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<br />2J-m/cRRANTY' USED Falcon & Wotf Company, lincoin, Nebr. <br />WARRANTY DEED ~' ~u ll Q `~ ~ t <br />Gary ~, Lunn and :Cathie L, Lu1~n, 'ri s wife, <br />,herein called the grantor whether ane or more, <br />in consideration of :::utual exChar:~e. of prote:^ty <br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />Gerald D. Luhn <br />herein called the grantee whether one or :pare, the fallowing 3escribed real property in <br />*~ ~ - <br />~:~-= ............... County, Nebraska: <br />;$y fl?1e-half interest in i,hE' i'<ert'_z _alf o' ~?.e ;fluth.vest quarter l?~z~',V4~ <br />n,,r <br />of Sectior_ 12, '~'o~ans'~ip .2 .,flrt.~, ..~rrr^e ':?, ':'Ies~ of !;tie ,.th F.~., <br />T_~,,_~;-~ ;;~ ~aCr~t~ <br />`_ <br />N 3RASKA v~JCUMENTARY. <br />STfi~MP TnX <br />r,n~ <br />[3Y <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together wiih all tenements, hereditaments <br />and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns <br />that grantor is lawfully seised o£ said premises; that they aze free from encumbrance <br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will <br />defend the title to said premises a/gainst the lawful claims of all pereone whomsoever. <br />Dated ~~e .xbv'- ~t1Qx,~~ ~~ 19','2. <br />~~ <br />,C./ J~,.~-~ <br />-,. / ~~ <br />~__~e _~, ~ur_ri <br />STATE GF NEBItAS1iA, County of ............. t'~a~`` <br />Before me, a notary public qua'tifsed for said e~u,;ty, pcrsoiiaiiy cacae <br />Gary ~. L:UZ72? aI1::i i~cttl'_?e L. ttl: ??, 1215 'id1IE', <br />known to :ne to be the idcntic;il'grr:,g3`iir.p~rsonw who sig;zed the foregoing instrument and aeka~rvied#;ed <br />the exeeutioa thereof to be h?~:,_1rZx,:ox,titir,vQhrntarc ac! and decd. <br />Witness my hang 3~d nota~a2~~ a on ..~ ~-.~;.. _ `r . .. " y+. <br />H ti ., <br />.~„y l7o UFQSa.'+,~'i0ln esp~r6& _- .: t ,.. i <br />