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~--- <br />~,~-~- -~ a 0'7 3 e3 <br />PERSONAL REPRESENTA`PTVES' DEED <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that JAMES J. GOETTSCHE and <br />SHARON S. GOETTSCHE, as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate <br />of George A. Kranz, Deceased, Grantors, pursuant to authority <br />granted them by the Will of the deceased, in consideration of ONE <br />HiJtdDRED THIRTY-TF7O THOUSAND AND NO/i00 DOLLARS {$132,000.00) in <br />hand paid to them by the Grantees, hereby grant, convey and <br />confirm unto VERNON A. HARDERS, DANIEL J. HARDERS and KENNETH V. <br />HARDERS, as tenants in common, Grantees, the following-described <br />premises, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: <br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N~NEq) <br />and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quarter (SVd4NEa} of Section Seventeen (?7), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven {11) <br />West of the 6th P.b1„ Hall County, Nebraska, <br />together with alI tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances <br />thereunto belonging, and a1i the Pstate, right, ti tie, interest, <br />claim or demand whatsoever of the said Estate of George A. Kranz, <br />Deceased, in snd to the same, ar any part thereof, subject only <br />to easements, reservations, covenants and restrictions of record; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises unto the <br />said Gr.:..", ..:d tc t?~eir hers and. assigns forever: and the <br />Grantors hereby covenant that the premises are free and clear of <br />any lien or encumbrance caused by any claim for taxes levied <br />against the Estate of George A. Kranz, Deceased; and that <br />Grantors have legal power and lawful authority> to convey the same <br />and they do hereby warrant that they will defend the title to <br />said premises against- *_he lawful claims of all persons <br />whomsoever. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, James .;. Goettsche and Sharon S. Goettsche, <br />as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of George A. Kranz, <br />Deceased, have caused these presents to be executed this /`;,~` <br />,., ~- <br />day of f' ~? r._ _' ;` 19~. <br />STATSh1~"d1' ATTAC+~SO <br />~]~E$RAaKA i'1DGUN9ENTARY <br />STAB? TAX ~ <br />$~~L1'-.,~--- 8Y <br />ESTATE CF GEORGE A. KRANZ, Deceased <br />>/~ ~ / " _ <br />,r;"ames ,fir Goettsche, <br />j~Co-Personal Representative <br />Sharon S Goett"sche, <br />Co-Personal Representative <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />On this j ~' day of ~',~F-:~~c-~_ 19<~ .?, before mom, a <br />Notary Publie in and for said County, personally appeared James <br />J. Goettsche, one of the Co-Personal Representatives of ti4ie <br />Estate of George A. Kranz, Deceased, to me known tc be the <br />identical person who signed the foregoing instrument, and <br />acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official <br />seal the day as~d year last above written. <br />~¢tdl M6CA1ft -Slats of i{ahras4a ___ .._ .. <br />fAy tSaenm. ~p.waw~.ss6't tfotary Public -._.a <br />