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7035-SU RYIV6RSMP WARRAk TY DEEQ (Revi®ed 7961) The Anttmpan (3«n«rn1 supplyht4royusre, ~.incoen, Nehr. ' <br />KNCtW <\LL ME~I E3Y TFIESE PFtEC E\TS, That O `~} a"'" l~ ~J p,:f A Y) t$ <br />i 1~ELr4~~R L. GARRLLTS Arai; i~l0rlr~ ~. Gi1REELTS husband and wife and the spouse <br />~~af each other <br />herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br />in consideration of Twenty eight thousand and OQf1~0. (x28,000.00) <br />receit•ed from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and conYirm unto <br />tARLf1?if Ga SPEr~R Il>'uJ C_~ROLE L. `uPF:ER husband ar.d wine and the spouse of <br />~ach other <br />as joint tenants with right of surcicos~;hip, and nr as tenants in common, the following described real property itx <br />HaZ'1 Cauntc, ai e pre ~'Fia ~ ' <br />T1E EACTLRLY LPvr, riLu" (~2) v' LGT TEREE (3) , BLCCK <br />TitiIRTY Si;V:li` (37), iRlui?+r'.'~. Tvl:d, YO',~ 'Tii~ CITY OF <br />GF.ArD ISLAii u, 1~~:~itr.;iA_~ . <br />To base and to hold tite xboce described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and apgttr- <br />tenances them-to belon~iug unfu the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of ' <br />them forever. <br />end grantor does hereby covenant with th+. ur~intees and Leith their assigns and with the heirs and assigns i <br />of the survivor of them t}tat grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free From encumbrance <br />except any easements or restrictions of record. <br />that grantor has good right. and lawful authority to eoncc}- the same: and that grantor warrants and will defend ! ', <br />? the title to said premises agavist rile lawful claims of all persons whomsoever- <br />lt is the intention of all parties }teretr~ that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />? fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee. <br />Dated i'flarCh 1 , 1982 /!, <br />STA'CE t~F....ic.v~~rliKts....... ,County oF... c3,,".„T, ............. <br />Before me, a notary public ctualiFied for ,aid county, personally came <br />ilelmar Z. Garrelts and ,Mona A. Garrelts <br />known to me to be the identical Berson or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and ackno;vledged the ' <br />execution thereat to_be his, her or their volunuu•y set and deed. <br />,i R'itness my hand and notarial seal on..... #{t°i?~.z'Cl:. 1. .. ......... „~....., 19.8.2... <br />` iNMtM~Mt-~~uYMYWr 1, <br />JIIIQ W`~~.+3(. a.t:~+ ~-:~-~...;.~,__........ `.cta ~- z, bliy' <br />/ .... <br />., afy c mission expires. .UC1,:0~7Er ?~ .............: 19~?~... <br />~T3TE QF:: ... ...... ......... <br />ss. <br />County ..... ... ...................~ <br />watered on numerical. index and Filed For record in the Register of Deeds QFfiee of said County the; ' <br /> oF ......................19......,at...........a'clock and......-....minutes ...........3f„ <br />and recorded in Bonk ....................o€............,.......atpage................. <br />... <br />..... <br />ltt~~. ~f 13eede <br />L <br />