ NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY. ~ <br />+ STAtviF TAX j <br />F : 'J _ t 7 <br />vvl7 ..~! <br />~ BY <br />STATE OF NEBR.~SKA ) <br />) SS: <br />COI;NTY OF HALL ) <br />ESTA".E OF GEORGE A. Y.RANZ, Deceased <br />r <br />i" -,~- <br />dames J: Goet_ che, <br />'Co-Personal. Representati~ae <br />Shatoi~ S. Goettsche, <br />Co-Persorai Representative <br />On this ~ ~~ day of ::.c°- ~ 15~.`.. before me, a <br />Notary Public in and for said County, personally apgeared James J, <br />~oeLZSChe Cilld w~iGlrvn uoettscne, (.~~-PeYsnnal R{ DYa_,PY•_Y'a F i VPC -.~f <br />the 'Estate of George A. Kranz, Deceased, to ale known to be the <br />• identical. persons who signed the oregoirg instrument, and <br />aclcnowiedged the same tc be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Ifs "r:ITNES'S S+IHEREOF', i have hereunto set. ray hand a:td 1,ffici~al. <br />seal the day as-ld year last above writt:er<. <br />_..._._ _.___.___ T.-__._... <br />LfHzRa. siCt'aS`Cµ Star aF Fiat rake ~ ,,1 --.-_ ~ --..,~..~_-._~__~__ __.._._._.... <br />..otary azs.c <br />aw.€c,~ ~. t~-nt <br />