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<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Fo2M rta zoo (eev. 1 ~) <br />! Rodney W. Bruntz, a single person <br />4 <br />„F.te <br />February 26, 1982 <br />Mortgagors, <br />Adams Nebraska <br />of_ Cer:aty. _ Sn cans SderatSCn of <br />the advance of the Principal sum recSt~,d in .,he note hereinafter :escr!',ed, receipt of which is acknowledged, hereby <br />mortgage and Canvey to <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK DF OMAHA, a Corporation, <br />of Omaha, Douglasfounty, Nebraska, whose address <br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, <br />O <br />Z, <br />1 <br />0 <br />A3 <br />iL <br />Mortgagee (sub,~ect to oil, gas, and mineral rights awned by ;:'=.rries other .han Mortgagors: exlstieg easements o: <br />record; .reservations Se ilniLed States and Ste.ce uar encs; a.... tt:e :~!cTas of the public in ail highways;, r.he*ollcsving- <br />descrlbed real estate ir: Hall ~;,,,lt~,„_;, Nebraska <br />SEC. TWP. R6. <br />E~NFir;-- ------------------- ---- -----27 9N 10 W 6tt1 P.M <br />~ <br /> N era <br />A ~ <br /> < <br />' Y - <br />~ V <br />G <br /> , ~ 1 ts: <br /> <br /> a <br /> ! ~ ~ <br /> 2 <br />tt LL ~ ~ <br /> ~ cf4 o h w <br /> <br /> V'~ <br /> <br /> r o ev <br /> env ac <br />containing 80 _ rre mor : ge .Mier wl4! al' of the ghr tit e - s* <br />;haw owned or hereof ter =cyuired) c -.r. rtv ,~ ;r: : ,rc1 ry, ~~irluding atl bui'dings, ,.pro v._. _r ._.. ,r, s, <br />or appurtenance, thare:,r or hereof _aced ~,rcrecn ;~ °1'. wa-. r Sr^': gr -.lo:;, and ].^ainage ~igrits, h. enF, ..^.;s, <br />hered'.~: eats, and app~art_nan...s tL_re . r. LS, sues, end proflis arising : om said lairds; chi (±f <br />the ~ortgagors~ •Sgh is in the publ. om~-ir, a.~e raG,.,: red by ~pagee .or.°.,ur!t}' (?arpa~es) ~ .eases. pe^n:. ~.,, <br />.icons's. ;r pr+vi loges, appurtenance ., .gip E~t.: ..en ari. aid ^ort^sageU [;remises, new cr here ~i per i' ued, ..t..ed, <br />renewed to the Mortgagnrs by the Jni red a,._t.~ c. _ne -.ate '~h rrhi ct: .he above dascrlb r property ._~. ~ .,. <br />jury depar t^:e;:t. hurasu, or agen^Y thereof. <br />This snortrage ,., ~,!ven co secure r, promissory note of even date herewirh, executed by Ytortgegors co Hart,gagea, to - <br />tne principal sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTE N THOUSAND SIX I INDRFD AND N()/lC)N - - - - - -t;~;,i,pps, ' <br />payable with interes', according to the terms of said .o te, the "anal paymer, `_ belr~ d:,re one ayab L on 'he ;. t -.-.y _ <br />of .Tanllal'y, 2002 ?7as convey::nce steal: tie .•o_d upa^ the r{yment ~. :al: ,.r~~ ssr. t} note. <br />j <br />Th1s mar*.gage Ss subject to the provl lions eP TEE FABM CRELI? ACT and a acts ~:r^.endatory thereof or supp le:eantai <br />thereto. The proceeds cf the loan. secured hareby will be --1sed [^^ the purposes specl7'SSd Sn the 'lortgagors• sp~i1- <br />cation Por said loan and authorized by Bald Act. i <br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, heraby warrant that they re Pee owners of the mortgaged r=a1 property; char. they <br />will defend the title against ail claimants whomsoever, and that said property Ss ?roe from a enc~~nbranres: that <br />they will keep ail the improvements, rlxtures, and occupied and !n good repair -a.*:d p2rmi t. ac ac's ~, <br />waste; and they will reiin4ulsh all rights of homestead Sn sa!d premises, and cavenar,t and agree ~,,.th t-'~e Hors,.; ~ , <br />as follows: <br />il) That they will pay when due all taxes, Hens, ,udgments, d° assessments which may be :awfully assessed against ' <br />the property herein mortgaged. , <br />(2) That they will insure and keep insured buSidlr:gs or other Lnprovements now on or which may hereafter be placed <br />an sold pr=_mises to the satisfaction of the Mortgagee, sacs Insurance policy sha>1 be endarsad with a mortgage c'. ruse <br />with Lhe lass thereunder to be payable t the Mcr tgagee. Ary sums received ray De used ra pa_y .*or raconstruct!cn <br />of the destroyed improvements; or, nat^ ac applied., Tay, one option a the Mortgagee, bs appi Sed 'n payment c_ <br />' cC <br />any Sndebted_ness, matured or unmstured, secured Uy ~_.,., morrgac;e. <br />(3p To pay all rents, tees, charges now :!ue or to oecome due un:ier the tern:w - lease, ermlt, l1c=nee <br />arlvl loge oa Cho public domain which +.° appurtenant a ^appurten: nt the ~nurtgagea ;;re,~lses, rvhi,h ! '~eea <br />~o <br />~~~d e86ended: or renewed by the United States or the state in whtoh trio above-Gese;~Ibed 1~~ruperty Ss located: end <br />to~per'torm and ohserve every act, ouverata, cnrditicn, and stlpu_.a,on rece5sary to Keay <br />s aadlps; and to take ave:^,~ necessary etep to secure the reissue, reae:ri, er extens tor, of ea nV e:' .he . a:re ;~ r ~'o <br />assign.wal-re. pledge. ar endorse to the Mortgagee coon -ea:e. permit, li~ensr, --: v1lea. :f Mu _,;;r:;~ ... <br />ir. public da:aain u.e re9u'.red by FMartgagee for securiCy Uurpeses. <br />(a) That in the event the sortgagee ~ var , >:t .iti zstlon a'fe^t'ng tha securl ry _,. .,rt- <br />gage, including anY suit by the Pro >,egae~r.o o.c...: ae this martgaga Gr any suit 'n which '..r_ M c <br />party defendan'. in which it 1s ob'_S gated :~ rotact ^Luhts Iten .g ,v. ' <br />;:[cooed ins, the Mortgagee may `nccr erpe;:. is Dal' gent ..,r -.o.. t. _c.~~fe_.,, er. . ... <br />eaten` ^rahlbited b}° law), !;oats, exPenaes, 4 d tGhe- ^;zas. , <br />,~ _ ~. -.. <br />.not in tht event Lhe Mar Lga3c. °sI' c. 1,_ weer ce m;.rr -'xea .. _ , ,. <br />_.., .F,: rA .n..,.vanne as here labe'c,re ,,,,:e-.. ~, ,~! :a,> - ;„~ -' ~. ..~:_ _ <br />sense, '!v-l';,re; i,. r a3c[. :!: e,i ~xp. _.. ~. . _ <br />. :.. - ~.. <br />' , <br />,!:Jf':-!...a. _t. ty. -... .ta;~: ,G v, :i:t ._..W . .. ... .... :..t .. <br />