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., , <br />~) ~~ <br />i <br />I <br />i <br />i <br />I <br />~' ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lufiman anG Feilon R Wolf Walton Ne tis461 <br />Lt.Fu~le r ~iJ.[`.f.`,ai~ 1 ~ iY1~.Lt 3. ~L'1LAJ:~ <br />L`fiVit C. LAU"i'ENSCHLAGr:R and ulll'rl; r~. LAUTc:NSCHLAGcK, husband and <br />wife, as T4nants itt l::ommon -------herein called the mortgagor whether one or more, <br />iu consideration o€ Two Hundred i:i;hteer. 'thousand and no/1UG i:~21.ti,UUU.UO)--- <br />received from mortgagee, does mortgage to t;LV~aRA HILSABh;C,K ;SIC ~E\iJA, the following <br />described real property, to-~.ait. <br />The Southwest 4uarter of the Northeast quarter +. SW4itii~,) and the <br />Southeast l~uarter tS~Zl, all in Section r'our (47, Townshio Vine North <br />i 97 , Range Ten (107 , West of the 6th P.,~l. , in !-fall iour.ty~, i4ebraska. <br />Furchaser agrees to not sell, convey, or otherwise transfer the property severally <br />or jointly, without written permission and notice from *he seller; and purchaser agrees <br />to acceleration of the note, waiver of notice, and attorney's fees for violation of thi <br />provision. <br />~1nd the mortgagor does hereby covenant with the mortgagee and with mortgagee's heirs and <br />assigns that mortgagor is lawfully seised of said premises, that they are free from enenmbrance, that <br />mortgagor has good right and lawfiil authority to convey the same, and that :mortgagor warrants and <br />will defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />This mortgage is giceu to secure the payruent rf the promissory note of this date made by <br />mortgagor €or y 2i8,000.OU payable as follows: ~11,UGU payable March 1, <br />1983, $li,UUO payable °~farch 1, 19t3!~., ;iits,UUU payable each i~Sarch 1st <br />beginning March 1, 19i;5 and thru and includin; March 1, 1991, with <br />a final payment of :a70,UU0 due March 1, 1992, together faith interest <br />aC the rate of ten percent ~1U`r) per annum. <br />Mortgagor .haft pay all taxes and assessments iel led upon said real property and all other lases <br />levied on this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is giveu to secure before the same become delin- <br />gtsent and shall taintain fire, windstorm and extendrri "overage insnrance with a mortgage cianse on <br />the buildings an said premises in the snm of :} 3tt,050, UO If mortgagor fails to pay such taxes <br />and assessments ar procure such insurance, mortgagee ma} pal such tares and purcha.,e such insurance <br />and the amount so advanced with interest at i2 t~ercent l,er annum ,hall be sernred k>c this rnortgage. <br />Tn case of default ir. the payment of the prtnc,pal sum or an}• installment thereof or of any interest <br />thereon when the same shall become due or in cave of the non-paynu~nt of an7 taxes or assessments or of <br />the failure to maintain insnrance as herein provided, mortgagee stay at the option of nu,rtSagee. with- <br />out notice, at any time during the continuance of such default rr breach, declare the :thole debt secured <br />by this mortgar;e to be immediately due and ;payable and mar foreclose this morlRage- <br />In the event of default in the per€orrnauae of nor ~~f the germs and conditions of this mortgage or <br />the note secured by it, the mortgagee :hall he entitled t~ invueiliat,- pnsu•ssiou of the property above de- <br />scribed and all the rents, revemre and ineame derived rhr~r~•*.'rum ~luria~g sue9~ ri;ne as the mortgage lo- <br />debteduew remains unpaid shall be applied by the roort;Tagee to the payment of the note and all other <br />suns secured hereby after deduction of any necessary costs of eollectinu. <br />hated /?~gYGf'! ~j I9 ~~ <br />.C~ <br />; <br />' ............... <br />` <br />~~~ <br />r <br />Y <br />. <br />Lyntl (,. Lautenschlag~ <br />... Juuitn <br />A. Lautenschlager <br />STRTE OF NEBRRSKR, County of _!.~%--''-~ <br />7~ . <br /> <br />~ i ~~ <br />The foregoing instrument was ackncwledged be#ore me :~'~= <br /> <br /> <br />9 ~ -~'~> <br />by Lynn 5 Lautenscl-tla er and udith z~. Lautenschlager, <br />_....- -... <br />_._. ._ - - husband 1 <br /> <br />am <br />wife <br />r' <br />r <br />iL41pGtY0GK-iltgtAN~Msdu -.. ~; <br />S <br />aenaanld 3~~~ <br />ignatu e of P rson Taktr_ Ack <br />~.E~i Wd10.tYi2 <br />-~tt r~ovr~~dgm. ,,. <br />. <br />Tale- <br />STd'fl:; ilb' NF113RAS}i~, County of ............._............_...........................: <br />T+ilad for retard and entered in Numerical Index on <br />................................................................ at ................ o'clock .._............. 1L. <br />and recorded in 3far[gage Record ......................... Page ...,............. <br />_.......-.__ .........................__..-.......-.._. ISy ....._.........._ __. _................._...._ <br />CoS~aty €lerk e7s' I)eputr County t'ierk or <br />Idr#zws~r n; Deeds Deputy Register of l-a«teda <br />