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_. _ ,, r~. nw~ <br />Fgfe. ~' ~ ~ Depmrtmant of tfia Traaluty = trv[arnai itiavanue S6rvice <br />_~ t~aY.sapiB~,~e.,s~a> Cerfi#ica#e ~f Release ref Federal Tax Lien.. <br />Dis~~7ct ~ Serial Number Fa. <br /> <br />t certify°Ihaf astothe following-named taxpayer, the requirements of suction 6325(a) <br />of2te intemat Revenue Code have been satisfied fior the taxes iist~.d below and <br />for ail slsatUtory additions, Therefore, the lien. provided ty Code section &32t far <br />these rtxes and additions has been released. The proper o#icerrn the office <br />where the notice of intemai revenue tac lien was filed on SPOt.a~ar ?4 , <br />'19_$L_, is authorized to note the books-to show the release of tuts lien for <br />these taxes and additions. <br />Lr #~-+, ~iw 1 <br />Residenw^e <br />iii l9~ <br />dtt~iyi.. ~e 6d1l,~t <br />Kind of Tax ; Tax Period Ended Date of Assessment identifying Number <br />€a~ 6 rep ict ~ td~ <br />...~ ~ 7'~ <br />Optional flse:4p Rocord7ng Offlce <br />Unpaid 8atance <br />of Assessment <br />lei <br />++?? <br />~~ ~ t=~itrg ~ -~- <br />~ ~ TO~aI j s ~~ <br />t <br />Ttt7a ceftifiaais was prepgred and signed at Omaha , "deb ras ka , on this, <br />..._ <br />~ 24th days Eebruarv ,ts 82 <br />Signature ~~'°- ~ ~ Title <br />a!!f! J. Ehl •s' ~ Chier, Special Procedures <br />inogc: cviitncare or 6/t1Gar aufaort[ed t•Y taw ro rake acknow7odyments L not bssaotia! fo the validity of Notice of <br />fadarat. Tax Lien Q.C.M. 281f 4, iP30.7, C.B. 125.) <br />Part 3 - To be used to recording purposes Farm 8fi8 rRev. 9-~8) <br /> <br />