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~ ~ } 52-A-R£:Al. ESTATE Mt9RTGAG;Z-(With Tax Clause) (Revised 1962) 'i'be rt+urm~„ General sunMY ttou.o, L'mcotn, Nebr. <br />KNOW ALL 'C1EN BY THESE FRP:SEN'tS: That I?arlan i:. Spser 3t)d Carole .'u. T.,eeA <br />of Iall County, and State of ?{ ebra 5l{3 in consideration o[ the sum of <br />Fitre tYaausand ii~fe hundred and OG/100, (.#;7, 50G.00 ~ D()Lf,ARS <br />in hand said, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto <br />~ lle~mar i.. carrells and TM7ona k. Garretts <br />of riall County, State of NebraeKa the fallowing described premises situated <br />is Hall County, and State of iy 21]r3 S'r.3 , to-wit: <br />~~1t 'TI:.i~; .L~'z^~J"_'EiI?L(~SYI Ci~l "r; dreL.t' (Z'2) ~rJ; i~' SOT r~'iiti.".~' t, 3) ,I <br />v~ ~IJV I~-S. ~I1.~. tt1S JL^~V.~irV (~'~). l7 Si.i l:1Ak cii~ ~~(.'4f~`i, iV ~i ','i <br />'~ ~'1 ry .i ~ f I'~ <br />~• ,1 ~1i vLmV OF (: ilrilu i} I:JLFifY.i), i'J I:L'I'~l:Ji1 <br />vl <br />1 <br />^~ <br />r\~~'q~ <br />W <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple. including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />T(:) HAVE AND 'ff) HOLD the premises above described. with all the appurtenances !hereunto belonging, unto the said <br />mortgagee (sl and io his, her or their heirs and .~+-osigns forever. provided always, and these presents are upon the express <br />cundttion Thai if tt+e said morigagor(sl, his- her nr their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shah pay or Muse to he <br />paid to the stud murtgagee(sj. his, her or their heirs. executors, administrators or assigns, the prinmpal sixm of S ~ r ~CsG ~ GG <br />payable as fo3.lous, io wiU <br />Four (¢) annual installments_n she amount cf .;c61. j2 which <br />S~lal_i inCludB interest ? v ~'e ~._Le O 1C'7^~. '~'!B .tits ].nS ~~ 1 v~len <br />S'riall ~J8 due a^.d payaole i°.3rC11 1 , 1 U`G`H'. r'_'hL' GOi,Bi ~F1:!C1p18 i3~0un <br />along with interes ~ sha=1 be due aria payable 'ir':~,rch ', , 1 Go? . <br />with interest according to the tenor and effect r,f the rnurtgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these presents <br />and shah pay ail taxes and a ussmm is iewed upon said real estate, and all other faxes, levies and assessments 1_vied upon this <br />mortgage or tlae n. tte w}=ich this mort;,,age is given to aecu re, before iJ~c carne becomes rielinquer. t, and keep fhe buildings an <br />said ;:remises u-v~: r~•? for the sr_m f S ~Q }7~(l,i_ Q toss, if any, payairle to t:he said mortgagee. ttcen these gresonts - <br />Lo be void, otherwise to be and remain m full force. <br />IT 15 FL%R'I'HliR AGREED t i } 't'hat if the said mnrtga got shall fail to pay such taxu.: or procure such insurance, the <br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and pmcure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, wilh interest at 1<„'~ per <br />cent, shall fxr rel~iaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shah stand as security for the same. (2) 'T'hat. a failure to pay any <br />of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a fai7urc to comply with any of ±he foregouig <br />agreements, shall cause the whole corn of money herein secured W become due and collectible at once at the option of the- <br />mortgagee. <br />Signed this 1 S'1; day of iiarC}1 t9~h ~~,,~_ / <br />In presence of -i.W.?.LLf.~!... ._...:: ..._. _ _.._.._... <br />`~•~_~._S. ... _______ <br />~ 5Ta'rE oF.,..,. ~?~'~~S~x ., , _, <br />.... ._ _. _ ............. County of. 1.iS..uL _.. <br />Before me, a notary pubh qualified for said County, pervonally came ~~l1~t INT~/e-~~t <br />i Harlan G-. SDee an!3 arn:i a :,,o_o_r_• i A Jp{8.8'1F~1ffR~ <br />known Yu me to he the..identical. person or persons wY.o signed the foregoing i~:~AMa~ ~executioaa <br />~. thereof to be his;, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />~i'itness my hand and notarial seal oa ........ iv i~''>•r L'.. 1. ,. _..1 1.~:. ~.~ . <br />~. ;ViY conunission expires:... _...UCtO ~t?'t' GS.._.._, t9.~~.. ..... ~""w,.. <br />,Y'~'"'-~. "+~/.. ....... _. .... _?Voiary Fublic. <br />i <br />STATE t?F..._..._............_....._......._............___.__._..? ~' Entered on numerical index :md flied fox record <br />County .. ; ss. 7 in the Regixter of Deeds f)f?ice of said C,c,unlY tho <br />........... .day o _._._ .___.. -._... 19 _._...-, at. _....__ _._.o'docl: rind.. _.. _._. .... mimttes ... _.__.. .M., I, <br />and zecurded in Fkwk.. _........_ _...___. ... of_... ._ ... __. _. aL pa; e... _....._ '.,. <br />} <br />.. .Reg. c>L Deerfs <br />BY- 13eputy <br />