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DEED ®F TR~LJ5T <br />.$i2 --~j t~ 0 `7e Q <br />26th February <br />THIS D££D OF TRUST is made this of ......................... . <br />I9, a2„ among tfie Trustor,..... ,Robert, Lee, Connolly,, a ,single, P.e~'S4n ....................... . <br />..........................................(herein'Borrower"}.................................. <br />,Lawyer' $, Title Insurance Corporation ... . . ..... . . ..... {herein "Trustee"}, and the Beneficiary. <br />,Superior. Mortgage,, Inc., , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , „ _ . , , . , ........, a corporation organized and <br />existing under the laws ot..... Nebraska, , ,,,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, whose address is..?121, N., ,Webb; Rd. <br />Suits 206 P.O.BOx 166,,,,, Grand. Island,,NE . ..................(herein"Lender"}, <br />........................ <br />BottttoweR, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevocably grunts <br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of <br />....Hall ................................State of Nebraska: <br />The Southerly One-Half (S'~) of Lot Four {4), in Block one Hundred Thirty- <br />Three d133), in Dnion Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition to the. <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />which has the address of......... 8.15.NOrth. Oa3; ........................... Grdrid.Is]-?P.4...... <br />(Streetl fe~tvl <br />;NglaX~;„ka ..b88A1....... (herein "Property Address"); <br />CState antl Z±p Code} <br />TbGETriER with ali the improvements now or hereatter erected on the property, and all casements. right,. <br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply such <br />rents). royalties; mineral; oitand gas rights and profits, waier, water rights, and water stock, and all fiswres now ar <br />hereafter attached to the property, afl of which, including reirlacernents and additions thereto, shall be dcentod ro be <br />and remain a part of the property co~sred by this Decd of Trust; and alY of the foregoing, together with ,aid prapcrty <br />(prthc leasehold estate if this Deed of Trust is an a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Propertyy"; <br />Ta Sscuxt; to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced 'by Borrower's note dated .February, . <br />. ,?Sf, ,iyift . {herein ``Note"), in the principal sum ot..~`3h~c2n.%i~vusanCi.diicl, ;G~'i~vti55-~..-----. <br />-°~- "'°-°-'°"'-"-""........Dollars, with inicrest thereon, pro~'iding fer monthly htsiarllments <br />.. ...:: . .... .. <br />o€ prmcip:tl an¢ interest, with. the balance of the Indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on ....... . <br />. :March, l,. , .2012 .. , , , , , . . _ , , ,; the payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, adsance.i <br />in accordant' herewith to protect the security at this Decd of Trust: and the pcrformancc of the covrnants and <br />agretrttents of borrower herein contained; and (b} the repayment of anti future advance., with interrsi thereon, mode <br />Eo Bo;ruwcr by Gender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein "Future Aclvuncus'"t. <br />Borrower covtna<ntsalrat $orrowcr is law€ully seised cf tlrc estate htrtby convey~~i and hu the right tt~ grunt arrd <br />cep+ry the Pro{xrtp, that the Prdp~rty is useneuaxbc~red, stud t:raz $prrowcr will tvarrsr.t and ~defen t ecneraif} ;hc <br />tine ro the Property agatcr5t altcfaims and dcnaaads, subicCt iv wn}' dec3nrati<~ns. cau.t.nC+ rcntriut n. 1it,d ~n ;r <br />r.c- c~uh ,~5 axscptiotts~ W ctiveragc in tan}~ tide insurau¢e policy ucuring Lcndcr's i~,terest itt rite Pro,~rty <br />N~BRAS%~ _ ~ ~ G s,n,;t, ~ r~. _rtaetttt+tttac utaisa~'rt trtsrr<u~teat <br />