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<br />~~?~ t~U~l'735 M®RT~AGE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made thie_._r13nd _______.__..._. day of A.~efJ?L(LUlt~_ _... _ ___.__ 19 &2... , by and between
<br />Rok~ld_Enie We~.~elr.bu and Javzsa KaW fAe%s.tel:bff, hfa~bartd_and uu e _--
<br />of lia22~ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor 4 ,and Home Federal Savings an6 Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized atxf existing [coder the lees of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee;
<br />WiTNESSETH: That said mortgagor._.d , for and in consideration of the sum of _
<br />Edght Thoclaartd Ten_doX.ecv«_av_fd_00/100 --------------~--- DoDarst`s' ~ 070:00 >,
<br />thereceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do __ __by these presents mortgage atui wi~i•.r>o112 !Atit[inortge~e~itss?iaessors and assigns,
<br />forever, all she following described real estate, situated in the Counxy of
<br />and Stau of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Twenty (20) in Saea Second Su.bd~v.%a~.an .i.n Sec~i.an l4, TawnsYti.p
<br />J Nanth, Range 9 Glea.t a5 the bth P.,u. , HaX2 Colultu, Neb~.cwka.
<br />Together with ail heating., air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in rnnnection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TG HAV E AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Gogethsr with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be~
<br />tonging, os in anywise appertaining, forever, arrd warrant the title to the same. Said margagor a._. .hereby covenant _. with said
<br />mortgagee that _.__.~ he _:!~-.__....1{lLg___. , nt the delivery hereof, the lawful owner ~5... of the premises above rnnveyed and described.
<br />_.y,
<br />`~ and aILP .__sefzed of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritanos therein, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that _.__... e_.y._. wi13
<br />::-warrant apd defsad the title thereto forever sgainst the claims and demands of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />'"" PROVIDEDALWAYS, and this instrument is executed end delivered to secure the payment of the sum of _.__
<br />~~,gf>it.J..a,?fieland T211___df2~gLitS_.9.n~.. Q17~ 7 Q.Q. -. -.- _ _ . _ _. _..- _ _ '. -.-. - Dollars I S ._ . ~.a~ T ~ ~ ~ _.. _ ._ __... I.
<br />e,,.with intereat thereon, together with such charges and ndvances as may be due and payable Co said mortgagee under the terrrrs and conditions
<br />-`•Of the promissory note od even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said rnortgagor.~.. to said mortgagee. payatrle as expressed
<br />in said note, and to secure the performance of all the terms and conditions contained therein. The Germs of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />herein by this rafereace.
<br />tt is the intention and agreement of the parties hereto chat this mortgage shall also secure any future advances made co said mortgage ~___.
<br />by said mortgagee, and any aml all indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated whit}, said mortgagors, or any of them, may awe m
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by Hate, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force gad effect between
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal reprr=ventatives, successors and assigns. untfl all amounts secured 'Hereunder. including tutu rr~
<br />advances, are paid in fuL` wish interest.
<br />'t`he mortgagor_g._ hereby assign ____. to xaid mortgagee all rents and income arising at any and all times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its aptiaa. upon default, to take charge of said property and collect all rents and income
<br />then®from and apply Lhe same to the paymeac of interest, principal, insurance premiums. taxes, ascessmenLV, repairs ar improvements
<br />necessary to keep said property fn tenantabiemndi[ion, or co other chargea or payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />rent essignmeat shall continue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in na manner
<br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in Che collection of said soars by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />The failure aithe mortgagee W assert any of its right hereunder at any Cime shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to assert'. the
<br />same at any kater time, and to insist upon and enforce .trier. complivnce with all the terms and provisiorvs of card Hate and of this mortgage.
<br />If said morCgagar ~ shall tease to be paid w said mortgagee the entire amount duo it hereunder, and under the terms and provisions
<br />of said rote hereby secured., including future advances, and any eztansions or renewals then.~of is acwrdance with the a,ernrs rend provisions
<br />Wemof, aaf ifsaid mortgagor _.~ _ shall Comply with all the provisions of said note and of this mortgage, then thaw: presents shall be void;
<br />oe3arviaat~s remain in foil forte and effect, aadsaid moatga$eesha0 be entitled to the possession of all of said Property, and may, at its option,
<br />declare the whoieof saw. mNc eod all indebtedness represer,ud thereby to be immediately due and payable, and may foreclose this mortgage
<br />or take any other legal astioa to prefect its, right. Appraisement waived-
<br />This mortgagee shall bo bin[Sog upon and ahatl entie to the benefit of,the heirs, uxea:vtors, administrators, successors and assigns of the
<br />reapeccive "pariiasheseta..
<br />EN WITPa.F,SS/ WHF.HE:OF said Morttgagor...b...
<br />e+:°~ ~ /
<br />-~ - ~-`~-
<br />Ra~arld En,%c U~~N
<br />lia Ug-.-hereunto set ...'{,:__ ... hand .(~ _._. the day and year first abavc
<br />a
<br />Jar a Kay CUe~s~e%cby ; -
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